AUDIO CD music on Atari 8 bit - Forum Atarum

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    Hello. My question is quite tricky and complicated so I go straight to it. So, is there some way how to use Audio CD music with atari emulator? I want to know if its possible to run a program/game on emulator and in soem parts of it start CD drive to play specific track. I know that there is some CD connector for real Atari hardware, but my old atari is broken :( and I now rely only on emulators. Thanks.
    • 2: CommentAuthorpin
    • CommentTime4 Feb 2013
    it's possible only on a real Atari 8-bit hardware ;)- KMK/JZ, or IDE'a, IDE+ real hardware with cd-rom slave device ;) Enjoy!
    • 3: CommentAuthorxxl
    • CommentTime4 Feb 2013
    a jak sie podepnie wav do cassete i wyda poke wlacz magnetofon to zacznie grac muza? na atari mozna tak odsluchac muze a na emulatorze?
    • 4: CommentAuthors2325
    • CommentTime4 Feb 2013 zmieniony
    Wydaje mi się, że to nie zadziała na emulatorze bo będzie czekał na wciśnięcie Play co nie nastąpi (no i potem trzeba jakoś nacisnąć Stop, choć może Reset wystarczy). Chyba, że jakiś emulator ma Play naciśnięte wirtualnie cały czas.
    • 5: CommentAuthorpin
    • CommentTime4 Feb 2013
    ...aaaa - wychyliłem wczoraj kilka browarów i nie doczytałem sensu tematu tego topica, że to nie celem odtwarzania, lecz ładowania danych. Sorry za zamieszanie ;)-
    • 6: CommentAuthor0xF
    • CommentTime5 Feb 2013
    I haven't heard of such a feature in any emulator. If you write to Phaeron I'm pretty sure he includes it in the very next version on Altirra.

    Pin: lepiej kojarzysz z browarami niż bez. :)
    • 7:
    • CommentTime10 Feb 2013
    Do you know a mail of facebook page of author of Altirra ? I will write to him that including such feature will be very interesting.