8-bit Racing Game - Forum Atarum

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    Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.

      • 1:
      • CommentTime21 Apr 2011 11:04 zmieniony
      Jeszcze niedawno niejaki Psychonaut wypytywal mnie przez YT o to, w czym sie programuje na Atari, a tu prosze, juz robi jakies przymiarki do gry (w turbobeju):

      • 2: CommentAuthors2325
      • CommentTime21 Apr 2011 11:04
      całkiem ciekawe, prawie jak:

      Hi there, that was from older version of the "game". Now I have reworked it a bit, so here is one screen. Project is still alive !
      • 4:
      • CommentTime24 Apr 2011 12:04
      Wow! Impressive gfx. Converted or drawn by you?
      • 5: CommentAuthorkade
      • CommentTime24 Apr 2011 13:04
      Kokpit chyba z Alfy 156 :) daje rade!
      It was converted from a JPG using G2F program.
      • 7:
      • CommentTime2 May 2011 11:05 zmieniony
      Next car that will be added , can you guess what it is?

      will the final version be compiled (CTB) ?!? And if so, how about using the CTB-linker to link the Runtime and CTB into one (*.XEX) file...?!?

      -Andreas Koch.
      Of course it will be compiled. i have tryed making one XEX file of it but no success. help will be usefull....;-) I have compiled it into .COM file and it was ok.
      • 11:
      • CommentTime2 May 2011 23:05
      Nice, even it's slow.
      I have compiled it and the speed had increased for a little bit, so it's normally playable :)
      Playable "tech-demo" :)

      • 15:
      • CommentTime16 Jun 2011 23:06 zmieniony
      well, a still little bit too slow, I think.
      try to use char mode instead of bitmap mode,
      If I were you I would use C/Atalan instead of TBXL for this game....
      I you wanna stay with TBXL try to use PMG for car instead of slow redrawing. Especially if your car moves horizontally only.

      perhaps this is only try and you've alredy known that (sorry)
      it is more like a tech demo, if it is possible to do something that looks like a racing game in turbo basic. using pmg graphics would be fine for car movement, but i have no idea how to use pm graphics..little help would be fine ;-) and i have one question, how can i use bitmap pictures like my cockpit in char mode?
      • 17:
      • CommentTime17 Jun 2011 10:06 zmieniony
      try to use pmtoolkit procedure, for instance
      this is very easy to use in TBXL, and you can simply add it to your code.


      In fact you dont need this procedure, because car moves horizontally only, but as a start you can use it anyway

      g2f helps you use picutres in char mode, as far as I can see you need at least 2 KB extra for characters for this cocpit, but you can safe some memory using graphics 12 instead of 15.
      then you should write DLI procedure which change characters sets every frame 3 times (2 charactes sets for cocpit). I can help you i you wanna, but please be informed that I'm little bit overloaded, so you nedd to wait for help some time. better try to do it yourself :D

      as a beginning - write your picture form g2f as a source code and check DLI. firs of all try to understand it:


      is it possible to share source code?

      I can repeat for now, If you want make this game playable really, I think you should use at least C/atalan instead TBXL and it is worthy of it.
      TBXL is nice for some logical games, but too slow for most arcade games (my opinion)

      but, as a TBXL it looks as a good job:)
      Wow. many thanks :) of course it is possible to share , nothing special there in the code. here it is in *.txt form:
      Compiled demo with 2 cars to choose and is still in progress. New demo with more to show coming soon..
      • 20:
      • CommentTime31 Jul 2011 20:07
      do you wanna stay with TBXL with this project?
      • 21:
      • CommentTime31 Jul 2011 21:07
      tak, właśnie też się nad tym zastanawiałem - Atalan probably be more effective for this
      For this time (project) I stay with TBXL. It will be very difficult for me to teach a new language now and then convert everything to it. After I finish this game I start to learn Atalan and maybe a sequel will be written in Atalan. There are many good features of atalan like direct use of RMT files and so on. If someone could provide some useful links on Atalan programming I would be more than a happy person :)
      • 23:
      • CommentTime1 Aug 2011 10:08
      If you really want to stay with TBXL you should use PMG for car (first of all). Then you should try use char mode instead of bitmap mode (second). If I were you I would try color rotation to imitate road move insetad of stick redrawing.
      • 24:
      • CommentTime1 Aug 2011 10:08
      Psychonaut25: sometimes it's better to stop doing something what going wrong, than to eventually discourage self...

      Author of Atalan is a user of this forum: ->link<- ->link<- .
      Thanks for links!
      • 26:
      • CommentTime16 Oct 2011 00:10
      Psychonaut25 - how's your project going on?