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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.
For my tape2disk project (using various C-Simulators and Software Freezers) I have already copied (or tried to copy) 792 programs, so I have a big list with lots of notes. I am trying to reach 1000 programs but it is becoming hard(er) and more and more expensive to get new programs...CharlieChaplin:
Hmmm, regarding tapes afaik...CharlieChaplin:
Atari Fuji loader (Atari Inc. and Atari UK): the loader uses Atari Basic, there is a redundant ":?" as last command in line 50 or 55 which destroys the Atari Fuji logo by showing an empty line; remove this :? and all is fine with the logo; the faulty loader was used in more than 20 programs from 1979-1984 by Atari Inc.; Atari UK re-used it from 1985-1989 and still did not fix that small but very visible bug!Od 1 do 3 z 3