I need music from DEFENDER OF THE CROWN, in PC Dos version are 4 songs, and I need them in .CMC format. For next is there any convert program to CMC music?
The fastest way is to sit down and write it by hands. It is not hard, because instruments are not changing most the time.
I'm asking about cmc/ not cmc, because it is ideal to write it custom, in Action for example (without library, treat this as the machine code). The original timbre would be preserved.
I am greetings you. At this moment I must do little pause on reprograming DOC, to moch work around new house and family. I have got the Intro with music from poison. To JHUSAK, maybe you can help me with sound effect, is possible that you do for me CMC little sound effects? As aimed catapult or shot, crash boulder the wall and so? must be very little files .. For next I am at this moment programing my own special utility for do PMG graphics. I think after christmas I start again the work on Defender of Crown.
For next capitol, I must find somebody who can translate the game in Polish :D yes I will do 3 lauguage version, CZECH, ENGLISH and POLISH. :D But it wil be comming in year 2011...