Eksperymenty muzyczne Emkay-a - Forum Atarum

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    • 1:
    • CommentTime14 Dec 2009 zmieniony
    Mario Krix podeslal mi dwa pliczki z eksperymentami dzwiekowymi. Prezentuje je ponizej z jego komentarzem:

    1. SF4ch.xex
    "It uses some "impossible" sounds."

    2. whtedsco.xex
    "Just another Mix. IMHO fascinating harmonics with some cool Disco Bass :).... still 4 channels 50Hz and one POKEY :)"
    • 2: CommentAuthorilmenit
    • CommentTime14 Dec 2009
    The requested URL /pliki/inne/whtedsco.xex was not found on this server.
    • 3:
    • CommentTime14 Dec 2009
    Link poprawiony, dzienks za info.
    • 4:
    • CommentTime15 Dec 2009
    I jeszcze jeden pliczek od Emkaya:


    "So, what do you think about this one? It still uses 4ch 50Hz programming. Particulary the original has hard to reach harmonics, but it seems not that bad, played by POKEY yet :)"
    • 5:
    • CommentTime17 Dec 2009 zmieniony
    Oraz kolejny, tym razem pod wplywem naszych rozmow o "Gn'G" :)


    "And another one. I call it not finished, because some channel interfering happens. And I know that it is a bit different on the real thing. The "Guitar" sound is the main thing I'm not really lucky with. POKEY can win much when playing around with a bigger frequency range and some "tuned" volume changes. Pay attention that it is still 4ch 50Hz programming :)"

    Thanks Mario!
    • 6:
    • CommentTime17 Dec 2009
    While I don't like bass in whtedsco.xex I must admit lead voice is really nice...
    • 7:
    • CommentTime18 Dec 2009
    Kolejna wersja muzyczki "Ghouls and Ghosts":

    BTW: Some additions on the tune. This time C and E generaters were used for the main "guitar". I'm still missing that "swinging" of the original tune's intrument. But this really seems to be a problem of the 50Hz programming. Some high-note interfering is removed now.
    What do you think about this solution with C and E generators? Calling it "unfinished Cool Guitar" :)
    Depending on the given programming technique, we could name it "POKEY version" :) The generators sound even more interesting while a "real bass" is played. Next time I'll try a guitar sound based on gen 2.
    • 8:
    • CommentTime6 Jan 2010
    I nastepny podeslany kawalek z komentarzem:

    "The tune is changed to use 16 bit pure tone for bass and sawtooth for the main voice. But the Adressing is still the coarse 8 bit step calculating which is included into RMT. The 2nd part opens shortly for 2 8 bit generators, to have a different "temperature" on the voice.

    The sounds themselves are the best combination for some really relaxing sounding , well to me at least :). With full 16 bit support it can turn into real music."

    • 9:
    • CommentTime6 Jan 2010
    Emkay_gng.xex, ciekawy bas przypomina mi ghostbusters. Poza tym przydalyby sie pliki rmt zeby powylaczac kanaly aby posluchac konkretnego instrumentu.

    ja tez szukam nowych brzmien pokey'a, szczegolnie takich "sidowych". mozna troche wycisnac z pokey'a ale to nie takie proste.
    • 10:
    • CommentTime6 Jan 2010
    da się zrobić, tylko wrócę do siebie ;)
    • 11:
    • CommentTime7 Feb 2010
    W czasie porzadkow znalazlem jeszcze jeden pliczek, ktorego (chyba?) nie bylo:

    • 12: CommentAuthorirwin
    • CommentTime7 Feb 2010

    ale w sumie dobrze bo teraz jest wszystko w jednym miejscu.
    • 13:
    • CommentTime7 Feb 2010
    coś strasznego, aż uszy więdną od tych "utworów" ;)
    • 14:
    • CommentTime17 Feb 2010
    Rastan - to nie sa utwory, tylko eksperymenty dzwiekowe. Krytyka jako utworow jest nie na miejscu.

    A teraz kolejne ciekawe brzmienie, takie chyba SID-owe:

    • 15:
    • CommentTime28 Feb 2010 zmieniony
    Od Emkaya: "Here two conversion done by miker. I changed some sounds."
    • 16:
    • CommentTime28 Feb 2010
    I jeszcze dalej Mikerowe konwersje z dzwiekami od Emkaya:

    "The tune is modified to handle more the modulation part of the "new" sounds... Seems , I need some more of those YM conversions, done by Miker :)"
    • 17:
    • CommentTime28 Feb 2010
    I jeszcze jeden eksperymencik dzwiekowy:

    "And here some demonstration of a clean 2 operator sound used for the Pizzicato. You also hear some LFO and Modulation effects."
    • 18: CommentAuthortatqoo
    • CommentTime28 Feb 2010
    Te eksperymenty sa tak dobre, że u mnie emulator nie rozpoznaje tych xexów jako pliki Atari i nie zamierza ich odpalić :)
    • 19:
    • CommentTime28 Feb 2010
    Racja, wciaz jest problem z plikami xex. Ale nie bede dawal plikow zip tylko poczekam, az Zyga naprawi problem globalnie - moze dzisiaj? Zyga, czytasz to?
    • 20:
    • CommentTime1 Mar 2010
    Tatqoo, mozesz sciagac juz pliczki, Zyga naprawil problem, szczegoly tutaj:

    • 21:
    • CommentTime12 Mar 2010 zmieniony
    Kolejna rzecz od Emkaya:

    "May I introduce a special version of the giana lvl1 tune? Again it's some demostration of timing and stability of the sounds. Sometimes I wonder how far we can get with standard RMT usage and singl VBI speed :)
    Mario Krix"

    Dla mnie fajne brzmienia, pliczek tutaj:

    • 22:
    • CommentTime19 Mar 2010 zmieniony
    Miker napisal, ze juz skorzystal w jednym z utworow z pomyslow Emkaya. A tu z kolei Emkay pisze, ze kolejny eksperyment mial miejsce na plikach Mikera i Kjmanna:

    "Two other tunes where modulations were added by me :)
    One is converted by KJMANN and one is converted by MIKER
    Can you believe, it's still single VBI speed used."


    • 23:
    • CommentTime13 Aug 2010
    I kolejny eksperyment:

    What do you think about this one? And, have a look at the CPU usage.

    Lower lead voice is using simple filter with a special timing. Higher lead voice uses modulations for building the sawtooth sound. Arpeggios use simple Atari waves. The played basses use the "bug" of the bass generator that wants to sound always different. A fast restart of the Bass generator results in a repeating wave which can be handled in some cases. This makes the basses sound like someone has build an arpeggio there. Every note plays at the same pitch. Only the waveforms get changed.
    • 24:
    • CommentTime16 Apr 2011 zmieniony
    I jeszcze jedna zabawa Emkaya z dzwiekami, podeslane kiedy mnie nie bylo:


    Due to the Dino game, and the used tune, I had to build a SID emulator. As you may recognize, it is very low on CPU usage ;)

    Well, it's ofcourse RMT. I just found some easier way to create the sounds.
    • 25:
    • CommentTime20 Apr 2011
    I jeszcze jeden pliczek:


    Faster adjustments means clearer sounds.
    • 26: CommentAuthors2325
    • CommentTime5 Feb 2016