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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.
Większość współczesnych języków oferuje tylko konstrukcję while. Co prawda często jest wariant ze sprawdzaniem warunku na końcu, ale w zasadzie nie stosuję - przy prawidłowej konstrukcji warunku i inicjalizacji zmiennych przed pętlą nie jest to potrzebne.230 Q=Dpeek(778):Open #7,4,0,"D1:W?SIECI.BXE"
240 Point #7,Q,0:Get #7,Q
250 While Q<>251:Get #7,Q:Endwhile
Main Features
1. Although Advan BASIC is a compiler, it has many of the user friendly features of an interpreter.
a) You enter programs using the BASIC, not an editor.
b) Program lines are checked for syntax errors as you enter them; any errors detected are immediately displayed.
c) In most cases, error messages are given, rather than error numbers.
d) In most cases, Advan shows the line and position in the line where the error occurred.
e) Several disk commands are built-in. You can get a directory, or kill, lock, unlock, and rename a file without leaving the BASIC or effecting the program in memory.
2. Advan BASIC supports integer, real, and string variables.
a) Variable names may be any length.
b) Strings don't need to be dimensioned.
c) String arrays, as well as integer and real arrays, are available (up to 64 dimensions).
d) Real and integer numbers may be mixed in expressions.
e) The ability to use integers is especially important since they take up only 1/3 as much space, and calculations are at least 3 times faster than those with real variables and real numbers.
3. REPEAT-UNTIL, WHILE-WEND, CASE, IF-THEN-ELSE, and multi-line IF commands are available. Also, program lines can be indented. These commands make it easier to program, and allow many of the techniques used in structured programming.
4. There are special commands for player-missiles.
a) You can define a figure and insert the figure into a player or missile.
b) You can set up the program to automatically move a player horizontally or vertically at specified rates. Once started, their positions will be changed automatically during the vertical blank interrupt, so that the program can do other things during their movement.
c) You can set up the system to automatically change a displayed figure as well as automatically move it. This allows player-missile animation
without the need for machine language code.
5. Advan BASIC uses three commands to take advantage of the ATARI sound capability. One of then lets you set up a tune or a sequence of sounds which the system plays automatically (the program can do other things while the sound is being generated). You can even specify whether the sound will be repeated continuously, played once, or played a given number of times.
6. There are two commands which use the ATARI display list interrupt capability. One lets you insert or remove a display list interrupt. The other lets you change what is done at the interrupt.
7. Functions and named subroutines are available. From zero to four arguments may be used.
8. An assembler is built into Advan BASIC.
a) Mnemonics can be used for 6502 commands.
b) You can use line numbers to specify the destinations of jumps and branches.
c) You can directly access and use BASIC variables in language code.
d) The assembly language code can be inserted into a BASIC do not have to worry about where to place the machine language code.
9. There are several utility programs on the Master disks:
a) Programs to copy files or disks and to format disks.
b) A program which allows 64K of the 130XE computer's memory to be used as a RAM disk.
c) A program to check if a variable has been used only once. This is useful in catching misspelled variables.
d) A checksum program which is useful if you are sending program listings to friends, newsletters, or magazines.
10. Several optional packages are available:
a) A group of utility programs, including renumber, cross reference, and a program to produce special execute only system disks. You can compile one or more programs to one of these system disks and then run the program without loading Advan BASIC. This means you can give or sell programs to people who don't have Advan BASIC.
b) A screen design program that lets you design a display which uses several different graphics modes, and even allows you to design alternate character sets. What's more, there are special named subroutines on this disk which you can append to your program. They give you commands for horizontal and vertical fine scrolling and a special plot command for plotting data to these custom displays.
Ten Advan Basic w teorii jet super wypasiony.100 DO
200 IF PEEK(53279)=%3 THEN EXIT
300 LOOP
400 END
100 While 1
200 If Peek(53279)=3 Then Pop:Goto 400
300 Endwhile
400 End
PS. Pytanie na poczet tworzenia obiecanej gierki w Basic XE :)Kaz:
Az strach zapytac, o czym bedzie gra :)Od 1 do 43 z 43