New graphics modes in Turbo Basic - Forum Atarum

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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.

    • 1:
    • CommentTime10 Feb 2013
    Hi there. My quiestion is , is possible to use some new graphocs modes under TB XL ? Because the mode in gr.15 (160x192) is reaching its limitations for me right now, and gr.8 is limited to that stupid monochromatic setting..So any ideas? Thanks.
    • 2: CommentAuthorbob_er
    • CommentTime10 Feb 2013
    1. I think, that gr.8 is most beautiful graphics mode on xl/xe :).
    2. It's possible, but only with own machine code routines because of:
    - using dli in that modes
    - draw routines (at least plot but drawto also is usefull)
    • 3: CommentAuthorwieczor
    • CommentTime10 Feb 2013
    Yes, but the most annoying thing in gr.8 is that 2 colours are in fact two shades of the same colour :( If they would be really 2 ANY colours ....
    • 4: CommentAuthorBluki
    • CommentTime10 Feb 2013
    Tinting in Gr.8 by PMG.
    • 5: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime10 Feb 2013
    For coloured hires, no advanced tricks would be needed...
    • 6:
    • CommentTime10 Feb 2013 zmieniony
    Ok, this is THE ONLY thing, that we think that ATARI is WORSE than:
    - C64
    - ZX Spectrum
    - Amstrad CPC 464

    Could you please focus on the rest of features? Music? DL? OS? Peripherals?

    Or think about GR8 as BLACK AND WHITE mode, so ANY colour will lead you to orgasmus....
    • 7: CommentAuthorwieczor
    • CommentTime11 Feb 2013
    Much more is needed to lead me to orgasmus, really :)

    I would like rather to look for a solution - Spellbound is quite clever example. Few months ago someone presented here screens from Manic Miner that's just being created - in hi-res and with attributes of course like in original version :)
    • 8:
    • CommentTime11 Feb 2013
    • 9: CommentAuthorwieczor
    • CommentTime11 Feb 2013
    Yes, VBXE is a real relief for Antic's sickness named GTIA :) But it's so... obvious... I'll try rather to find medicine for stock configuration. Manic Miner is done with normal GTIA - not like new Jet Set Willy. RastaConverter is a proof that some tricks are still possible - maybe not at that level as it takes whole CPU power but anything less exhausting.

    Of course VBXE is still to be used, but its abilities are much more than that.
    This is quite interesting.Any example code? I for example want to use this mode only for displaying pictures, and converting them into 2 colors can be not very good.
    • 11: CommentAuthorwieczor
    • CommentTime11 Feb 2013
    But what solution are you asking for? Cause we're talking about three at least :)

    VBXE is a graphics internal card replacing GTIA and giving you new graphics full colour modes comparable even to Amiga and big colour sprites.

    RastaConverter is using 160x200 mode and after complex analysis of image on PC, makes picture data and Antic's + 6502 code that's using sprites/DLI and precise CPU's timings to change colours even in the middle of line - examples can be seen there: ->link<- . Showing picture using that technique takes most of CPU power.

    Colouring pictures using sprites in GR.8 depends on picture and how you want to use it.
    There is also the ability to use interlace ... I did a Tempest screen using an 8+15 mode that shifts the screen up and down by one scanline:


    Only requires 8k memory, but the flicker looks worse on a PAL machine I think

    I have also done experiments in character mode as well ... using DIN mode (Graphics 0+12) gets you 10 colors, or 20 if you blend artifacts. Super 0, using a blue to yellow shift, does a 16 color artifact mode at Graphics 0 resolution. Only thing is, you have to choose the colors carefully to avoid flicker.

    On this post, I did several viewers, one of them views in DIN mode. Also some sample pictures:

    Just had another thought ... would it be possible to do PAL blending, like this: Graphics 15, 10, or 11 on the first scanline, and Graphics 8 on the second scanline. You'd have 320x96 resolution here, you would want to keep your colors on Graphics 15, 10, or 11 set to about luma 4, and the mode 8 lines to a luma of about 10. Also need to do color palette change of PF2 on the mode 10 lines so you get a solid background.
    • 14: CommentAuthorAdam
    • CommentTime12 Feb 2013
    @wieczor "Spellbound is quite clever example."

    Atari version of Spellbound is not in hi-res mode, that picture above is just Emkay's mockup. In real Spellbound game it's possible to drop a lot of items in the same room (not only 2 like in the picture), much more than the number of Atari sprites.
    I never was very much into these type of games, bought it but never get much of it.
    Because of this last Post is there a way or anyone knows how much possible 'drop/seen/...' objects we can have on the screen at the same line (not the sprites guys or the 'Odd Ball', just the objects we can pick-up, use, drop,...)

    I always thought the game in Hi-Resolution and colours.
    I think it's still possible even with many objects on screen/same scanlie(s), what I think it's impossible is having this and the 'Text windows' at the same time.
    We can have a 'Window' using one or two PMGs but then we can open a new one and the previous can be on the backs and also be seen... If more than two open you soon run out of PMGs.
    And you still have at the same lines the candles, paintings, etç,...

    I really would like to prove that it is possible using the Hi-Resolution GR.8 Black/Gray on Playing Area with the PMGs to colour stuff... If not the text I think, almost sure it could have been, but that Text?
    • 16: CommentAuthorAdam
    • CommentTime13 Feb 2013
    I'm not sure, but I think there is about 20 items in Spellbound and most of them you could carry to one room and drop there.
    • 17: CommentAuthorwieczor
    • CommentTime13 Feb 2013
    @Adam: you're right, I just forgot and was deceived by that printscreen :)

    I think we should try to stop using sprites as they were meant to be used at hardware design - means moving objects - and leave them for making colors. They are narrow , low resolution and their amount is low.

    Sprites can be resolved purely with software - mixing with picture can be done efficiently. A lot of machines has no hardware sprites, and there are games with many moving objects etc. ZX Spectrum or Amstrad CPC (excluding Plus series). In fact just C64 has any usable hardware sprites. And that's the way how it's probably done in Spellbound.
    • 18: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime13 Feb 2013

    The Spellbound screen is not a mockup, as a mockup is a virtually graphically applicated picture. This is a G2F picture using some rare DLIs.
    What you call a 'mockup' I would only post if it's a picture like Loading screens. When it comes to in-game screens I just don't see the point and wasting time... For the 'great knowing Man of the A8 resources' it's really strange you put impossible looking game screens that may 'fool' others that don't have a higher degree of the A8 possibilities like you. Probably it was one of that days... just to show some lookings of the A8 nice Palette...
    • 20: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime13 Feb 2013 zmieniony

    Could you please remove those personal things , just like from José Pereira?
    This garbage also kills many threads on Atariage. Without that garbage we can still go on with the thread.
