KazKompo 2013 - Forum Atarum

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    • 1: CommentAuthorPhilsan
    • CommentTime6 Mar 2014
    Any news regarding KazKompo 2013?

    Since 2006 the best game of the year contest.
    • 2:
    • CommentTime7 Mar 2014 zmieniony
    It will be of course! :)
    Within a few weeks, hopefully

    List of games is probably quite complete.
    If I missed something (except Venture) - this is a good time to make it.

    • 3: CommentAuthorPhilsan
    • CommentTime7 Mar 2014
    I didn't know that on the left side of the screen there are lists of new 2010, 11, 12, 13 games.
    Very useful.

    maybe one should mention the update of Heli in the Caves:
    Heli in the Caves Extended Edition
    The update does not crash anymore or hang the computer (as HitC very very often did). The update is available here:

    Post nr. 15 is the update by the author (0 Gold at the start), post nr. 20 is a patch/fix by Fandal (1000 Gold at the start) as requested by me...

    YES, the update is from January 2014, thats why I said one should mention the update, e.g. HiTC: This is the version from 2013 (Note: There is an update available from Jan. 2014)...

    -Andreas Koch.