Fort Apocalypse II for A8...?!? - Forum Atarum

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    I always wanted a new version of Fort Apocalypse or new levels for this game. Today I found out, that Fort Apocalypse II exists - released as PD in 2010 for the C64. The author used the original gfx (fonts, charsets, etc.), created a level-editor in Basic and with this he created Fort Apocalypse II:


    Okay, this interview is in german language, but here the author describes how he did it. Now: Assuming that the level-editor and the game are both available for the C64 and the game originates from the A8, could a) the level-editor and/or b) the game Fort Apocalypse II be ported to the A8...?!?

    Here is the entry at GB64:
    Not sure though, where one can find the level-editor.

    -Andreas Koch.
    • 2:
    • CommentTime7 Apr 2013
    One of my favourite games... nice idea to make second part :)
    • 3: CommentAuthornodez
    • CommentTime8 Apr 2013
    wow ! great idea !!!
    • 4: CommentAuthorxxl
    • CommentTime8 Apr 2013
    podoba mi sie idea podmiany leveli w grach... robbo, boulder dash, lord of the orb, fort apocalipse... jest cos jeszcze?
    • 5:
    • CommentTime8 Apr 2013
    river raid