Format 256 zwany też AP2 - Forum Atarum

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    • 1:
    • CommentTime26 Aug 2009 zmieniony
    To juz ostatnia informacja ode mnie dzisiejszej nocy. CharlieChaplin podeslal tez obrazki w formacie Paint256, znane tez z rozszerzenia AP2:


    Jeszcze obrazki w samym programie Paint 256:

    No i program tutaj:


    Sa tez do tego rozliczne przegladarki, szukac w katalogu programow majacych w nazwie "-Fader", na przyklad:


    some of the above pics were converted from Technicolor Dream format (with two files: *.COL and *.LUM, each with 39 sectors length) into Paint-256 format...

    There is also a program named Colorizer by Bill Kendrick, which was originally made to colorize Gr.9 screens (make them 256-colour screens). But it also converts between various 256-colour formats (Apac, Apac-2, Interlace/Digipaint, Pryzm, Gr.9, etc. alas, not Technicolour Dream, therefore I had to use another program). And err, I mostly used the Colorizer as a converter program or to re-paint some parts of a converted pict. (like my hair in above pict. which was the same violet colour as the moustache)...

    Anyways, I converted more than 100 pix into Paint-256 format, it is a flicker-free 62 sector format, therefore it has only a resolution of 80x96 pixels and the ugly black lines (so better stay away 2-3 meters from the screen when watching these pics)...

    -Andreas Koch.
    • 3:
    • CommentTime7 Sep 2009 zmieniony
    Obrazki z tego watku ciesza kolorami. I na oryginale tez tak bylo, jak sie na nie patrzylo z 1 metra, albo dalej. :P

    Wyglada na to, ze"Paint256" pracuje chyba w takim samym trybie programowym co "Plama 256" polskiego programisty AB Soft'a (paleta 256 barw i widoczna "harmonijka" czyli jest co druga linia ekranowa, za to nie ma przykrego interlejsu).

    A moze to okaze sie ciekawe do analizy i nowych tematow odnosnie trybow:

    • 4:
    • CommentTime7 Sep 2009
    Przyda sie, dzieki.