action! and real numbers - Forum Atarum

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      • 1: CommentAuthorw1k
      • CommentTime12 May 2010 19:05
      hi again..
      hi action works with real numbers?

      BYTE E=80.1250
      • 2: CommentAuthortebe
      • CommentTime12 May 2010 21:05
      • 3: CommentAuthorilr
      • CommentTime12 May 2010 23:05
      There is no native real numbers in Action!, but OSS had made a library which support this feature. Look at The Action! toolkit disk and its documentation (pages 19 to 25).
      • 4:
      • CommentTime16 May 2010 01:05 zmieniony
      Action! = SPEEDY.
      Floats on atari = VERY SLOW.

      So Floats != Action! (in terms of IDEA)

      For fast floats use TurboBasicXL.
      • 5: CommentAuthorbob_er
      • CommentTime16 May 2010 12:05
      use bigger integers (16-, 24-, 32- or more bits) instead of floats.