understanding pmg - Forum Atarum

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      • 1: CommentAuthorw1k
      • CommentTime28 Aug 2010 20:08 zmieniony
      hello, i learn pmg.. lot o them i understand, but some things are unknown from me..

      1 RAMTOP=106:REM OS top of RAM pointer
      2 PMBASE=54279:REM ANTIC player-missile RAM pointer
      3 SDMCTL=559:REM Shadow of DMACTL
      4 GRACTL=53277:REM CTIA's graphics control register
      5 HPOSP0=53248:REM Horizontal position register of P0
      6 PCOLR0=704:REM Shadow of player 0 color register
      10 GRAPHICS 0:A=PEEK(RAMTOP)-16:REM Must back up for 1-line resolution
      20 POKE PMBASE,A
      30 MYPMBASE=256*A
      40 POKE SDMCTL,62
      50 POKE GRACTL,3
      60 POKE HPOSP0,102
      70 FOR I=MYPMBASE+1024 TO MYPMBASE+1280
      80 POKE I,0
      90 NEXT I
      100 POKE PCOLR0,140
      110 FOR I=0 TO 15
      120 READ X
      130 POKE MYPMBASE+1100+I,X
      140 NEXT I
      150 DATA 14,29,24,24,24,24,24,24
      160 DATA 24,24,24,24,24,24,184,112
      170 ? " ":REM Clear screen
      180 POSITION 15,6
      190 ? "xdx"

      1-60 OK
      70 - why 1024 to 1280?
      130 - what do this line

      other lines is ok, i understand them..
      • 2: CommentAuthorbob_er
      • CommentTime28 Aug 2010 20:08 zmieniony
      70 - player 0 memory area (256 bytes beginning from pmbase+1024 in one line resolution).
      130 - somewhere in player 0 memory area are data located. each player uses 256 bytes for shape (8 pixels (1 byte) wide, whole screen height - not all are visible).
      • 3: CommentAuthorw1k
      • CommentTime28 Aug 2010 20:08
      @bob_er thank you, now is the best way for understangint pmg more.. :)