Copy 720k... - Forum Atarum

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    Someone was searching for a copy program for 720k. Well, MyDOS can also copy whole disks, but who wants to use DOS for such a task, when there are sector copy programs available ? Find attached the two copy programs I have. They are loading from a gamedos but could be copied onto a DOS diskette.

    Copymate XE V3.8 requires a minimum of 128k, it supports up to 256k XRAM for a total of 320k RAM, so if the 720k diskette is filled to the maximum, you will need at least 3 stages (and several disk changes). Copymate supports Happy and US-Doubler ultraspeed, but does not work with Speedy nor Hyper-XF ultraspeed. To copy 90/130/180k press a key then Start, for 360k press Return then Start, for 720k press Return then Tab (or Tab then Return).

    Disk Duplication 2.0 supports a ramdisk, copy it to e.g. a MyDOS disk, add a ramdisk driver as *.AR0, if required an ultraspeed driver (for e.g. Hyper-XF 3,5") as *.AR1 and then the copy program as *.AR2. When the copy program has loaded, give the ramdisk number (setup must have been done under MyDOS) and if it has a size of 1MB, copying a 720k disk should work in one go. To copy 720k one must choose copy whole disk, 80 trks/ds, double density.

    Both copy programs are old (especially Disk Duplication) but they worked alright with my Hyper-XF 3,5" and 720kbytes. If someone has other copy programs for 720K - just upload them here.
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      CommentAuthorPeri Noid
    • CommentTime20 Feb 2024
    Thanks for this instruction! The Toms Copier for Toms drive can copy 720KB disks but it doesn't cooperate well (if at all) with other drives than Toms. You can also use the HDCS command line copier for SDX that can copy whatever you want. It just doesn't format a destination disk so you have to do it first.
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    • CommentTime20 Feb 2024
    here is source, i think this version is not doing anything toms specific
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    • CommentTime20 Feb 2024
    @pirx, próbowałem kompilować, jest konflikt "buflen" z jakimś tam stdlibem w macos. Jak przenieść te definicje ZA inkludy, kompiluje się.
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    • CommentTime20 Feb 2024
    mowisz o omc65? niestety cos w nim jest grubiej nie tak w tej nowej wersji, nie chcial mi skomplikowac chip8, windowsowy exek dziala dobrze.
    @Peri Noid: Which TOMS Copier ? Think I have several of them. And as far as I remember, most of them (or maybe all of them) did NOT work with other drives than Turbo.
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    • CommentTime20 Feb 2024
    @Charlie this is true, but the version I linked above should work with any drive. It is the source code, I do not have time now to compile it, but I am sure you have this version as well (you have everything I guess :))))