Atari Assembler - how to save - Forum Atarum

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    • 1: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime17 Oct 2009
    hello, in this book is write how SAVE assembly file..


    SAVE #D :PROGRAM<0600,061F

    ERROR 130..
    what is wrong?
    • 2: CommentAuthormono
    • CommentTime17 Oct 2009
    Try to remove space from filename:
    SAVE #D:PROGRAM<0600,061F
    • 3: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime17 Oct 2009 zmieniony
    not work :(

    • 4: CommentAuthormono
    • CommentTime17 Oct 2009
    And what about:
    SAVE #D:PROGRAM,0600,061F
    Sorry, but I don't remember syntax of SAVE command, but I think "<" character is a bit strange in this place.
    maybe a simple Error: DOS is not active anymore or was not loaded/booted before (thus you can only save to C:). But maybe the syntax of your save command is wrong...
    -Andreas Koch.
    • 6: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime17 Oct 2009
    hmm, i boot dos 2.5, load

    but not work.. how i learn assembler, when NOTHING WORK :(
    • 7:
    • CommentTime17 Oct 2009
    Hmm, maybe this ->link<- help You...?
    For me - try newest assembler, maybe Quick Assembler from L.K. Avalon - it is simplest for newbies, I think.
    • 8: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime17 Oct 2009
    i have quick assembler, but i learn atari assembler, because i have very good book for learning.. i want learn simply basic routimes, i need help with one thing - how to save :)
    • 9: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime17 Oct 2009
    Atari 800 Basic 1.0 & Atari Macro Assembler 1.0a & Editor (1981)(-).atr
    • 10:
    • CommentTime17 Oct 2009
    So, I try this ATR and it looks that editor are corrupted. I use MyDos 4,53 (not working) and DOS 2,54. After load EDITOR - devices are erased. Try: load editor, use DOS instruction and take directory. Nothing ;(
    So, You can search other version or - better way - search for MAC/65 BUG/65 packet - it is simply succesor of Atari Assembler and it is simply way to use Atari Assembler rountines in this editor.
    I have Atari Assembler cartridge, but I must solder some pins in eprom - it is defected. When I made it - I try it on real hardware (cart version, no disk dump).
    • 11:
    • CommentTime17 Oct 2009
    One more: error #130: unknown devices - your version eraze disk drives, but call to data recorder (C:) - maybe only way for now is use it with cassette recorder?
    • 12: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime17 Oct 2009
    ok, i try found mac65 manual on CALP or else :) thank you
    • 13: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime17 Oct 2009
    sikor.. mac65 1.01 or mac65 4.2? i have 1.01, but only cartridge
    • 14:
    • CommentTime17 Oct 2009
    never mind. I tried disk version, but - for simply rountines - both are o.k.
    • 15:
    • CommentTime17 Oct 2009
    Hmm, if you want write assembler code in MAC/65 format on your PC or 16/32 bit Atari, you can also use OMC65: ->link<-
    • 16: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime17 Oct 2009
    ok, sikor how i save asm? i try it, but doesnt work again :)
    • 17:
    • CommentTime17 Oct 2009
    O.K. I tested it on new, clear, unprotected *.ATR in Atari DOS enhanced mode. get MAC/65 editor (load from DOS, remember!)
    2nd: write code, for example:
    10 lda #0
    20 sta 710
    30 rts

    3.rd: use command: SAVE #D2:TEST.M65
    I mount new, unprotected atr as D2.
    Load method is:
    LOAD #D2:TEST.M65
    I attached this two atr's.
    • 18: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime17 Oct 2009 zmieniony
    sikor, thank you for you time, but i need OBJ file for load for dos 2.5, my-dos or else..
    if i load testmac.m65 from dos2.5, then error 180..
    i need obj file, then i go into basic and write runtime..
    • 19:
    • CommentTime17 Oct 2009
    @w1k: in *7z archive you have 2 atr's: one with working Mac65 editor (mount it as D1 drive) and second with test of my save program (testmac.m65 is only source file saved with mac65 editor).
    • 20: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime17 Oct 2009
    sikor how i save obj file?
    • 21:
    • CommentTime17 Oct 2009
    you must assembing it with asm directive. Look at the manual.
    • 22:
    • CommentTime17 Oct 2009

    But remember, I dont put any option to run this program, so - you can only test assembling method. You can made property code yourself - I dont know assembler language.
    Good luck.
    • 23: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime18 Oct 2009
    *** ERROR 170, FILE NOT FOUND..
    • 24:
    • CommentTime18 Oct 2009
    You must use correct name, exactly like this, wchich you save. It's simple.
    • 25: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime18 Oct 2009 zmieniony
    sikor, yes, it's work, but when i want load file from dos 2.5, or my-dos, again ERROR 180, BAD LOAD FILE
    • 26:
    • CommentTime18 Oct 2009
    Because my proc is only rountine. You must set init block, run block etc. In Quick Assembler is rountine opt org with option - you must find equivalent of this for MAC and for other assembler languages. Try this:
    *= $600 ;org equivalent from quick assembler
    lda #0
    sta 710
    wait jmp wait

    It works with OMC Assembler, so - I think - probably will be work with MAC too. I don't try it with mac, but - You can do it.
    • 27: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime18 Oct 2009
    not work..
    • 28:
    • CommentTime18 Oct 2009
    so - how I write before - you must find method to set Init block, Run block etc. I haven't assembler programist, sometimes I write simply procedures, wchich I can use in Turbo Basic for example (bload function and x=usr are very useful). Many hours of learning before You. Good Luck, my knowledge are not help You in this case.
    • 29: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime18 Oct 2009
    hmm, many many people use asm routimes for basic.. it must be simple.. :(
    • 30: CommentAuthorgorgh
    • CommentTime18 Oct 2009 zmieniony
    every compiler run on real atari has its disadvantages,because of memory limits(to compile you have to load asm source to the memory as a string of ascii which takes a lot of space that should not be overwritten by your program),slowness of compile process etc.For example I liked to work with Quick Assembler till the moment when it came out that it cant manage with bigger files and multiply memory load block instructions,so i was forced to change QA for MADS and i must say that it is much comfortable solution.
    It`s quite simple to use and it accepts diffrent syntax
    (but i`m not sure if it works with Atari Ass code).
    Besides meny people use that so,if you decide to use this compiler, you can always ask and get
    an answer to your questions.
    • 31: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime18 Oct 2009 zmieniony
    gorgh.. hmm, yes, it is a best way, i mean..
    i try this in MADS

    org $600
    lda #10
    sta 710

    then rename file.xex to file.obj, open ATADIM and import file.obj.. than i launch obj, run basic and PRINT PEEK(710)..
    but nothing work.. in 710 is not 10, but 148 ..

    it's works, it's works :))
    NOW, i can learn assembler, first for basic subroutines.. i have time to 1.11, because i start at new work :)

    thank you
    • 32: CommentAuthorgorgh
    • CommentTime18 Oct 2009 zmieniony
    org $2e0
    dta a($600)

    at the beginning(it tells dos what where to start program) and get rid of

    you aslo need rts instruction at the end

    good luck
    • 33: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime19 Oct 2009 zmieniony
    • 34: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime13 Mar 2011
    how i must save file in MAC65 if i want load it like binary file from dos, switch to basic and type data numbers?
    • 35:
    • CommentTime14 Mar 2011
    When I had used Mac65, I remember no problems with saving as binary. Try the MAC65 manual:)
    • 36: CommentAuthorw1k
    • CommentTime14 Mar 2011
    yes, problem resolved. thanks :)
