Abbuc contests 2010... - Forum Atarum

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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.


    here you can find the actual information about the ABBUC contests:

    1) software contest: ->link<-
    (scroll down for the english version of the rules...)

    2) hardware contest: ->link<-
    (again, scroll down for the english version of the rules)

    Greetings from Abbuc - Andreas Koch.
    • 2:
    • CommentTime3 Apr 2010 zmieniony
    I copy rules for sofware here, it's easier to read:

    Rules Software Contest 2010

    1) General Rules:
    The contest is open to every user. ABBUC membership is not requested. Deadline for the software contest 2009 is 31 August 2010. ABBUC issues the following prizes:

    1st place: 500 Euro
    2nd place: 250 Euro
    3rd place: 125 Euro
    4th place: 75 Euro
    5th place: 50 Euro
    6th - 10th place: a small non-cash prize each!

    ABBUC receives for all registered software the rights of first publication. The copyright remains with the author who might use his software freely after the end of the contest. The products will be presented first on the ABBUC homepage, then in the ABBUC magazine and thereafter on the ABBUC annual general meeting (AGM). Competition decision and award ceremony will happen during the AGM. The author is not requested to be present for presentation and award ceremony. The prize then will be sent or transferred. Please state your address and bank account during the registration!

    For presenting the programs the author has to send in a manual or a description of the program and three screenshots of his choice. Presentation of the programs will be held on ABBUC Homepage, at ABBUC JHV (annual meeting in october) and in ABBUC Mag and Diskmag.

    2) Admission to the Competition
    Software for the ATARI 8-bit line 600XL(64 KB)/800XL/65XE/800XE/130XE. The head of software and the 1st chairman jointly decide on permits in special cases. Developments that have already participated in previous competitions, as well as commercial products are excluded from participation. Additional conditions:
    - Show "ABBUC Software Contest 2009" in splash screen.
    - The Software has to be fully functional on a standard XL/XE computer with 64 KB or 128 KB.
    - Software Categories: Game, User Program, Tool, Utility, Programming Language, DOS.
    - Format: 90 or 128 KB 5,25"-Disk or ATR-image.
    - Programming Language: Any – final software has to be fully functional without special hardware or software.

    3) Test and Evaluation of the Registered Software
    ABBUC software department performs function tests of all software submitted for the software competition on real Atari XL / XE computers with 64 KB and 128 KB of RAM. Therefore the registered software is applied to be sent to the head of software department. After completion of the competition they will be returned to the owner. The evaluation of the software will be executed by the members of ABBUC by ballot awarding 1-10 points each. The products, which got the most points at the end, reach out to win the issued prizes. ABBUC reserves the right to reduce the prize money in case of moderate or low quality developments.

    4) Documentation of the Software
    A documentation of two pages maximum and 3 screenshots have to be submitted with the software. These documents will be made available on the ABBUC website to ABBUC members only. A short presentation video (max. 3 minutes) is recommended. In addition, a user manual or user's guide has to be submitted. This will be published in the ABBUC club magazine. Language for all documents: English or German.

    5) Miscellaneous
    At least three participants have to be registered for the competition. If this condition is not met, ABBUC reserves the right to not carry out the competition. Not awarded prizes/prize money will be distributed to future competitions unless ABBUC members decide to suspend the competition. For presentation purposes it might be necessary to rename filenames by software section..

    6) Disclaimer:
    The ABBUC hardware division immediately disqualifies applications/developments, which are recognized to be a plagiarism of existing or commercial Atari 8-bit hardware/software. Is this detected only after the award ceremony, the participant will be permanently banned from all ABBUC competitions. The participant has to return received cash or non-cash prizes immediately to ABBUC. Legal process is excluded. All rights reserved.

    Please e-mail your program(s) to

    So have fun and good luck. The ABBUC Ressort Software.
    • 3:
    • CommentTime31 Oct 2010
    Juz prezentowalem wszystkie gry, ale Gunnar Kanold (szef dzialu software w ABBUC) podeslal mi oficjalna wersje gry "Donny 2" Winfrieda. Gra jest obecnie freeware i ma byc dystrubowana z nastepujacym tekstem:

    Hallo Gunnar !
    Betrifft Anfrage wegen Freeware.
    Das Spiel `' DONNY2 "' kann als Freeware weitergegeben werden.

    Dzieki Winfried, dzieki Bunsen.