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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.
Unpacked size of the Poison's lame "demo" is about 700 kB. Main animation itself has 287 frames in Antic 4 mode. Each frame was optimized using G2F but it still has 2 kB (1 kB for charset and 1 kB for screen data). TIP pictures eat some memory too. Poison just wanted to create something for his 1 MB upgraded Atari but I'm not a demo coder (and I'll never be) so some stupid big animation was the only solution. The "demo" itself is a joke. All those "Poison rulez", "megademo", "new age", "revolution" messages are just fun but it seems that nobody understand Poison's weird and crazy style of humour. Please note that music was composed in stereo CMC (not in RMT). And one last tip: you can skip title part by pressing space (another "joke" by Poison).Od 1 do 15 z 15