Please help to find a game - Forum Atarum

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    • 1: CommentAuthorPetenokor
    • CommentTime7 Oct 2010
    I'm looking for game I've played on Atari 800XL. I don't remember the name but I can discribe it.

    There was a man who was rolling on some wheel. Some times he needs to jump on... may be backs of crockodails to pass some water. And on the other side someone with a is waiting for this man.
    • 2: CommentAuthors2325
    • CommentTime7 Oct 2010
    Quest for Tires?
    • 3: CommentAuthorPetenokor
    • CommentTime7 Oct 2010
    Yes-yes, this is it! Thank you!
    • 4:
    • CommentTime7 Oct 2010
    Full name:

    • 5:
    • CommentTime7 Oct 2010
    Taka głupiutka gra, a pamiętam że wciągała ;)
    • 6: CommentAuthorPetenokor
    • CommentTime7 Oct 2010 zmieniony
    "Taka głupiutka gra, a pamiętam że wciągała ;)"

    Polish-Russian translator has made a very stupid translation of this sentence. So I try to understand it by myself. Did you mean that game was very stubid but you remembered that it had been interesting for you earlier and you had playen it with pleasure?
    • 7: CommentAuthorPetenokor
    • CommentTime8 Oct 2010
    Thaks for link.

    I can't jump ovet the water here - ->link<- I don't know how to do it. Can someone help me? :)
    • 8: CommentAuthorPetenokor
    • CommentTime8 Oct 2010
    I have already done it )
    • 9:
    • CommentTime8 Oct 2010


    Polish-Russian translator has made a very stupid translation of this sentence. So I try to understand it by myself. Did you mean that game was very stubid but you remembered that it had been interesting for you earlier and you had playen it with pleasure?



    I can't jump ovet the water here - ->link<- I don't know how to do it. Can someone help me? :)

    You driving your wheel too slowly. Press fire and push right to speed up. Fire and left to slow down.