my online 8bit stream - Forum Atarum

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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.

    • 1: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime29 Aug 2010 zmieniony
    you can watch me..


    today: sio2sd chip programming with avr atmel
    maybe 19:00-20:00

    watch it :)
    • 2:
    • CommentTime29 Aug 2010 zmieniony
    When the next show is coming?
    • 3: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime30 Aug 2010
    maybe tonight :) i write more info at 17.30
    • 4: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime30 Aug 2010
    ok, im online
    • 5:
    • CommentTime30 Aug 2010
    I'm late again :(
    • 6: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime30 Aug 2010
    You watched the live programming sio2sd chip. the longer punished it finally succeeded thanks to flashjazzcat. i will be continuited with live broadcast, thank you for watching and support, good night :)
    • 7: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime31 Aug 2010
    i stream now :)
    • 8:
    • CommentTime31 Aug 2010
    I'm late again :)
    • 9: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime31 Aug 2010
    and now?
    • 10:
    • CommentTime31 Aug 2010
    Nope. Channel is offline. :>
    • 11: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime31 Aug 2010
    yes, now is offline.. maybe tonight will be online :)
    • 12: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime19 Jan 2012 zmieniony
    tommorow i again start online stream, 9:00am central europe time

    program: one guy give me cassettes with interesting software, so i want save it to PC (600baud/t2000 to .xex)

    • 13: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime24 Feb 2012
    today 13:00 central EU time LIVE
    copying soft from tapes via sio2sd to PC
    • 14:
    • CommentTime24 Feb 2012
    I'm just watching you :)
    • 15: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime24 Feb 2012
    now is only free stuff, i start at 13 :)
    • 16:
    • CommentTime5 Mar 2012
    You had started about half an hour before 13:00 and have finished just around the 13:00.

    I hope Czech Republic is in the same timezone as Poland? ;)
    • 17: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime5 Mar 2012
    i stop recording because budgies..
    • 18:
    • CommentTime5 Mar 2012
    • 19: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime5 Mar 2012 zmieniony
    three budgies :) sometimes are silent, but sometimes very noisy..
    • 20:
    • CommentTime5 Mar 2012 zmieniony
    Cover them with a spreadsheet, they will stop arguing.
    • 21: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime5 Mar 2012
    ..then fly away and clipping again :)

    • 22: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime3 Jun 2012
    again online :)
    • 23: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime25 Mar 2013 zmieniony
    • 24: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime12 Apr 2013
    im online :)
    copying all games from ->link<- to 5'25
    • 25:
    • CommentTime12 Apr 2013
    copying all games from ->link<- to 5'25

    You're my MASTER.
    Do you have so many disks?
    • 26: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime12 Apr 2013
    hm, maybe 600-700
    • 27: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime13 Apr 2013
    back in work :)