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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.

    • 1:
    • CommentTime25 Oct 2023
    Zapowiada się całkiem, całkiem:

    • 2:
    • CommentTime25 Oct 2023
    • 3: CommentAuthorKonstantyn
    • CommentTime26 Oct 2023
    Fajna gierka.
    • 4: CommentAuthortebe
    • CommentTime26 Oct 2023
    gdzie animacje środowiska, trawa, liście drzew, odgłosy chodzenia w zaleźności od podłoża, zmiany pogody
    • 5:
    • CommentTime26 Oct 2023
    Ciekawe jak bardzo ona jest nowa, a jak bardzo grafika jest z jakiegoś SNESa albo innego Mega Drive'a.
    • 6:
    • CommentTime26 Oct 2023
    Grafikę do tej gry rysowano specjalnie dla Nomad Studio. Np. Molly Heady-Carroll, artystka specjalizują się w potworach, ma swoje konto na instagramie, można obejrzeć jej prace. Stronę też ma: ->link<-

    Tu jej wiwern z gry:
    • 7: CommentAuthorEagle
    • CommentTime26 Oct 2023
    A tilemap usually refers to some kind of tile database (each entry in the database points to a small image). As the screen is automatically refreshed each frame, animating a tile is only about changing the content in the tile database (e.g. the poniter to the bitmap). Even if the whole screen is filled with an animated tile, you only need to chagne one pointer in the database.

    If you have many different tiles in the tile database, it will require some processing power to go trough all the entries in the database (to see which ones are animated). So usually I only animate a few tiles on fixed locations in the tile database. For example in Kings if Edom, there was only one animated tile type on each level.

    PS. Note that the Jaguar does not have hardware tilemap support, like Nintendo, SEGA and NEC consoles. So you have to implement the function that refresh the tilemap on the screen yourself. We had to make that run on the GPU, as it would take 70% of the refresh cycle to run it on the 68000. For the GPU it takes less than 10% of the refresh cycle.

    @TeBe Jaguar ma Object Processor, ale od poczatkow Jaga koderzy sie upieraja zeby robic wszystko na bitmapie.
    • 8: CommentAuthorsolo/ng
    • CommentTime26 Oct 2023
    To dokladnie odwrotnie co Laoo z Yoshem pichca nam w SDK do jaga xd