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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.

    • 1: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime27 Feb 2024
    mixing styles :D

    • 2: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime29 Feb 2024
    Some sorted chaos ;)

    I wonder what musicians could do with all those resources ;)

    • 3: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime4 Mar 2024 zmieniony
    seems, if you don't like this type of PoKey Music, you must be a PoKey tune fan ;)

    • 4:
    • CommentTime5 Mar 2024
    Clicking these is my guilty pleasure. Im always thinking "maybe this time", and yet never it was.
    • 5: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime5 Mar 2024
    Still timing differences in the emulation. Sharp timing is always a littel different inside the editor. So in the editor the timing is more lose than in Altirra which causes cancelling where it could be solved , if the timing is the same inside the editor ....;)
    No one knows why this happens...

    • 6: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime5 Mar 2024
    @mav no problem. I 'm just showing possibilities. Everyone may feel free to make the music he likes.... what are your projects?
    • 7: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime6 Mar 2024
    I wonder if sometimes the emulation will be fixed.
    As it still sounds different in RMT and Altirra.
    While Altirra itself is rather correct, it sound different when editing the tune...
    So some update to the timing for removing cancelling.
    Do you get the different drive of the main instrument ?
    Bass is somewhat louder and the kickbass plays "the other" Note.

    I wonder what musicians could do with all this...
    • 8: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime7 Mar 2024
    And a 3rd one...
    Termi meets Giana ;)

    • 9: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime9 Mar 2024 zmieniony
    Meanwhile I have to come to the conclusion that the only cause for detuned POKEY Music is that people Want the detuning.

    There is a 5 note shift in RMT 1.31 at 16 bit resolution.
    Plus some notes jump out of their range ...
    "Key G A B" is correct after moving the pith 5 up. But "C" turns into "C#" . Why do you people like that ?
    The 16 bit resolution is far more precise in the notes that SID. But people detune that intentional ?
    I wonder , if we really have musician using POKEY, as a Musician would have solved this stuff within some days.

    Here is some Upgrade to the last one....
    Still not perfect, as RMT 1.31 doesn't allow pitch manipulations in 16 Bit...

    • 10: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime10 Mar 2024
    Update on the 15kHz section.

    • 11: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime15 Mar 2024
    100 % PWM Control in real environmental circumstances...

    • 12: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime16 Mar 2024
    Seems the Windows recording adds a lot unwanted sidenoise.
    So here a tune using Altirra recording, wich drop the analyzer but the sound were correct...

    • 13: CommentAuthorCuzz
    • CommentTime17 Mar 2024
    ja wstawiłem do biosu nowy sposób kompresji grafiki i sprawdziłem na zybexie. Jest jeden kolor więcej i gierki są lepsze. Ja wam tego nie wy.tłumacze bo pisałem w kodzie maszynowym, ale teraz bardzo łatwo napisać grę
    • 14: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime17 Mar 2024
    Some Vid using "Corrscope" to show what's going on.
    Such a feature in Altirra would be marvelous.

    @Cuzz: ???
    (Why no explanation ?)
    • 16: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime17 Mar 2024
    Don't forget, this is the 15kHz Mode.
    There is absolutely nothing comparable to this method in PoKey usage....

    • 17: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime21 Mar 2024
    POKEY'S PWM ....

    • 18:
    • CommentTime24 Mar 2024
    Pokey z RTM bez użycia sampli, dla mnie kozak:

    A tu fajny bas:
    • 19: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime24 Mar 2024
    No Samples ? Playing POKEY at 4 or more updates per frame is sampling as the resulting frequencies were built on the sample rate, not just by using PoKey's generators.
    On the other hand.... If you provide some "DooM" clone using this ingame .... I might be convinced.
    • 20: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime24 Mar 2024
    3 channels 1 VBI... Still fun playing with PWM...

    At least you see the accuracy of the waveforms...
    • 21: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime26 Mar 2024
    Crunchy PWM sounds....

    • 22: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime29 Mar 2024 zmieniony
    Alternate Version
    • 23: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime29 Mar 2024
    And a special event release ;)

    • 24: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime6 Apr 2024 zmieniony
    That Corrscope thing is really nice, as it shows stable waveforms.
    So I made a new Title for my YT channel :D

    • 25:
    • CommentTime7 Apr 2024
    acquired taste :)
    • 26: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime7 Apr 2024
    Thanks. Nice to read..

    How about this one ?

    • 27: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime9 Apr 2024
    The real fun with POKEY is the tremendous spread of sound variation :)

    • 28: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime13 Apr 2024 zmieniony
    • 29: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime8 May 2024
    Different music style...

    • 30: CommentAuthormono
    • CommentTime8 May 2024 zmieniony
    @emkay: Why don't you inform us about this tune:

    Whoa! Perfect one!

    Edit: Did you inspired in
    • 31: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime14 May 2024
    @mono My inspiration is always to show a broad range of PoKey tunes.
    I'm glad, you like that tune.
    Very often my results were understood wrong, just because people don't like the music itself.
    dxRMT allowed to go a step further in this "Synthesizer" direction to create the tune this way.
    Sadly enough, rensoupp disappeared without any sign.
    No one knows, if he's alright....
    Due to the state of dxRMT, the "synthesizer" part works nicely, but creating new instruments is horrible, as the tracker often quits to the desktop.
    • 32: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime14 May 2024 zmieniony
    Currently I'm more about the "common SID sound" and how to create that within PoKey's features.
    In the latest "15kHz" using vids, there still is the bass and drum played on different channels. But they could be played on the same channels at the same time to get a channel free for more options.
    In this tune, I wanted to create some "good mood" ambient and entered another bug in that RMT version, that sets the portamento wrong.
    So it ended up in something around this bug :)

    RMT 1.31 used , because it's so easy to create instruments... but RMT still isn't able to do "Synthesizer" commands.
    • 33: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime18 May 2024 zmieniony
    I wonder, when other POKEY musicians will start to do those PWM Synth manipulations in their tunes, to give them a better tension?

    50Hz , 1VBI, 1 POKEY, stock machine from 1979 could play this...

    • 34: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime29 May 2024
    Possibly this tune might help to understand my intentions ?
    The main voice is pure 15kHz. Replay speed at 1 VBI.... One PoKey ... and so on ;)
    If you listen to it and look at the wave shaping. You possibly might get it.
    The PWM reaches frequencies between the 15 kHz resolution.
    To get that 100 % , the original POKEY/6502 Hardware had to be stable emulated. The possibilities were still unexplored. The available software allows just shades of the possible.

    • 35: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime5 Jun 2024
    Seems Vins did forget to tell me about some special commands in RMT 1.31 . :D

    Still a small runtime, 1 VBI, Real Hardware usage....

    Some triangle waves here and there is intentional ;)

    • 36: CommentAuthorbruno_j
    • CommentTime5 Jun 2024 zmieniony
    Tak to się fachowo robi:

    • 37: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime5 Jun 2024 zmieniony
    Play that music in any game or demo, then we're in business ;)
    btw. High notes were yelling too much.
    • 38: CommentAuthorbruno_j
    • CommentTime5 Jun 2024 zmieniony
    W demie mówisz? Dziwne dźwięki od Makarego? Hmm...
    • 39: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime5 Jun 2024
    Apples & Pears ?
    • 40: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime6 Jun 2024 zmieniony
    Will you ever get it ?
    You cannot do games or demos, when the music is wasting most CPU time...
    The goal ever was to use POKEY's native features and to make music with that.
    What's possible at 50Hz programming and least ressources using for replaying music.
    The better people understand, what POKEY can do, the better the results will get.
    There is actually one tune that runs on a real machine at single VBI speed that impresses me much.

    The negative part is the big memory usage of RMT 1.34. But LZSS helps a lot, if used.Perhaps about 2 % of CPU using....

    • 41: CommentAuthorbruno_j
    • CommentTime7 Jun 2024
    Let's give the floor to Makary:

    A POKEY version of the famous spacesynth classic by Koto:
    Koto Visitors (Official Video). You can hear me struggling to keep things in tune (more or less at least). And trying to use 'filters' without sacrificing polyphony.

    Technical: no samples; 2x/frame.
    Recording: real hardware, a stock Atari 130 XE.
    Tracker: Raster Music Tracker ->link<-
    Visualization: Corroscope ->link<-
    • 42: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime7 Jun 2024
    2x VBI means to have the 2nd part of any VB in the center of the screen.
    • 43: CommentAuthorrosomak
    • CommentTime9 Jun 2024
    Bruno_j, ten kawałek z Twojego posta to na standardowym Atari bez sampli zdiełano? Tak mi wychodzi z tego co pisał Makary, brzmi to tak dobrze, że aż ciężko mi uwierzyć, stąd pytanie
    • 44: CommentAuthorgorgh
    • CommentTime9 Jun 2024
    emkay: most of the Makary 's tunes work in single VBL and they sound much better than your experiments
    • 45: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime9 Jun 2024
    @gorgh You should better write "Makary's tunes sound better to my taste..."
    No Idea for me why you want always scratchy and yelling sound.
    If you like it, it's ok.
    • 46: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime9 Jun 2024
    About that 2x VBI tunes.
    How about some Intro using that 2 times VBI tunes and a Rastaconverter image.

    The sad part is that you don't even understand the level of achievement, when you wath this intro...

    • 47: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime14 Jun 2024
    • 48: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime18 Jun 2024
    • 49: CommentAuthoremkay
    • CommentTime23 Jun 2024
    Another Corrscope view.

    • 50: CommentAuthorbruno_j
    • CommentTime24 Jun 2024 zmieniony
    @rosomak Makary siedzi sobie gdzieś z boczku i różne takie cudeńka bez sampli rzeźbi ;)
