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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.
$FF8A3C|byte |Line Number Register BIT 7 6 5 . 3 2 1 0|R/W (Blit)
| |BUSY ---------------------------------' | | | | | ||
| |0 - Share bus, 1 - Hog bus -------------' | | | | ||
| |SMUDGE mode ------------------------------' | | | ||
| |Halftone line number -------------------------+-+-+-'|
bset.b d2,(a2) ; Restart BLiTTER and test the BUSY
nop ; flag state. The "nop" is executed
bne restart ; prior to the BLiTTER restarting.
* ; Quit if the BUSY flag was clear.
dbra d7,next_plane
bset.b d2,(a2) ; Restart BLiTTER and test the BUSY
nop ; flag state. The "nop" is executed
bne restart ; prior to the BLiTTER restarting.
* ; Quit if the BUSY flag was clear.
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