Abbuc Software Contest 2011 - Forum Atarum

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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.

    Here are the official results of the software contest 2011:

    1. Marbled 503 P.
    2. Mighty Jill Off 490 P.
    3. Roxblox 432 P.
    4. ICE 359 P.
    5. PDP-8-Emulator 343 P.
    6. Starroad 309 P.
    7. CRC32.COM 287 P.
    8. Sheriffs Job 280 P.
    9. Pixel Paint 213 P.

    And here you can download "Roxblox":


    Hopefully more programs for free download will follow soon (as said 1000 times before, this depends on the decision of the author, not on ABBUC)...

    -Andreas Koch.
    And err,

    the updated version of CRC-32N can be downloaded here:


    and another version CRC-32N2 can be found here:

    Greetings, Andreas Koch.
    Should have my ICE editors up for download soon. 4th place! I am excited ...
    • 4:
    • CommentTime1 Nov 2011

    • 5:
    • CommentTime1 Nov 2011
    Dzięki miker. Ciekawe czy pojawi się Mighty Jill Off, wygląda interesująco.

    bug-fixed version of "Mighty Jill Off" (2nd place in Abbuc contest) can be found here:


    The author also announces a final version (with complete intro and updated gfx) of MJO this year...

    -Andreas Koch.
    • 7:
    • CommentTime2 Nov 2011
    ICE editor ABBUC version 1.0 is now available for download. :)

    The link is in this AtariAge thread:


    Also included is the instruction manual and the three articles I wrote for AtariUser documenting most of these new graphics modes.

    Kaz: Will you be translating the rest of my articles into Polish anytime soon? :)

    Also: I am working on a couple of new ICE editors, which will be for Super IRG modes based out of Graphics 1. More info about these modes and some quick demos I did, are here: ->link<-
    • 9:
    • CommentTime8 Nov 2011
    Kaz: Will you be translating the rest of my articles into Polish anytime soon? :)

    It depends what do you mean by "soon"... :D