Cze. Miker made some sounds for Gridrunner. I am now using RMT SFX to playback the sound fx.
Miker did 2 sounds with songs. So my first question:
1) How can I easily restart a special song? or a special line in the song? 2) How can I stop RMT? when I am playing a sample via IRQ I need to stop RMT. When RMT still plays a sound, it interfers of course with the IRQ of the sample player. Any ideas?
1. value at accumulator when jsr rmtplyr (=init) declare song line to play from (in features at file rmt_feat, special feat must be set on - if you don't change, it is always sets on by RMT when export module); if i know it is no feature to stop player by special subroutine (except to clear sound registers), so probably to restart module, you should jsr rmtplyr+x (you must check this x in asm source file) to clear sound registers, then just jsr ini with sound line at accumulator.
2. To stop play RMT module i hear only this jsr rmtplayr -> bit rmtplayr ($20->$2c).