Gonzo, to jest dość jasny obrazek, wyrzuć co drugą linię - po pierwsze, mniej zajmie, po drugie - według mnie będzie wyglądać jeszcze lepiej. 9-tka tak ma i można to wykorzystać.
a czemu nie dać tego na 15-tkę? Na razie zrobić "monochrome". Kolory i sprajty można pododawać później. No i może przepatrzeć grafę, ile elementów się powtarza i trzymać je jako zbiory obiektów, która mozna potem "wysypać" na ekran wg mapy danego ekranu. Źle kombinuję? :)
I finally have almost 100% right how it can work...
Because I have almost all the things I need to translate to A8 (Players frames, objects, all LN1&2 screens&Maps,...) I?m now starting to translate/redone the screens.
I am trying to do as many as I can (1/2/3 screens by day)... All the logic is not very dificult to implement. More simple than you can imagine (I don't understand how this taked me so many months untill I get into this stage).
Like I said on AtariAge, I will not explain how I am doing the things... I'm trying to have something like 273 of the LN1 game screens redone on A8, Objects, weapons and Players frames. I don't know how much time this will take. When I get this, and if someone interest in I'll post to it all my screens and ideas, with all the engine I am thinking of... Probably something will have to be redone to fit into the programmer's needs, but no problem... I am doing things in a way that can be open changing.
If you want, you can visit AtariAge on A8 Threads in Topic: The things are going..." (I have problem to translate to here the Web page)
But here are two of the screens (not 100%, allmost!...): ->link<-
Happy to hear you decided to make The Last Ninja screenshots, you can easily take a part in Gfx compo we organized on AtariOnline.pl.
All the logic is not very dificult to implement. (...) if someone interest in I'll post to it all my screens and ideas, with all the engine I am thinking of...
Sure, you can post it, screens looks nicely. However it is risky to say "game implementation is easy" when you are not a programmer.
If you want, you can visit AtariAge on A8 Threads in Topic: The things are going..." (I have problem to translate to here the Web page)
That's easy - just put the link here without bbcode markers:
Now the screens are with 1Charset for 3lines. The screen is 27high, so it takes 9Kb. for chars. I have scaled the Ninja&Enemy frames to 125%, that they look better on the 1:1 to 2:1 conversion. I now have 5chars wide+1left&1right for all shifting/movements. I need in this way 7chars for Ninja, another 7forEnemy and 1for a cell tottaly covered by PF0-Black to use on the left and right borders. It's 15chars. This way I can only use chars (000->112) in each of the screenplay graphics. In 120chars(40charsx3lines) 8/9chars have to be the same in the three lines, but that doesn't have any dificulty.
If you want to keep up to date you can visit hte Thread: "The things are going on" in Atari Age, but here is another screen.
•level3_river_with enemy_joined.xex.png
This one a little more dificult.
I've redone some Ninja&Enemy frames. this is how two of them will look like. This two are like if they were in a game. They use the Pf0-Black and the PMs. for Clothes, Hands, Eyes and Weapons the way I thinked for a real game (the idea I have in mind it could work) and the Priority.
In the lines Ninja&Enemy moves this Pms. are not used in the screen.
I don't know if it's possible with TurboBasic, probably very difficult.
Byu the way, just see this possible Level3 screen of LN1. Only Player2&3 used in PRIOR0. P0&1 free for Ninja/Enemy Weapons/Clothes/Eyes,Hands,... Also not using any MIssile (can be eachother or as 5th Player. 28colours and if you add the Status Panel at the bottom, how many?
José, nice pictures but please don't save in no-Atari resolutions like 250x179 or else with turned on bilinear filtering. Insteed that use for example "Save picture" from Atari800win emulator.
Todays hard work!... O.k. not hard, just a little bit. I continue to use only Players2&3. But this time I didn't even use any Missiles. I get 31colour on this A8 screen (instead of this the C64 only has 13colours).
The things are more clear day by day (PM0&1 for Players Clothes/Weapons, Bodies,...?). And the Japanese Symbols are from Backgr. colour)
I'm using the normal G2F pallette. And then save the screen on the Atari800WinPlus Emulator. On the Emulator I didn't change the pallette.
But probably, the last two screens I tried some different palletes (I don't remember now, and I'm on the Streets...).
I will try later to read the other Thread here about the Pallette Colours.
But, Kaz, what would you think it is the most real Pallette to use in G2F and Atari800WinPlus Emulator? What are the most true one like if it was a real machine in the old days (PAL and NTSC)?
Thanks. Greetings and hope you all receive lots of presents! José Pereira.
I personally use OliverPAL.act for emulator and G2F, seems to fit my real Atari palette. However, Laoo.act and g2f.act are not bad too, I used them previously. You can compare all PAL palettes here:
Honestly I don't have too much expierence with NTSC colors, so it's better for you to use Fox's colors generator to compare your Atari palette (if you have any real hardware):
Very nice screen design! How you get proper colors to pmg prior0? Yours pictures with this feature looks great! (pink home at picture from 23 dec 2009 or sword in this picture)
The Last Ninja na A8 będzie wyglądać mniej więcej tak
Na razie pozostawiam to bez komentarza, żeby nie zapeszyć ;) Prawie wszystko co najważniejsze jest już prawie gotowe, trzeba to tylko dopracować i poskładać w całość. Gry z tego nie będzie, raczej coś w rodzaju demka, a może...
From what we've discussed in AtariAge, I think would be better if you re-design the Ninja/Enemys Frames.
I've redone it to 120%horizontal and get this: (if you are good in design, little changes and you have all the frames reworked. You need to add the the Ninja Jump/Backwards movement, but you've already done it in the "Mansion/Castle" picture)
caruso, nie powiedziałem, że napewno nie będzie, dodałem na końcu "a może" :)
Cała trudność polega chyba na tym, że trzeba stworzyć mnóstwo sprite'ów (są chętni?), ale może nie jest to konieczne. W załączonym pliku zmieniają się tylko dwie klatki, a wrażenie ruchu jest nie najgorsze. Oczywiście Ninja jest zaanimowany na ośmiu klatkach, ale zrobiłem błąd, którego w tej chwili nie naprawię, dlatego puszczam to co mam.
A ja myślę, żeby po trochu użyć też grafy Jose'a (może, jak zajdzie taka potrzeba, po lekkim uproszczeniu, ale zawsze). No i fazy ruchu bohatera też można "jego" wziąć (przyznam się, że po cichu liczę, że "coś" z tego będzie :) ).
miker - nie da rady, próbowałem, nie wychchodzi. Sprite'y z resztą nie są już problemem. Z ważniejszych rzeczy została do zrobienia mapa dozwolonych ruchów i umieszczenie grafiki w dodatkowej pamięci (nie bardzo mam pojęcie jak to zrobić). Ninja ładnie biega po ekranie, a ze sterowaniem nie powinno być większych problemów.
I wasn't "sleeping"... I tried to know/learn some more things and yes, I think I'm nearly there...
I've got the colours for the PFs. in all the LN 3Games Serie. This much match with the Ored of the PMs. Probably some colours don't seem good but that'shat I have for now.
I am also trying not to change the C64 Pixels: Ex. - Grass in one Screen is PF1 than PF1 in all the Game, and so on.
I redone this LN3 screen because it was the first of the Series I already have the MasterScreen/Status Area final version. Let's see where can I go this Time!...
A8 Screens:
Greetings. Suggestions/ideas/feelings always welcome José Pereira