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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.

    Tytuł: "Insane at Nordlicht". Zajęło 4 miejsce. Fajnie widzieć, że ktoś coś tworzy na VBXE.


    • 2:
    • CommentTime24 Jul 2018
    Wygląd tej prodki bardzo niebezpiecznie zbliżył się do tego, co można ujrzeć w produkcjach dla 16bit :)
    • 3: CommentAuthorszeryf
    • CommentTime24 Jul 2018
    Skojarzyły mi się 2 demka czy raczej 2 fajne efekty na 8bit:

    • 4: CommentAuthorheaven6502
    • CommentTime25 Jul 2018
    Axis one is most time precalculated. He went out of RAM and you see the lines when scales up that pixels getting bigger.

    Mine is full time in real-time. Mesh moved in 3D, perspective transformation, 3D clipping, fractal line (based on the core Rescue on Fractalus routine) is real-time too.

    Balls are working like on Amiga simulating bitplanes and not like Mapa using player/mussels and full 3D.
    @heaven6502: Is this the same fractal routine as in SV2k17 invitro? ->link<-
    • 6: CommentAuthorheaven6502
    • CommentTime25 Jul 2018
    no... it's not the same. the one used in prior productions was a "reversed engineered" fractal routine which can handle more variants. (256x256 types of lines). That was used since Arsantica 2.

    this one is basicly out of the Rescue on Fractalus source code and my gutfeeling was that it is slightly faster. this one was coded by Charlie.
    • 7:
    • CommentTime25 Jul 2018
    dacie jakieś Video z tego dema .
    • 8:
    • CommentTime25 Jul 2018
    mnie się jeden efekt kojarzy z ... na Amidze podczas wczytywania Mortal Kombat 2 z pierwszego dysku jest taki przerywnik z efektem jak z tego demka ,tzn tak skojarzyłem screen gdyż dema nie widziałem :-p ,ale mam bezbłędne skojarzenia więc wiem co pisze :-).
    • 9:
    • CommentTime25 Jul 2018 zmieniony
    • 10:
    • CommentTime25 Jul 2018
    no tak , to ten sam efekt :-) .

    Dzięki @Grey :-).
    • 11: CommentAuthorszeryf
    • CommentTime25 Jul 2018
    Thanks for details Heaven.
    • 12: CommentAuthorgorgh
    • CommentTime25 Jul 2018
    heaven6502: really nice demo
    • 13: CommentAuthorheaven6502
    • CommentTime1 Aug 2018
    thx. I found several bugs and improvements in the code.

    the 3d part was added on last minute and contains unneccessary code blocks. like I am calculating face averages and do sorting faces which is only needed for Torus and not for other simple convex objects...

    then instead of OR mode drawing for transparency it now works with ADD mode.