Jeśli chcesz wziąć udział w dyskusjach na forum - zaloguj się. Jeżeli nie masz loginu - poproś o członkostwo.
Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.
A odrzucając (na chwilę) moją niechęć do Windowsa to Double Commander nawet nie stał w cieniu Total Commandera - wiem bo kiedyś mając stare przyzwyczajenia próbowałem używać :]// remove BB codes
$content = replace_news($content);
// Tidy
$tidy = new tidy();
$tidy->parseString($content, array(), 'utf8');
$content = $tidy;
$content = $arrNews[3];
$content = replace_news($content);
$tidy->parseString($content, array(), 'utf8');
$content = $tidy->Body()->value;
$content = str_replace(array('<body>\n', '</body>\n'), '', $content);
tac news.txt > invert-news.txt
php news-converter.php
php news-insert.php
php comments-converter-inserter.php
rm *.txt
$tidy->parseString($content, array(), 'utf8');
echo $tidy->errorBuffer;
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo -e "\nPlease call '$0 <argument>' to run this command!\n"
exit 1
if [ "$1" == "1" ] || [ "$1" == "3" ]; then
echo -e "Crate archive database..."
rm aol.db
rm *.txt
cp backup/2012-01-28/*.txt .
tac news.txt > invert-news.txt
php news-converter-inserter.php
php comments-converter-inserter.php
rm *.txt
cp backup/2012-10-11-archived-till-2009/*.txt .
tac news.txt > invert-news.txt
php news-converter-inserter.php
php comments-converter-inserter.php
rm *.txt
cp backup/2012-10-11/*.txt .
tac news.txt > invert-news.txt
php news-converter-inserter.php
php comments-converter-inserter.php
rm *.txt
cp backup/2012-10-11-between-archives/*.txt .
tac news.txt > invert-news.txt
php news-converter-inserter.php
php comments-converter-inserter.php
rm *.txt
cp backup/2012-11-07-CleanedUp/*.txt .
tac news.txt > invert-news.txt
php news-converter-inserter.php
php comments-converter-inserter.php
rm *.txt
echo -e "Crate archive - done!"
if [ "$1" == "2" ] || [ "$1" == "3" ]; then
echo -e "Populate current data..."
cp current/*.txt .
tac news.txt > invert-news.txt
php news-converter-inserter.php
php comments-converter-inserter.php
rm *.txt
echo -e "Populate current data - done!"
DELETE FROM news WHERE id IN (1087131939, 1141688773);
Dziwna sprawa. Tam nie ma co się źle wyświetlać. Co więcej, jak uruchamiałem nowinkę, to linki działały. Teraz wkleiłem wszystko jeszcze raz i dalej te dwa linki są problematyczne.elseif($way == "add"){
$find = array(
$replace = array(
if($use_html != TRUE){
$find[] = "'<'";
$find[] = "'>'";
$replace[] = "<";
$replace[] = ">";
if($replce_n_to_br == TRUE){
$find[] = "'\n'";
$replace[] = "<br />";
$find[] = "'\n'";
$replace[] = "{nl}";
elseif($way == "admin"){
$find = array(
$replace = array(
//this is for 'edit news' section when we use WYSIWYG
if(!$replce_n_to_br){$find[] = "'<br />'"; }
if(!$replce_n_to_br){$replace[] = "\n"; }
$sourse = preg_replace($find,$replace,$sourse);
foreach ( $HTML_SPECIAL_CHARS as $key=>$value ){
$sourse = str_replace($key,$value,$sourse);
Zbyti, mam taką prośbę. Mechanizm wayback wspaniały, a czy dałoby się dodać nr nowinki wywołanej losowo? Bo teraz jest tak, że otwiera się wayback=0, czytam sobie fajną nowinkę, chciałbym link do niej zapisać czy gdziekolwiek komuś pokazać, a tu... nie ma do niej odnośnika, nie ma jej ID.Kaz:
Aż boję się sprostować, że urodziny portalu są 20 kwietnia...DELETE FROM news WHERE id IN (1087131939, 1141688773);
UPDATE news SET author = 'Bob_er' WHERE author LIKE '%bob_er%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'Wieczór' WHERE author LIKE '%iecz%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'Kluska & Ramos' WHERE author LIKE '%Kluska%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'Pavros' WHERE author LIKE '%pavros%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'Kaz' WHERE author LIKE '%Ziembik%';
UPDATE news SET author = '0xF' WHERE author LIKE '%Fusik%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'Sikor' WHERE author LIKE '%Sikorski%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'Adv' WHERE author LIKE '%Głuch%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'Ramos' WHERE author LIKE '%Rozwadowski%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'Adam Zalepa' WHERE author LIKE '%Zalepa%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'sOnar' WHERE author LIKE '%sOnar%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'Miker' WHERE author LIKE '%Miker%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'Sachy' WHERE author LIKE '%Sachy%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'xxl' WHERE author LIKE '%Dudek%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'Wronek' WHERE author LIKE '%Wrona%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'Scalak' WHERE author LIKE '%scalak%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'Gorgh' WHERE author LIKE '%Gorgh/Agenda%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'Bocianu' WHERE author LIKE '%bocianu%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'Łapusz' WHERE author LIKE '%lapusz%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'Mono' WHERE author LIKE '%Mono%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'Tenchi' WHERE author LIKE '%Tenchi%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'Grzybson' WHERE author LIKE '%Grzybson%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'Ilmenit' WHERE author LIKE '%Ilmenit%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'Koala' WHERE author LIKE '%Koala%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'Piter' WHERE author LIKE '%Kruzycki%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'anticSHOP' WHERE author LIKE '%anticSHOP%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'Innuendo' WHERE author LIKE '%innuendo%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'mgr_inz_rafal' WHERE author LIKE '%mgr_inz_rafal%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'Calypso2k' WHERE author LIKE '%calypso2k%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'Greblus' WHERE author LIKE '%greblus%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'stRing' WHERE author LIKE '%stRing%';
UPDATE news SET author = 'Szeryf' WHERE author LIKE '%szeryf%';
I się forum popsuło. Już się naprawiło. Była tu pusta strona<?php
// Get real path for our folder
$rootPath = realpath('../cn/data/upimages');
// Initialize archive object
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$zip->open('', ZipArchive::CREATE | ZipArchive::OVERWRITE);
// Create recursive directory iterator
/** @var SplFileInfo[] $files */
$files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($rootPath),
foreach ($files as $name => $file)
// Skip directories (they would be added automatically)
if (!$file->isDir())
// Get real and relative path for current file
$filePath = $file->getRealPath();
$relativePath = substr($filePath, strlen($rootPath) + 1);
// Add current file to archive
$zip->addFile($filePath, $relativePath);
// Zip archive will be created only after closing object
dzięki tobie wiem, ile przestrzeni potrzeba (tyle co nic)'±' => 'ą',
'æ' => 'ć',
'ê' => 'ę',
'³' => 'ł',
'ñ' => 'ń',
'ó' => 'ó',
'¶' => 'ś',
'¼' => 'ź',
'¿' => 'ż',
'¡' => 'Ą',
'Æ' => 'Ć',
'Ê' => 'Ę',
'£' => 'Ł',
'Ñ' => 'Ń',
'Ó' => 'Ó',
'¦' => 'Ś',
'¬' => 'Ź',
'¯' => 'Ż',