Castle Defender - nowa gra - Forum Atarum

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    • 1:
    • CommentTime2 Aug 2019 zmieniony
    Nowa gra MatoSimiego, do którego cudną grafikę ekranu tytułowego rysował Piesiu:

    • 2: CommentAuthorgorgh
    • CommentTime2 Aug 2019
    gra bardzo dopracowana, grafika tytułowa oszałamiająca
    • 3: CommentAuthorgorgh
    • CommentTime2 Aug 2019
    i muzyka świetna
    • 4:
    • CommentTime2 Aug 2019
    O, to jednak projekt doczekał się szczęśliwego zakończenia.
    Bardzo fajnie ta konwersja wyszła :)
    • 5: CommentAuthorPecet
    • CommentTime3 Aug 2019
    Dobrze widzę, że to podkolorowany hires?
    Plansza tytułowa - mistrzostwo świata.
    • 6: CommentAuthorgorgh
    • CommentTime3 Aug 2019
    tak, to bardzo sprytnie podkolorowany hires, mistrzostwo
    • 7: CommentAuthorPecet
    • CommentTime3 Aug 2019
    Fajnie, że hires zaczyna być twórczo wykorzystywany w grach na A8. To pewien powiew świeżości.
    • 8:
    • CommentTime3 Aug 2019 zmieniony
    Troszkę gier z ZX-a zostało już przeportowanych, ten proces trwa od pewnego czasu :)

    ... no akurat castle defender z innej platformy.
    • 9: CommentAuthorilmenit
    • CommentTime13 Aug 2019
    Obrazek Piesia to nie namalowany + RastaConverter? Pytam, bo kilka pikseli wygląda podejrzanie ;) Jak bez pomocy RC, to szacun jeszcze większy.
    • 10: CommentAuthortebe
    • CommentTime13 Aug 2019
    obrażasz Piesia, on brzydzi się wszelkiej maści automatami
    • 11:
    • CommentTime14 Aug 2019 zmieniony
    Czy ktoś z Was grał już w tą grę?

    Ja byłem mile zaskoczony grafiką i muzyką, ale gra mnie rozczarowała.
    Sterowanie joystickiem zupełnie nieintuicyjne - do dzisiaj nie wiem jak nim poruszać, żeby uaktywnić konkretne pole pod budowę wieży. Gameplay - niedopracowany. Poziom trudności za wysoki (zbyt wolno spływa kasa na budowe wież), droższe wieże gorzej sobie radzą z niektórymi wrogami, niż tańsze. Katastrofa...
    Oczywiście gra lśni na tle innych nadesłanych gier na konkurs ABBUC-a, ale co z tego jeśli jest niegrywalna.
    Lubiłem grać na Androidzie w Field Runners ( ->link<- ), więc mam porównanie. Można tak dopasować poziom trudności, żeby nie było za łatwo, ale dało się grać.

    Poniżej strona poświęcona kategorii gier "Tower Defence":
    • 12:
    • CommentTime14 Aug 2019
    To pisz uwagi do MatoSimiego - jest duża szansa, że jeśli go argumenty przekonają to zmieni sterowanie.

    I did play-test it. Sometimes I did not survive level 1, sometimes I made it to level 4 without changing my strategy (looks like there is some random luck in the game). Since I am not sure if it is better to build as many towers as possible or upgrade the towers that are already there, I chose to build many towers (think that was cheaper). But then www - wait, wait, wait until you have got enough money to build more towers.

    All in all, create a tower and wait what happens, that sums up the gameplay for me (quite repetitive, quite boring and with quite some random luck). But errmm, I am not a good player, so better ask Stefan Dorndorf what he thinks about it. If he has the same opinion than you and me, you can be sure, that the game has flaws (or maybe sucks)...
    • 14:
    • CommentTime15 Aug 2019
    > better ask Stefan Dorndorf what he thinks

    That's funny, because last Saturday I met Stefan, Bernd und Christoph in Hannover. We played all games for this year ABBUC competition.
    At one point of time Stefan looked at me while I was playing Castle Defender. He said: "Wow, you are an expert in this game". This is really an exceptional situation, since normally (as you mentioned) Stefan is the Hi-Score player :)
    Once I explained him the rules, Stefan was also disappointed. He expected to have more active role in the game (not only buying towers and observing the playfield).
    Hehe, good to know! So our opinion on that game is more or less the same (it has flaws). Since several years Stefan shows me the ASC games at the annual Abbuc meeting and tells me what he thinks about them. Quite often, he knows a lot of stuff, found out several cheats and strategies (built-in cheats or cheats for a high score) or even finished the game already. I am happily looking forward to listen to him again this year (it has become some kind of tradition for me, that whenever I go to the annual Abbuc meeting, I am talking+listening to Stefan)... ;-)
    • 16:
    • CommentTime18 Nov 2019
    @Montezuma and @CharlieChaplin:
    This is tower defense game which is kind of strategy game. I'm not sure what you have expected. It's like loading up Kennedy Approach and expecting Ace of Aces.

    Regarding gameplay... there is no randomness involved, so must have done something differently. You "simply" have to find strategy to beat each of the level to beat the game.

    I am sure it is not game for everybody.. there is no such game. I just hope that there are people who like it.
    • 17: CommentAuthorsolo/ng
    • CommentTime18 Nov 2019 zmieniony
    There are. Ive played tons of TowerDefence games starting from Starcraft/W3/SC2 mods to stand alone/mobile games. Im happy we have TD game (with great quality) on XL/XE :)
    • 18: CommentAuthorAdam
    • CommentTime18 Nov 2019


    I am sure it is not game for everybody.. there is no such game.


    There are. Ive played tons of TowerDefence games (...)

    Matosimi meant: a game which is for everybody does not exist.