RMT hacking - Forum Atarum

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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.

    • 1:
    • CommentTime24 Jun 2024


    @rosomak Makary siedzi sobie gdzieś z boczku i różne takie cudeńka bez sampli rzeźbi ;)

    pytanie skąd można ściągnąć pliki dla RTMa, np. ten "Neuro PUNK"
    • 2:
    • CommentTime24 Jun 2024
    kuchwa, to jest takie zaj****e, że nie mam słów, więc tylko zawyję auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
    • 3: CommentAuthorbruno_j
    • CommentTime24 Jun 2024
    @Cyprian, a to już musisz Makarego pytać.
    Na swojej stronie udostępnia XEX.
    • 4: CommentAuthorbruno_j
    • CommentTime24 Jun 2024 zmieniony
    @pirx, a to słyszałeś?
    • 5:
    • CommentTime24 Jun 2024
    jak nie jak tak
    • 6: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime24 Jun 2024 zmieniony
    On one side, it is nice to see that people now use PWM besides me ;)
    Remember that PWM always has been there and I was doing that 20 Years ago , using incomplete software.

    You guys still don't see the point of my work.

    If you can do a full working game using Makary's tunes at double speed ....
    My tunes can run at some "scanlines speed" in a single vertical blank.

    The software to create best music using PoKey simply hasn't been written yet.
    Either instrument creation isn't working as it should, the emulations still don't really fit to the real thing, or the Tracker commands for real music programming weren't available.

    If someone could pack the Altirra sound library bugfree together with RMT 1.31 features plus dxRMT's tracker commands into one Tracker, it would solve miracles ;)
    • 7:
    • CommentTime25 Jun 2024 zmieniony


    @Cyprian, a to już musisz Makarego pytać.
    Na swojej stronie udostępnia XEX.

    dzięki, przeoczyłem to.

    Posłuchajcie co można wycisnąć z dwóch kanałów TIA:
    • 8:
    • CommentTime25 Jun 2024
    Dobre! Przywołuje skojarzenie z hexagonem.
    • 9: CommentAuthorFoster
    • CommentTime25 Jun 2024
    TIA ;) no to takie tam kolejne moje rozkminki nad rmt, pierwszy kawałek w 1xVBI, a Glitch w dwóch (aczkolwiek jest wersja i w jednej ramce).

    Don't fade to grey

    Glitch in the matrix
    • 10: CommentAuthorbruno_j
    • CommentTime25 Jun 2024
    @Foster TIA to ojciec Pokeya i ten sam głuchy inżynier go projektował. ;)
    A co do muzyczek, to brzmią hmmm... dziwnie. Ale ja lubię takie!
    • 11: CommentAuthorFoster
    • CommentTime25 Jun 2024
    "Piłem" li i jedynie do nazwy wątku :) Inżynier nie był wcale głuchy. Dla mnie pokey dopiero odsłania swoją paletę barw. Tu nie jest nic podane na tacy, swoje trzeba przepracować w rmt/z tym chipem. Jedynie od ludzi zależy, co z tym dalej zrobią i na ile wyobraźni, odwagi komu starczy, by to wykorzystać, eksplorować i się z tym podzielić. Dzięki @bruno_j za dobre słowo :)
    • 12:
    • CommentTime25 Jun 2024
    Foster, kuuuur dema mi się same w głowie pisza do tych kawałków, szkoda, że z głowy na kibodo nie przeskakują.
    • 13: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime25 Jun 2024
    Simple as is.
    The tunes always run in single VBI, so the screen isn't interfered with programming pauses...

    I still wonder if someone is able to do such "simple intro" with double speed tunes....

    • 14: CommentAuthorFoster
    • CommentTime25 Jun 2024 zmieniony
    @Pirx - też tak mam hehh. Jbc, muzę się ogarnie ;)

    bdw. w opisie na yt umieszczam link do dysku go_Ogle z plikiem uruchamialnym na Atari - zawsze to przyjemniej na własnym sprzęcie odpalić <3 niż stream.
    • 15: CommentAuthorgorgh
    • CommentTime25 Jun 2024
    Pierwszy kawałek świetny, dzięki za xex
    • 16: CommentAuthordhor
    • CommentTime25 Jun 2024
    I o to chodzi, tak się powinno używać Pokeya, świetne brzmienia. Brawa!
    • 17: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime25 Jun 2024 zmieniony
    At the end the tool counts that allows any musician to do the music he wants to do.
    dxRMT is so close, but those idiots at Atariage made rensoupp quitting the scene.
    • 18:
    • CommentTime26 Jun 2024
    nowe szaleństwo na TIA:
    • 19: CommentAuthormono
    • CommentTime26 Jun 2024 zmieniony
    Bardzo japońskie w brzmieniu.
    Ale to używa sampelków czyż nie?

    Edit: A przynajmniej jakaś synteza tam się dzieje.
    • 20:
    • CommentTime26 Jun 2024
    Tam jest więcej niż 2 kanały.
    • 21:
    • CommentTime26 Jun 2024
    @jhusak: w opisie jest przecież napisane 2xTIA :D

    ale brzmi zajebiście.
    • 22: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime30 Jun 2024
    • 23: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime3 Jul 2024
    I wished that Corrscope thing was there 20 years ago.
    It just shows what's going on .

    As there were still timing problems in the RMT POKEY emulation, which can be seen easily....

    slight timing changes

    Probably someone might had have an idea to fix that, decades ago ;)
    • 24: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime10 Jul 2024
    This Corrscope thing is really great as it clearly shows what's going on.
    The middle line shows that every wave has it's defined sound. Nothing is random.

    The point is to use POKEY's feature to program intervalls at single VBI speed, to have the sounds "inbetween" that programming time...

    • 25: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime22 Aug 2024 zmieniony
    You know what is pissing me of ?
    The idiots at Atariage.
    We had a coder at hand that was able to do the needed things for real pokey music.
    Reminder: The polycounter basses were not so clean at note. But dxRMT allowed to do realtime corrections.

    It's not the limits of PoKey...
    • 26: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime23 Aug 2024 zmieniony
    Some rework on the "Dual Tune" basses. Well, as possible in RMT1.31

    • 27: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime23 Aug 2024
    And for those who want to recognize the real possibilities ;)

    • 28:
    • CommentTime23 Aug 2024
    YOu mean you are switching two false notes in a desired proportion to get more less right tuning sound?
    • 29: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime23 Aug 2024
    False Notes means to not using the correct frequency range.
    But the frequency range is kept.
    So you might rephrase your question.
    • 30: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime23 Aug 2024
    Additionally: Only dxRMT allows realtime FX playing music.

    It makes "wrong" frequencies irrelevant.
    So, still the Software is missing...
    • 31: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime25 Aug 2024 zmieniony
    Made by emkay ;)

    Reminder that 15kHz is even worse.... ;)
    And it's 1 VBI speed.

    At about 01:03 to 01:07 , you hear a PWM based "circle around" the high pitch tone, which is not random.

    It's those small things that show what could be possible, if the tracker uses all possible feature to manipulate POKEY's registers.
    • 32: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime30 Aug 2024 zmieniony
    SID like Filter in the bass and ofcourse in the PWM channel.

    The PWM is still stable, using portamento ...

    Still 50Hz programming ....

    • 33: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime6 Sep 2024
    • 34: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime8 Sep 2024
    • 35: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime10 Sep 2024
    Same as last one . PWM timing set different on 2 instruments.

    • 36: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime15 Sep 2024
    High Pass Filter with PWM can sound like a Low Pass Filter....

    • 37: CommentAuthorrosomak
    • CommentTime15 Sep 2024
    Dawano nie było niczego do posłuchania, a tu Ci masz, pierwsze 55 sekund ostatniego kawałka całkiem nieźle
    • 38: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime16 Sep 2024 zmieniony
    Indeed. The first 55 seconds sound like some 64kHz tune. But there is still the real deep notes and the "LFO" sound.

    You don't get the value of this solution, because you have heared POKEY sounds from strange hardware "upgrades" or CPU outpowering stuff...

    It's (the LFO sound) actually put to a low volume. It could be much louder.
    As it is using MOD-Files.... they use "multisamples" .... Things would get interesting, if a Tracker allows to handle SID Files....
    • 39: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime18 Sep 2024
    More modulation bass....

    • 40: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime7 dni temu zmieniony
    Same as in 15kHz where the PWM can cut high sounds, it works in 64kHz.
    Removing the high sounds from a squarewave, results in some triangle/sinewave sound.
    The main problem still is the invalid timing in RMT. Altirra is correct, but inside the editor, the resulting sound were too wobbly...
    I wonder , if someone could solve that problem one day....
    • 41:
    • CommentTime7 dni temu zmieniony
    Mnie się to bardzo podoba! :)

    Skąd ten utwór?
    • 42: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime7 dni temu
    Originally it is "Chordian" from C64.
    I had to enter the notes from a YT-Video ... long time ago...