Atari Font Maker - Forum Atarum

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      • CommentTime4 Dec 2024 06:12 (13 godzin temu) zmieniony
      Istotna zmiana w tym fajnym sofcie kolegi MatoSimi, teraz wersja

      Eric Carr:

      I've really enjoyed this tool the past few years and recently have a project in MODE5 (40x12) and really wanted to see the proper aspect ratio of the view, so I modifed the code to add support for MODE5. (...)

      Clicking "Change GFX" now switches between Mode 0, 4, and 5. It basically draws each character twice as high in the view, resulting in showing the first 13 rows of the view.

      - Save/Restore of view remembers the new mode "ColoredGfx": "2"
      - View switches to 13 rows instead of 26
      - Font selection on the view row spaced to 13 rows
      - Cursor and Mega copy shows correct aspect ratio in view
      - Character editor shows correct aspect ratio
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      • CommentTime4 Dec 2024 13:12 (6 godzin temu)
      Używam, polecam. Mój ulubiony program do tworzenia fontów od lat.