First of all I would need to check if "ENTER" command deletes the old program in the memory - if not it would be much easier.
Second thing (if the above works ;) - I recommend the solution used in "Edytor Basica" where the program is forced to break, loop in the keypress of "return" key and this way strictly after loading the next part it can press "return" on every line until it "returns" on RUN or GOTO 20 or anything that will resume the program. (this idea is often used in Basic programs and with CLOAD and RUN to load the next part with short breaks between the records and then automatically execute it)
Minus of this idea is one - the "loading" procedure needs to be running in GR.0 or very cautiously in the text window.
Please let me know if this is the thing you are looking for.
@Paladina - just to explain the above the program when it breaks keeps pressing RETURN and on the screen you may have :
SE. 2,0,0
Which will mean that if a specific POKE command (exactly the same as in Edytor Basica and the programs which use the similar mechanism) is being executed and the program breaks the system switches to interactive mode and normally (without this POKE) you should press RETURN for every single line, like in the above example you would need to manually press RETURN on ENTER "C:" then on SE.2,0,0 (which will change the background to black) and then after pressing RETURN few times you will launch RUN - this POKE will do it for you).
Here is the example found in a very old magazine (I have this one in very poor condition so I don't know the magazines name) but here it is :
10 REM LOADER 20 GR.0 : POKE 709,0: POKE 710,15: POKE 712,15 30 POSITION 5,5:? "LOADING ASL..." 40 POSITION 5,21:? "RUN"
50 POKE 764,12:POKE 842,13: POSITION 0,19 60 CLOAD
as you can see above - the line 50 does the job and line 40 places the RUN command - when the CLOAD in 60 finishes it drops to interpretter but since according to line 50 system keeps pressing the RETURN key it automatically passes through the RUN command thus launching the new program:)
I need this for DISC, "D:xx.xx" ! how is possible to upload parts in body of program? I do a game i 3 language,and need load a parts of others laguage to body of game, then any others parts for subgames... then who can this?
Check if ENTER command erases the program in the memory - (I don't remember) if it DOES NOT ERASE THE PROGRAM IN THE MEMORY you can use it with the combbination of above :)
If not I have a crazy idea that is just as crazy that it may work ;) you can save the listings using LIST but load them using the combination of OPEN, INPUT and then the combination of above method to print the line on the screen - break the program, automatically press "RETURN" on the line and go back loading another line. (theoretically it should work 100%)
And as for disc - obviously replace the command in line 60 :) with whatever you need ;) (in this case you may put ENTER "D:B.BAS" where B.BAS will contain for example lines :
2 gr.2 4 ? #6;"Everything went fine" 6 STOP
so when the first program finishes it will launch the ENTER from the command line and rerun the program (instead RUN you may put as well GOTO 2) and if you see the text "Everything went fine" it will mean that the second part was loaded successfully, if then you can switch to gr.0 and type LIST and you'll see the lines 2,4,6 as well as the old lines - this will mean that... yeah... you have just sorted out your problem :)
ENTER does not erase the program memory so You will be able to add the next part but the last line of the program text on the disk (you will later load it using ENTER) should either contain the GOTO with the point from which you want the program to be resumed or you can use the above mechanism to either automatically press RETURN on RUN or GOTO after loading the next program part.
body program 10 DIM A$(12) 20 RESTORE 50:READ A$ 30 ?"HELLO ";A$ 40 ENTER"D:D.DAT" 45 RESTORE 50:READ A$ 48 ?"THATS ALL" 49 END 50 DATA FIRST 55 GOTO 45
------------ Ok, I need to upload and change parts of my program during Running it and continuing in running... but after the command ENTER"D:D.DAT" its load my news dat and STOP... only READY... no continue!!!!... and I must so load about 60 new lines... then the solution please :D thx.
GOTO 45 should be in direct mode - without line number (55). You can do it only with some ATASCII editor like PE, ED, Panther, etc. or ACTION! editor. Your D.DAT program should be there like:
but you MUST edit and save it with external fullscreen editor - not with BASIC screen editor.