Komentarz Analmux-a o utworach konkursowych - Forum Atarum

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    Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.

      • 1:
      • CommentTime15 Mar 2009 02:03
      Kolega z Holandii o ksywie Analmux jest znany bardziej na forum AtariAge niz w Polsce, ale wzial ostatnio udzial w naszym konkursie, a takze uwaznie skomentowal wszystkie dopuszczone utwory.

      Oto jego opinie (pozostawilem w jezyku angielskim, zeby nie wprowadzic jakis przeklaman, bo nie znam sie na terminologii muzycznej):

      "I found it was very hard to make any judgement at all about the (other) tunes, but after a few listening sessions I made final choice of scores for all (other) tracks. I took my time to come to these results, as I tried to judge a few basic aspects of the songs.

      1. 4Tk35
      -Comments on Music: Nice build-up.
      -Comments on Instrumentation: Conventional instruments, bass somewhat out of tune.
      -Comments on Sound Quality: Fast arpeggios somewhat disturbing.
      -Comments on Originality: Surprising variations.
      -Opinion: Nice tune and playful effects.
      Total Score: 4

      2. Duper-Super
      -Comments on Music: Slow build-up. The tune doesn't really get started. Though there are nice melodies here and there.
      -Comments on Instrumentation: No drums/percussion. Bass somewhat out of tune.
      -Comments on Sound Quality: Sometimes the volume of instruments are not in balance.
      -Comments on Originality: None.
      -Opinion: Not that interesting. The tune doesn't really stay in mind either.
      Total Score: 1

      3. Here Comes the Night
      -Comments on Music: Relaxed atmospere, but also this tune doesn't really get started.
      -Comments on Instrumentation: Very much out of tune, though some instruments sound interesting.
      -Comments on Sound Quality: None.
      -Comments on Originality: None.
      -Opinion: This song doesn't really ask for more.
      Total Score: 2

      4. Naue
      -Comments on Music: Tempo-changes are a bit odd. The end comes somewhat unexpected.
      -Comments on Instrumentation: Nice instrument combinations here and there. Bass is a bit out of tune though.
      -Comments on Sound Quality: A lack of balance. Nearly all notes play at the same volume.
      -Comments on Originality: Some unexpected chord-sequences, which is nice.
      -Opinion: The tune is quite joyful, but it doesn't really have an interesting basis.
      Total Score: 2

      5. Cosmic Escape
      -Comments on Music: The tune is quite straight and strong.
      -Comments on Instrumentation: Nice PWM samples.
      -Comments on Sound Quality: Very bad, as it is 1-bit. It gives a lot of artefact noises.
      -Comments on Originality: None.
      -Opinion: Quite nice, even a bit "poppy". It is maybe a bit too long.
      -Other comment: The nice thing is that this song should be able to play on ZX Spectrum also.
      Total Score: 2"
      • 2:
      • CommentTime15 Mar 2009 02:03
      "6. Kissparty
      -Comments on Music: Very interesting notes and schemes.
      -Comments on Instrumentation: Very good drums and arpeggios. Bass could be different though, as sometimes it is too flat.
      -Comments on Sound Quality: Very good.
      -Comments on Originality: None.
      -Opinion: Nice tune.
      Total Score: 4

      7. The Last Song
      -Comments on Music: A bit simple. Lack of structure. Some nice melodies though.
      -Comments on Instrumentation: The arpeggios are irritating, and the polycounter instruments are somewhat out of tune, and the drums/percussion isn't really nice. Though, I aprreciate the effort of experimenting with the polycounter type of sound.
      -Comments on Sound Quality: The chosen sounds are a bit shrill. Could be better when volume balance is different.
      -Comments on Originality: Quite original tune.
      -Opinion: Nice tune, but it's a pity the instruments are a bit out of balance.
      Total Score: 3

      8. Lost and Found
      -Comments on Music: Nice build-up. At one moment there's a weird transition.
      -Comments on Instrumentation: Very good, but again the bass is a bit out of tune.
      -Comments on Sound Quality: Very good.
      -Comments on Originality: Sounds very familiar.
      -Opinion: Nice tune with nice variations.
      Total Score: 5

      9. Podnieta
      -Comments on Music: Doesn't come out nice. Drums are a bit missing. The structure of the song isn't clear, and there's not much variation.
      -Comments on Instrumentation: Doesn't always fit. Bass again. However, the synth-articulation is nice.
      -Comments on Sound Quality: Arpeggios not that nice.
      -Comments on Originality: Quite original.
      -Opinion: The tune has nice chords and nice melodic pieces, but doesn't listen licely in total.
      Total Score: 3

      (10. Instrumentarium: No Score assigned, I cannot vote for myself :) )

      11. Follow Your Dream
      -Comments on Music: Nice note slides. A bit monotonous, and it misses a bit of structure.
      -Comments on Instrumentation: Standard instruments, but they are good. Some daring instruments lateron.
      -Comments on Sound Quality: Excellent.
      -Comments on Originality: Very original.
      -Opinion: Though it is a bit monotonous, the tune sounds really smooth.
      Total Score: 5

      12. Cured by Accident
      -Comments on Music: The monotonous beeps at the start and the end are a bit lame. It's too easy.
      -Comments on Instrumentation: Conventional and good instruments, except the bass again.
      -Comments on Sound Quality: Excellent.
      -Comments on Originality: Not that original. I heard many pokeytunes like this.
      -Opinion: The tune sounds clear and clean. Not very interesting though. I would give it 4 points if it was also suitable for mono.
      Total Score: 3

      13. Ruskie pierogi
      -Comments on Music: It is a bit structureless. Nice chords, rather simple. Notes are at the right place.
      -Comments on Instrumentation: Irritating arpeggios. Bass is a bit shrill and a bit out of tune.
      -Comments on Sound Quality: Not special, not bad.
      -Comments on Originality: Nice atmosphere, but it is not daring.
      -Opinion: The tune has a bit summery character, but lacks a bit of extra energy.
      Total Score: 3

      14. Sunset on the Moon
      -Comments on Music: Not that much structure. Unexpected end.
      -Comments on Instrumentation: Conventional instruments & bass not in tune.
      -Comments on Sound Quality: Excellent.
      -Comments on Originality: None.
      -Opinion: This track doesn't really make appeal to me.
      Total Score: 4

      My opinion is only counted in dubious cases, when I my total score was bouncing f.e. between 3 and 4."
      • 3:
      • CommentTime18 Aug 2019 18:08
      Dopiero się dowiedziałem, że kolega Analmux, Bernhard Pos z Holandii, zmarł w 2016 roku. :( Spoczywaj w pokoju!
      • 4:
      • CommentTime18 Aug 2019 20:08
      Szok! :O Również tego nie wiedziałem... Czy coś wiadomo o przyczynach? :( Miał dopiero 35 lat. :(

      Pamiętam go z dyskusji na forum AtariAge w temacie dźwięków i demosceny.
      Znał się na dobrze muzyce, sam trochę tworzył i zależało mu na tym aby więcej wyciągać z możliwości muzycznych na A8. Niejednokrotnie polemizował bądź tylko dyskutował z Emkay'em w tej materii.

      Tu właśnie znalazłem news z Aage:

      R.I.P. Analmux!
      • 5: CommentAuthorxxl
      • CommentTime18 Aug 2019 20:08
      z tego co pamietam... mial raka mozgu, zapowiadal operacje, ale po niej zamilkl na bardzo dlugo, po jakims czasie pisal jeszcze przez chwile ze jest lepiej i jest nadzieja...
      • 6:
      • CommentTime18 Aug 2019 21:08 zmieniony
      Bardzo przykre.
      Nie wiem czy każdy kojarzy, ale to był człowiek odpowiedzialny za ten genialny kawałek (pamiętamy ten utwór z przymiarki do gry Contra)

      • 7:
      • CommentTime18 Aug 2019 21:08
      Ten kawałek nie tylko pamiętamy, ale powstał on specjalnie na konkurs w 2009 roku. Co zresztą wiążę się z tym wątkiem, bo właśnie te komentarze Analmuxa dotyczą utwórów z tego konkursu. Jak widać - skromnie nie oceniał swojej pracy, choć była genialna, także dla mnie. I ten kawałek rekomendowałem do wykorzystania (za zgodą autora oczywiście), a nawet w którymś filmiku użyłem jako podkład.
      • 8: CommentAuthormrroman
      • CommentTime19 Aug 2019 08:08
      No i Analmux znany był też ze swojej próby konwersji Super Mario Brothers na Atari: