Big search for BARBAR - Forum Atarum

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    • 1: CommentAuthorPaladina
    • CommentTime6 Oct 2010
    Hello to all Atari fans, in this way I will ask to every one for help, big search for BARBARIAN on Atari.


    For many years ago a become on atariad a disk with Barbarin, load the title screen (man with sword) and after while it will ask for password, it was polish. I have got this disket but become error, then its lost.

    It was Single Density disk with many files, I think about 12 or soo..

    please search your library and so.. I think it was from Poland... who help to find it?

    Thx. Paladina.
    • 2:
    • CommentTime6 Oct 2010

    • 3: CommentAuthorPaladina
    • CommentTime7 Oct 2010
    Not this version from Avalon. Its load title screen "Man with sword" - upper link of ZX spectrum version, there you will see the title screen.
    • 4: CommentAuthors2325
    • CommentTime7 Oct 2010
    I think it was fake game made by polish pirates.
    • 5: CommentAuthorilr
    • CommentTime7 Oct 2010
    A few years ago here was discuss about this game. It was a fake.
    • 6:
    • CommentTime7 Oct 2010
    S2325 is right, it was a fake, not a real game. I also looking for this production, if someone has it - please let me know!

    Jesli ktos ma ta podpuche to poprosze. Zyga mial to kiedys na kasecie, szukalismy, ale bez skutku.