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    • 1: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime14 Apr 2010 zmieniony
    how can i do in asm this?
    for i=1 to 10:?i:next i

    how i count from 1 to 10?

    i have this example:
    run $2000
    org $2000

    ldx #0
    loop inx
    stx $bc40
    jmp loop

    then o mod it:
    lda #0
    loop adc #1
    cmp #10
    sta $bc40
    bne loop

    not work..
    • 2: CommentAuthormono
    • CommentTime14 Apr 2010 zmieniony
    scrad equ $58 ;.w
    adr equ $80 ;.w

    ldx scrad
    ldy scrad+1
    stx adr
    sty adr+1
    ldx #0
    ldy #0
    ora #$10
    sta (adr,x)
    lda #40
    adc adr
    sta adr
    bcc *+4
    inc adr+1
    cpy #10+1
    bcc loop

    Edit: Sorry - this code print ':' as 10 :( Look forward for better routine.
    • 3:
    • CommentTime14 Apr 2010
    w1k: swap STA and CMP.
    • 4: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime14 Apr 2010
    it's to hard to understand..:(
    why $80? (128?)
    can you comment that code please? thank you
    • 5: CommentAuthormono
    • CommentTime14 Apr 2010 zmieniony
    @Pecus: sta don't touch flags - it's no problem.

    @w1k: $80..$ff is the user space area on zero page. You can free use these registers.

    But If you want to count and print 2-digit numbers then you need following code:
    scrad equ $58 ;.w - begin of screen
    adr equ $80 ;.w - my work register with address of screen row
    dec equ $82 ;.b - counter in bcd

    ldx scrad ;move first screen row address
    ldy scrad+1 ;to work row address
    stx adr
    sty adr+1
    ldx #1 ;for i=1
    txa ;convert binary number to bcd
    jsr bin2dec

    lsr @
    lsr @
    lsr @
    lsr @
    ora #$10 ;'0' internal code
    ldy #0 ;column #0
    sta (adr),y ;print dec

    and #$f
    ora #$10 ;'0' internal code
    iny ;column #1
    sta (adr),y ;print units

    clc ;calculate next screen row address
    lda #40 ;screen width
    adc adr
    sta adr
    bcc @pass
    inc adr+1
    inx ;next i
    cpx #10+1 ; 10
    bcc @loop

    ;bin to bcd conversion
    ldy #0 ;clear work register
    sty dec
    ldy #8 ;count of bits in byte
    sed ;bcd mode on
    asl @ ;bit shift work only as binary operator (multiplies by 2 in binary)
    lda dec ;multiplies by 2 in bcd mode
    adc dec ;and shift in C from binary number
    sta dec
    bne @loop
    cld ;bcd mode off
    lda dec ;dec has bcd value of A on input
    • 6: CommentAuthortebe
    • CommentTime14 Apr 2010
    org $2000

    .var .byte i = 1

    #while .byte i<=#10

    ldx i

    lda #$ff
    sta $bc40,x

    inc i
    • 7: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime14 Apr 2010
    if i'm a totally novice with asm, with which should i start?
    • 8: CommentAuthormono
    • CommentTime14 Apr 2010
    I know only publications in Polish. IMHO best one is "Assembler 6502" by Jan Ruszczyc ->link<- . Memory map is described in "Mapping of the Atari", but system is detailed in books of Wojciech Zientara ->link<- . Unfortunatelly all (but "Mapping of the Atari") in Polish.
    • 9: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime14 Apr 2010
    i understand polish.. tommorow i starting learn
    (czech/slovak books is it too poor for informations)
    • 10: CommentAuthor0xF
    • CommentTime15 Apr 2010


    then o mod it:
    lda #0
    loop adc #1
    cmp #10
    sta $bc40
    bne loop

    Actually it works, but the whole program completes in a 1/15000 of a second. That's why you see just the final result, which is one character of ANTIC code 10.

    If you're switching from BASIC, keep in mind that asm is thousands times faster.

    The book by Ruszczyc is the best for beginners.
    • 11:
    • CommentTime15 Apr 2010
    @w1k - twój przykład:
    run $2000
    org $2000

    ldx #0
    loop inx
    stx $bc40
    jmp loop

    nie działa, bo jest nieskończona pętla.

    Twój drugi przykład działa natomiast dobrze, chociaż warto zawsze rozkazy zmieniające flagi (zero flag w tym przypadku Cię interesuje z powodu BNE) ustawiać bezpośrednio PRZED instrukcjami je sprawdzającymi (BNE w tym przypadku).
    • 12: CommentAuthorxxl
    • CommentTime15 Apr 2010
    org $bc40
    dta $11
    org $bc40
    dta $12
    org $bc40
    dta $13
    org $bc40
    dta $14

    • 13: CommentAuthorilr
    • CommentTime15 Apr 2010