About the 'April 1st fools day' Rick Dangerous 2 - Forum Atarum

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      • 1: CommentAuthorJosé Pereira
      • CommentTime28 Jun 2024 13:06 zmieniony
      On this day I started some remaking of the screen just for joy.
      Then stoped and never continued untill today that I was here without nothing special to do so here it is...

      Same Antic_4 mode where (playing area part):
      -> BAK: black;
      -> PF0: white;
      -> PF1: orange (light brown);
      -> PF2: blue;
      -> PF3 dark orange (dark brown);

      On the case of Rick is the same:
      -> P0 and P1: black (maybe changes later to the darker gray (02) instead);
      -> P2: green for the shirt;
      -> P3: pink for the skin;
      -> P2 Oring P3 (multicolour): yellow for the hair;
      -> 4Missiles in 5th Player mode (taking PF3 colour): dark orange (dark brown) for the cloak and shoes;

      Don't need to by now redesign more things, but, of course, that the wall's bricks can also be reworked like (many) other things...
      Original one by @Adam: