@Pet: może byś tak udostępnił całą bazę softu, bo widać, że masz rzadsze rzeczy - kiedyś dziwiłeś się, że PODRÓŻE PO POLSCE nie były na AOL, potem NOSTRADAMUS-a okazało się, że miałeś uprzednio, teraz DEIMOS, a może i VICKY?
@solaris104: Please check version included to this post (This version was cracked & packed by Clever People). So I think this version should be ok, and work correctly... but after all those years I'm not sure.
maybe the Homesoft version works correct and can be finished ? It is not at AOL right now. But it has limited lives - Fandal says type "gdzie leziesz?" for unlimited lives (tried it in the title and in the game but it did not work)...
@solaris104: what is the problem with game? Can You describe me what is wrong with game behavior? Why you cannot complete the game? (I'm asking because I can try to check the game code and check is that some kind of anti-pirate protection).
I do have the original copy-protected and code-protected version by Sonix, so I will test the cheat for unlimited lives at the weekend... (tested the cheat with Homesoft`s cracked version yesterday on the emulator Atari 800 Win and it did not work, but maybe I did something wrong or the emulator is not working correct).
But I also remember, that I found the cup/holy grail (only once!) and could not take it and the game did not end. Think I also found the big key, but it did not help, I could not take the holy grail. Alas, I only once made it this far, but with the cheat I hope to make it this far again and then I will see, if the original copy-protected game can be finished or not.
Maybe removing a) the copy-protection and/or b) the code-protection has the effect, that one can play BUT NOT finish the game ?!?
the copy-protected game cannot be copied with Speedy Backup (tried it, did not work), but maybe with other Speedy 1050 backup programs like MS-Copy, MS-Formatter, Ultra-Copier or Disk-Master (not the american disk/sector editor, but the german program to create, copy and analyze copy-protections with Happy and Speedy drives)...
Deimos can be copied successfully with a Turbo 1050 drive and its built-in Backup-Machine, it can also be copied with the Turbo-1050-Emulator on a Speedy 1050 drive (load the Turbo 1050 Emulator on the Speedy, when done boot without a diskette in the drive and load the Backup Machine)...
If you use the Backup Machine, then the copy of Deimos still has the copy-protection and the code-protection intact...
today Homesoft wrote me an E-mail, that he became aware of this topic. He therefore uploaded a new version of Deimos that should work without problems. So, please download Deimos from the Homesoft page again and test it - and let us know if everything works alright or if there are still problems... (in case of problems or bugs, I will inform Homesoft about it).
Besides, Homesoft`s E-Mail came at the right time, because I just tested my original copy-protected version of Deimos, only to find out, that the diskette is kaputt/defect and does not work anymore... (several Error 144 sectors at track 14).
@Duddie: You are selling mostly titles (on tape and disk) from ASF, LK Avalon and Mirage. Do you also sell Deimos from Sonix on disk or tape ?!?
Nie podobała mi się ta gra. Pierwsze spojrzenie i ludzik wyrypany z Cavernii. Te łańcuchy rodem z Montezumy. Cała gra wygląda na sklejoną z cudzych grafik i pomysłów.
alas, it looks like many people don`t like games with only four (grey) shades, e.g. regarding "Deimos" you often read:
a) the main figure is stolen from Cavernia (thumb down) - still it shows, that Cavernia`s main figure is well animated
b) the game is "just" a Montezuma`s Revenge clone (thumb down) - still it shows that Montezuma is a good game
c) the game has only shades of grey [and there are less than 50 shades of grey!] (thumb down) - still it shows, that shades of one colour can look good
and in my opinion, castles are often made of stone and thus look stone-grey, e.g. look at Carcassonne:
@CharlieChaplin: In the early 90s, at the end of Atari life cycle in Poland, there was a lot of generic platformers like Deimos, many of them with graphics ripped from other games (Smuś, Technus, Hawkmoon, etc.), while many atarians would like to see more games like on C64 (or 16-bit platforms).
At the time, I was not impressed. Today, on the other hand, I would like to see more arcade-adventure games like this, and I wouldn't mind monochrome graphics at all :) It's probably nostalgia thing..
@CharlieChaplin: I do not have permission from Sonix to release their titles. Problem is complex, because nobody has agreements between authors and Sonix and we cannot check who is the copyright proprietor. Additionally, I do not have any original copy of Deimos. The same problem is with Krysal Software, Domain Software and Spektra. I would be glad to release their titles, but cannot find any contact to company owners/authors.
Wszedłem w posiadanie oryginalnej dyskietkę z grą "Deimos", ale została ona na tam wcześniej skasowana i zastąpiona inną grą. Dzisiaj dzięki Mono przywróciłem grę na swoje miejsce (dzięki!). Już jednak nie nagrywałem wersji oryginalnej, tylko poprawioną przez Homesofta (jest powyżej) w formacie XEX.
Od razu taki hint, którego nie znałem: XEX-a też można nagrać na fizyczną dyskietkę jako obraz dysku za pomocą SIO2SD. Podmapowujemy XEX jako dyskietkę - nagrywamy programem, np. "Disk Copy" i gotowe. SIO2SD jest niejako konwerterem XEX do ATR. I to nie w tym sensie, że dokleja nagłówek ATR do XEX-a, co jest plagą, ale buduje całą strukturę dyskietki i robi do tego boota.
Czy ktoś jest w posiadaniu pliku ATR / ATX z oryginału? Mamy kilka wersji ATR w naszym archiwum, ale to nie są raczej oryginały, bo albo cracki albo spakowane. Są na przykład różnice w sposobnie załadowania się. Tu podaję ekrany z trzema. Który jest oryginalny?
Picture number 3 was the original (Sonix Software presents...). After the loading screen you also got a depacking screen for several seconds and inside the game you had to input a code number.
There were little items in the game that looked like a PC tower and whenever you passed that item, you were asked to input a code. The game also used copy-protection, a copy with a normal sectorcopy program did not work. Tried Speedy backup copy and the result also did not work. But the Turbo 1050 backup machine created a copy that worked... so ATR from the original disk is not possible, it has to be ATX due to copy protection.
Thanks for the answer, Andreas! First question: is the cassette version the same? Second question: did Homesoft not want to keep this meter while loading? This looks really cool.