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$ mos-sim
Usage: sim [OPTIONS] [image]
6502 simulator.
Takes a memory image file.
The image file is a collection of blocks. Each block consists of a
16-bit starting address, then a 16-bit block size, then that many bytes
of contents. Both the address and size are stored little-endian.
The simulated 6502 will execute a reset sequence through the vector at
$FFFC like a real 6502.
Writing to $FFF7 aborts.
Writing to $FFF8 quits normally.
Writing to $FFF9 writes to stdout.
--cycles: Print cycle count to stderr.
--trace: Print each instruction address to stderr.
--profile: Print number of cycles executed at each PC address.
--cmos: Enable 65C02 emulation.
docker run -v .:/workspace -w /workspace -it mrkits/rust-mos mos-sim
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