UWOL Game ("UWhy not?") - Forum Atarum

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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.

    Just to see if anyone here is interested:

    José Pereira.
    • 2:
    • CommentTime24 Sep 2010
    Correct link:


    ZX Spectrum version from 2009 here:

    C64 conversion from 2010:

    It seems to be simply to make. You can also try hi-res mode with DLI and PMG.

    • 3:
    • CommentTime24 Sep 2010
    Te wampiry to pewnie pracownicy Lehman Brothers ;)
    • 4:
    • CommentTime24 Sep 2010
    e, gupie :)

    ale niech robi, jak umi. :P
    • 5:
    • CommentTime25 Sep 2010
    Te plansze nie sa ruchome, wiec to powinno byc proste do zrobienia. Pewnie nadawalby sie nawet silnik Jet Set Willy od xxl-a (akurat hires). Jest nawet do tego edytor na PC, mozna tam umieszczac duszki. Wystarczyloby wiec poprzenosci grafike ze Spectrum. Na koniec nalozyc PMG (to juz recznie, ale tez za pomoca "mapy danych") i voila...
    Hi, thanks for comments.

    Yes, first Hi-Resol. was my first try.
    But it cannot simply get the same as the GameMap.

    You have:
    COINs:1,2,3,40r5 by Line
    ENEMYS:1 (sometimes 2)
    GHOST (appears on Screen when Time ends) have Prior to all Screen Gfxs,Objs.&other Enemys.

    Using Hi-Resol., the only solution will be:
    COINs.: Use 4Missiles as 5thPlayer (1for each Coin), put PF3 Reg. in Yellow colour. Only coders will say if possible to repeat 1or 2Missiles (because 5or6 Coins By Line aren't many times).
    UWOL: Need 1Player for Skin colour (let's say it's P2), one more for the Clothes (P3)
    ENEMYs:2 maxim. by Line and only P1 left.
    SCREEN BACK WALLS/BRICKS: just PF1&PF2, must have the less Prior, all other will move above.

    AND NOW ABOUT PLATFORMS? no more Players left (probably the P1 of the Enemy1, if there's no Enemy at the Line, impossible, becaus ethere's almost always some Platforms on the Line)

    It could be done if you are constantly using P2,P3 & 4Missiles (as 5th Player) differnt:
    -> one Line:Missiles-COINS, P0-GHOST, P1-ENEMY1.
    -> Other Line: not using 5th Player (no coins)-one PLATFORM, P0-GHOST, P1-ENEMY1.
    ->Must have this Players free in all the Playing Area Lines: P2&P3 always for "OUR GUY", P0 always for the GHOST.

    At the end you'll see that even this always changing, it's not possible, or do you want to have another Monochrome Game?

    Just see the ZX Spectrum Game Map and start think and try if you can do this in Hi-Resol.? :
    • 7:
    • CommentTime27 Sep 2010
    Xxl's "Jet Set Willy" and "Jetpac" (and unfinished "Jet Set Willy in the Land of Dwarves") are not monochrome games, even "JSW" did not use half of possibilities to color game up.
    • 8:
    • CommentTime7 Jul 2012
    Jose, how this project is going?

    The last post in the development topic was from 11th of July (almost year!):


    Video clip looks promising:

    By now it's STOP but I hope

    Gauntman didn't have much time later.
    He is saying he will continue some Months later but it never happens.
    Last time he says he will try to get time this Summer.
    I've send him a Message last week but no answer untill now.

    All game screens (including static Loading, end of game and kill screens), all the Levels screens Map and colours, all the sprites shapes, the Music almost and the Uwol's guy shapes was the last thing.

    Some modifications on the sounds and that soft sprites running with pixel Masking perfection.

    I hope he will get time to finish this as it is so near the end.
    From me it was all done and send to him:
    -> All gfxs
    -> All levels colours
    -> All game map screens
    -> All soft sprites shapes with PMGs under/overlays.
    • 10:
    • CommentTime8 Jul 2012
    Well, it sounds pretty nice (as for making this game playable) and I hope Joses' ideas will turn into reality at last (unlike Gonzo's previews that looks like a joke sometimes...).
    • 11: CommentAuthornosty
    • CommentTime8 Jul 2012
    Jose don't give up!
    It could be a great game.
    Problem is that I always try to finish my work and give all the guys need to do the code.
    Things start but then at some part they just stop.
    Why this is happens to me?

    I have more than 12 games in the hands of some coders and some were started...
    And in UWOL case I even have the rights and permission from the Spanish guys of Mojon Twins.
    • 13:
    • CommentTime9 Jul 2012
    Why this is happens to me?

    It happens to everyone who is not a coder. Time to understand how rare is combination of Atari programming skills and spare time :D. Most of graphicians have similar problems with coders, so don't feel alone :)

    I have more than 12 games in the hands

    Can you name them?
    O.k. if we talk in all my screens at AA I have many, many more but games that, at least were talked with programmers or are in their hands waiting:
    PAC-MANIA (from the Master System version)
    LAST NINJA series
    SOLOMON'S KEYS (from the NES version)

    These at least I can have the gfxs, sprites and playable ways to do them on A8.

    EDGE GRINDER it's a personal project I have with Serbian Popmilo (but also PRINCE and SOLOMON's).
    And UWOL with Gauntman.

    I think all the others can be done by any coder because I think the guys around them wouldn't be upset as they didn't start them (only BARBARIAN has the soft sprites guys moving and I think the coder can give it to anyone interested).
    • 15: CommentAuthornosty
    • CommentTime9 Jul 2012
    Jose, if Gauntman really can't finish UWOL maybe he could give sourcecode to other programmer?
    Problem is that Gauntman doesn't go to AA from October 2011 and FormatWar May 2012.
    I have his Mail and even the Mail (the only place I can talk with him) he's Months to answer my posts.
    On May we talked (after many sucessive posts I send him Months before) and he said he probably will return to A8 on Summer.
    Two or three weeks ago I send him another post, no answer.
    Again last week and I still have no answer.

    This was going so well because we have almost all in a Month or two but then he started to disappear... More than a year ago.
    It's very strange nowadays people don't use Internet, mails and like us don't see what is happening in retro computers and A8 in particular.
    An no, he doesn't seem to enter 'in Private' because on the last time he answered me he asked what was happening in the A8 scene.

    I simply just don't know what I have to do more.
    • 17: CommentAuthornosty
    • CommentTime9 Jul 2012
    @Jose - I suppose you know all levels.
    The enemies always moves left/right horizontaly only? I know that ghost is an exception. But others?
    Always only one enemy can change to ghost?
    How many enemies can be on screen and in one line at the same time?
    Nosty I have all the things but not the guys running code.
    It was me that developed all the game idea translated into A8.
    Gauntman only coded exactly my idea, exactly the way I said him (like you see on that video...)

    The game fits in 2Charsets:
    -> One for the Top and Bottom Hi-Resolution status Area
    -> The other for the Playing area (and it fits in 128chars including the guys with shifting)

    All screen done using PRIOR0 and DLIs to place the PM2&PM3 COINS UNDERLAYS and ENEMYS SAME PM2&PM3 but overlays on different Lines.

    Then you have:
    -> UWOL guy it's 4colours:P0/PF1/P0overlayPF0/P0 overlay PF1
    -> GHOST it's 4colours: same as 'our guy' but with P1
    (these two move in 4directions and the Ghost freely over gfxs, because no PF2&PF3 there's no colour clash)
    -> Maximum 3ENEMYS at some screens and they only move horizontal.
    Enemy use P2 and/orP3 underlays.

    -> COINS: different Lines than Enemys uses P2&P3 underlays (M2&M3 quadruple width if necessary), but if the same line they use Missiles and P3

    PF0: Almost Black (0,2)
    PF1: Lilac (5,8)
    BACKGR.: (8,4)
    same for all game levels

    Then changes PF2: On the walls different layouts/colours/Levels and PF3 different Platforms DLIs.

    If you're interested I can send you all with more explanations.
    José Pereira.
    The GHOST only gets into screen when you're out of the time.

    As I said, the Playing Area with the soft sprites fits in the A8 Charsets=128chars.
    The screen organization it's:
    -> All gfxs are 2x2chars Tiles (Enemys also the same size but you have to 'Add' the shifting)
    -> The layout it's organized by 2chars lines high
    (It's at the end of eachone of these that you DLI to have the COINs underlays and/or the Enemys PMGs. but always one scanline before the 'Badline/Multiple of 8')

    For example:
    -> 4COINS joined are covered by P3 quadruple width underlay
    -> 1 ENEMY moving above them it's P2 overlay.


    Another example:
    -> 2COINs are 2Missiles qaudruple width
    -> 2 Enemys moving above them are P2 and P3 overlay.

    It may seems a little bit tricky but as you can see from the video it works...
    It's just a soft sprite routine(maximum 4sprites 2x2chars more shifting) and PMGs. with DLIs. every 16scanlines
    • 20:
    • CommentTime9 Jul 2012
    good luck José. Game looks promising.
    • 21: CommentAuthorAdam
    • CommentTime9 Jul 2012 zmieniony
    José didn't mention here that the full C source code for ZX Spectrum can be downloaded free from the official Mojon Twins site:

    It would be a great help in writing the game, however his & Gauntman's version was started in assembler...
    There's no need for the code as the A8 version has to be always done from scratch and that's what gauntman did.

    If I want the Assembly code I could always get the 6502 of the C64 version as it was done by a portuguese guy like me.
    • 23: CommentAuthornosty
    • CommentTime10 Jul 2012
    @José - I understand your conception. But the pyramid screen shows that game has 55 rooms. So, a programmer must make individual DLI procedures and PMG's positions for every single room?! Mountains of work!
    • 24: CommentAuthornosty
    • CommentTime11 Jul 2012
    OK. I think there is possible to generate automatically DLI procedures and other data.

    BTW. Mojon's levels editor (UWOLmaps.exe) is awesome! It looks like commercial software and it can show grapics and maps for ZX, CPC, MSX and PC!
    Still no answer from Gauntman and I started to join all things into a single Folder and it may take some days untill I finish.

    Nosty do you have any interest in UWOL coding for A8?
    O.k. don't know if it is good or not but I send him another Mail and he finally answered.
    He intends to re-start again this or the next Month.
    We agree that if untill the end of August he didn't have nothing new/restart the UWOL's coding then he send me all the code/stuff he has to other(s) use to finish it.
    • 27: CommentAuthorAdam
    • CommentTime11 Jul 2012

    José Pereira:

    O.k. don't know if it is good or not but I send him another Mail and he finally answered.

    It's good, José, there is some hope for this game. Good luck! :)
    • 28: CommentAuthornosty
    • CommentTime12 Jul 2012
    Jose - good news! But if Gauntman didn't finish UWOL let me to know please.
    • 29: CommentAuthornosty
    • CommentTime14 Sep 2012
    Jose, two months passed... any news?
    We had some talking in August and he said he was coding it again...
    Like on 10th of August:

    "Quoting Mark Schmelzenbach :
    Hi José,

    Yes - I have started coding on A8 UWOL again -- currently I am putting
    together a soft-sprite demo. This will have the main UWOL player,
    ghost and 2 goblins moving around on screen (the most objects moving
    at once -- when looking at the game this time I noticed that when
    there are 3 goblins on screen and time runs out, one of the goblins
    turns into a ghost -- which helps free time necessary for drawing the
    ghost). I have most of the sprite demo finished. I expect to have it
    done by next weekend.

    Once the drawing demo is complete, I can start pulling in the game
    logic from the previous version, and should have a playable screen
    fairly quickly for testing. The intro, outro, and middle screens will
    be last.

    I am having to redo the screen architecture (last time, I used 5
    fonts, creating a virtual bitmap screen out of characters which sped
    up goblin drawing enormously -- but I could not get player/ghost to
    work very well -- this time, a single font; Depending on flicker, I
    may need to go to page flipping, but I will know soon).

    Two questions:
    1) The player graphics I have assume a PF0 of $02 -- not 0, which
    means the borders will also be $02. Should I set the top and bottom
    score areas to $02 as well?
    2) I am not sure I have the final copy of the music (the set that fit
    all songs into 4k)... do you or (...) have that version? If not, I
    think I have one that is close - but the file name seems wrong.

    I will send you another update by next Sunday.



    On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 11:23 AM,"

    Then I sent him all the stuff I have, again, including some new frames of the Enemys and the guy that seemed better to me.

    He answered me in 5th of September:
    "Hi Jose,

    I am heading back home after a short holiday (Labor Day in the US to
    end summer). I have what I need at the moment. I may set up a git
    server over the next week so you can pull down source, etc.


    Sent from my Samsung Moment™ only on the Now Network™"

    Just send him another message.