256 kolorów - Forum Atarum

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    Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.

      • 1:
      • CommentTime21 Apr 2010 21:04
      Ostatnio zaciekawil mnie tryb graficzny, w ktorych mamy 256 kolorow bez interlace. Podawalem juz przyklady:

      Charlie Chaplin podeslal troche informacji na temat tych obrazkow, cytuje bo moga byc dla niektorych interesujace:

      I know the posted pics in the forum at (topic: let us meditate on Atari) very well, because they are from my collection (I converted even some of them). The pics are in "Paint 256" format, a program from Happy Computer magazine, published there as a type-in listing in TB XL...

      At one point I had many different formats for 256-colour pics, but after a while I found lots of converters to convert into standard Apac or Paint-256 Format (e.g. using a program named "The Colorizer" or a program named "TD2APAC" or "Eagle-Print" which means Technicolour Dream
      to Apac). Thus you will note, that a lot of pics came from TD format, some from Apac format, some from Prizm Format and some from other sources (e.g. the 123 sectors Digipaint and other interlace format) - but in the end I converted them all into Paint-256 format. (From the four pics shown, the first two came from TD, the last two were converted by me from GIF87a files; the second last pic is afaik from Defender of the Crown or something similar, the last pic shows the swiss-guard = the guard of the pope)...

      Paint 256 uses non-interlace, 62 sectors, Gr. 9+11 pics (31 sectors for Gr.9, 31 sectors for Gr. 11); because of the flicker-free non-interlace mode and no over/underscan (which TD has, 80x119 pixels, I lost quite some lines while converting) they have a small resolution of 80x96
      pixels and the well-known black lines. Happy Computer had the painter program and they also published a viewer; later a friend of mine (Heiko Bornhorst) made a "Multi-Mode Viewer" to view these pics and also Gr. 8,9 and 15... (he also made a menu for my XLE-Mag which could load these four pict. formats)...

      In most american programs the paint-256 pics are refered to as apac-2 pics (e.g. in The Colorizer one can load/save as Apac-2 which is the same as paint-256 format), I am not sure if thats also true for polish programs (converters and viewers), think we have APC/Apac, AP2/Apac-2 and AP3/Apac-3 formats there... and I do not know if the polish Apac-2 format is the same as the american Apac-2 format (and thus the same as paint-256 format)...
      • 2:
      • CommentTime21 Apr 2010 21:04
      A czy na polski dało by się to przełożyć, to nie tak że nic nie rozumiem ale pewnie tych najważniejszych informacji właśnie nie .
      • 3: CommentAuthormono
      • CommentTime21 Apr 2010 22:04
      Ten tryb opisany jest w Atarki przy opisie GR.11: ->link<-
      for those interested in Paint 256 - you will find attached:

      - Paint 256 program (painting program and viewer)

      - The Colorizer (originally to colorize Gr. 9 pics, but also converts various Gr.9 and Gr.9+11 formats into Apac and Apac-2/Paint 256 format)

      - Eagle Print program (originally to print pics, but also to convert various pictures, e.g. Technicolour Dream into Gr. 9 and Gr. 11; I used the Colorizer to convert into Paint 256 format then)

      - Utils05 (various utilities, e.g. Tech2APC.BAS a program to convert Technicolour to Apac; have not tried this, since I had already converted all my TD pics to Apac and then to Paint 256 with Eagle-Print and The Colorizer)

      - GrConv 1+2 (various Graphic converters, also Apacview 2.4 to convert GIF87a into Apac format; I used the Colorizer to convert Apac into Paint 256 / Apac-2 format then)

      Yes, in the past I loved converting pics and I have converted many hundred pictures from various sources into Gr.8, Gr.9, Gr. 9+11, HIP, TIP, RGB and other formats (not into Gr. 15 because I already had several hundred pics there)... -Andreas Koch.
      And err,

      here are some pics in Paint 256 format (not all of them were converted by me, afaik all nude pics were done by a friend of mine and the AP2-grey pic disks were partially defective HIP or CIN pics from a polish party in the 90s)...

      All picture disks are self-running with a DOS and a picture viewer on them and they are PD. Because of the low resolution of Paint 256 pics (or Gr. 9+11 generally), stay away 1, 2 or 3 meters from your screen when viewing them... -Andreas Koch.
      • 6:
      • CommentTime21 Apr 2010 23:04
      Dzięki mono.
      • 7:
      • CommentTime22 Apr 2010 13:04
      A propos tych programow na 256 kolcow, to moj dawny znajomek kiedys napisal swoj edytor - "Plama 256". Mimo, ze prosty, jednak spelnial swoja role calkiem niezle. :)

      Ogolnie mowiac, rysowanie w takim trybie bylo pewnym wyzwaniem jako, ze potrzeba bylo troche cierpliwosci i wyobrazni patrzac na tworzona grafike (a "harmonijka" na ekranie nieco rozprasza). Plusem trybu jest duza, dostepna paleta barw, brak "migania" oraz stosunkowo niewielka ilosc zajmowanej pamieci.
      • 8:
      • CommentTime22 Apr 2010 14:04
      Gdyby rozwiazac rysowanie w edytorze (ale na PC, bo na Atari sie nie da) tak, ze kazda linia jest powtorzona drugi raz (zamiast tej ciemnej, drugiej) to byloby latwe dla oka rysowanie - po pierwsze bez tych ciemnych linii, po drugie kwadratowymi pikselami. Potem oczywiscie edytor zapisywalby obrazek w formacie Atari juz co druga linie.

      Tak wyglada to na Atari, z co druga linia ciemniejsza:

      Tak wygladac by to moglo w edytorze, pierwsza linia skopiowana do drugiej:

      • 9: CommentAuthorPaladina
      • CommentTime26 Apr 2010 22:04
      How can I load .256 pictures in Turbo Basic. Any easy sample pls. thx.

      afaik on the Paint 256 disk (Paint256.ATR in the first attachment above) there is a small file with 8 sectors named "INIT256.LST" which you can load from TB XL with Enter"D:*.LST" - this is an example of how to load or save such Paint .256 pics with TB XL... -Andreas Koch
      • 11: CommentAuthorPaladina
      • CommentTime2 May 2010 21:05
      Thanks for help. Ok, I find little program,that I can load pictures .PIC, but what for format is the .256? How can I convert any pictures from PC to this .PIC pls or convert .256 to the .PIC? thanks for more help with description and examples.
      Well, (english text)

      I do not know of any converter that could convert PC pics into the Paint 256 format *in one step*. You can however take a GIF-87a picture and convert it 1) into APAC format with e.g. Apacview 2.4, then 2) use the Colorizer to load this *.APC picture and save it as *.AP2 picture. The format of Apac-2 is the same as Paint 256, so any picture saved with the Colorizer in AP2 format will work with Paint-256 viewers.

      Of course this is kind of awkward if someone wants to convert dozens of PC pictures into Paint-256 format, one always has to convert them into Apac first (one after another) and then into Apac-2 / Paint 256 (again one after another). But maybe someone can write a multi-converter program for the A8 or the PC that converts multiple pictures (GIF, JPEG or whatever) directly in one go into Paint 256 format...

      There is also a JPEG color converter for the A8 by Raphael Espino, named CPEGview, it shows JPEG pics in various A8 colour formats (Gr. 8+11, Gr. 9+11, Gr. 15+11, RIP, TIP) and is also able to save some of them - alas, the Gr. 9+11 (Apac and/or Apac-2) format can only be viewed and not saved...

      Lastly, the Paint-256 program uses .PIC as extender, one of the most often used extenders for pictures on the A8; me I use .AP2 or .256 for these pictures to make it clear (at least for me) that they are Paint-256 pictures (I simply rename the extender, thats all)...

      And err, regarding format details of Paint 256 pictures, the format is nothing special, just 7680 bytes (62 sectors), no colour bytes, half of them = Gr. 9, the other half = Gr. 11. To see what the picture looks like, load it as Gr. 9 picture, you will easily see that one half is Gr. 9, while the other half is Gr. 11. Why there is no flicker or how the flicker is avoided, I don`t know...


      Nun, (deutscher Text)
      ich kenne keinen Konverter der PC Bilder *in einem Durchgang* in Paint-256 Bilder konvertieren kann. Man kann allerdings ein GIF-87a Bild nehmen und es ins APAC Format konvertieren, z.B. mit Apacview 2.4 und dann den Colorizer, um das *.APC Bild zu laden und es als *.AP2 zu speichern. Das Format von Apac-2 ist dasselbe wie Paint-256, so dass jedes Bild, das mit dem Colorizer in AP2 gespeichert wurde mit Paint-256 Betrachtern funktioniert...

      Natürlich ist es etwas umständlich, wenn man dutzende PC Bilder in das Paint-256 Format konvertieren möchte, man muss sie immer erst in Apac konvertieren (eines nach dem anderen) und danach noch in Apac-2 / Paint-256 (erneut eines nach dem anderen). Aber vielleicht kann ja jemand ein Multi-Konverter Programm für den PC oder A8 schreiben, mit dem man direkt in einem Durchgang mehrere Bilder (GIF, JPEG oder was auch immer) auf einmal in das Paint-256 Format konvertieren kann...

      Es gibt auch einen JPEG Bildkonvertierer für den A8 in Farbe von Raphael Espino, genannt CPEGview, er zeigt JPEG Bilder in verschiedenen A8 Farbformaten (Gr. 8+11, Gr. 9+11, Gr. 15+11, RIP, TIP) und kann auch einige davon speichern, leider kann das Gr. 9+11 Format (Apac oder Apac-2 / Paint 256) zwar betrachtet aber nicht gespeichert werden...

      Zuguterletzt, das Paint-256 Programm benutzt den .PIC Extender, einer der am häufigsten benutzten Extender für Bilder auf dem A8. Ich verwende stattdessen den Extender .AP2 oder .256 um es (wenigstens für mich) klar ersichtlich zu machen, dass es sich hierbei um Paint-256 Bilder handelt (ich benenne einfach den Extender anders, das ist alles)...

      Und ähem, was die Format Details von Paint-256 Bildern betrifft, das Format ist nichts besonderes, einfach 7680 Bytes (62 Sektoren), keine Farbbytes, die Hälfte davon = Gr. 9, die andere Hälfte = Gr. 11. Um mal zu sehen, wie das Bild aufgebaut ist, einfach mal mit einem Gr.9 Bildbetrachter laden, man sieht hier sehr gut, dass eine Hälfte Gr. 9 ist und die andere Hälfte Gr. 11. Warum es da kein Flimmern gibt oder wie das Flimmern verhindert wird, weiss ich nicht...

      -Andreas Koch.

      P.S.: Normally I want to avoid speaking german language here in this polish forum. Alas, I don`t speak polish language and err, if german is easier for you to understand than english, let me know and I write my future explanations in german. Otherwise I will continue to write in english...
      • 13:
      • CommentTime3 May 2010 01:05
      Why there is no flicker or how the flicker is avoided, I don`t know...

      According to source which was linked above by Mono, this is generally PAL system feature. Graphics 9 line (16 shadows) is coloured up by the Graphics 11 line (16 colours) placed before (more strictly speaking: chrominance for Graphics 9 line is taken from Graphics 11 line).

      BTW: I really would like to see effects of direct convertion, it should be easy to programm... Normal 256 pic from PC (80x119) splited into two half-pics: shadows only in the 1st, colours in the 2nd.
      • 14:
      • CommentTime3 May 2010 12:05 zmieniony
      How to do your own picture in apac-2 format?
      Draw it in gimp (or resize, convert, etc)
      set resolution to 80x96;
      Change to indexed color using some atari palette imported (attached)
      save as raw (stardard settings), ignore .pal file
      Next drop it into this bash script in terminal (the script should be copied into file and named as you want)

      # raw2apac2 converter by jakub husak 03052010
      ext=`echo "$1" | rev | cut -f1 -d. | rev`
      while [ "$1" ] ; do
      xxd -ps -c2 "$1" | head -3840 | cut -b 1,3
      xxd -ps -c2 "$1" | head -3840 | cut -b 2,4
      } | xxd -r -ps > "${1%%$ext}"AP2

      The thing is for people with "normal" oses (unices: Mac OS X, Linux, Unix, etc.)
      • 15:
      • CommentTime3 May 2010 12:05 zmieniony
      Max Raabe converted from google images

      On real atari looks great.

      • 16:
      • CommentTime3 May 2010 12:05
      No niezly wynik (ten obrazek powyzej).
      A czy daloby sie jakos odpalac ten skrypcik do konwersji pod najpopularniejszym systemem operacyjnym, na ktory GIMP jest od dawna? :>

      Jesli omawiany tryb graficzny to cecha/zaleta trybu PAL, to jak to sie prezentuje w "konkurencyjnym" NTSC ? :o
      • 17:
      • CommentTime3 May 2010 12:05
      Jeśli chodzi o najpopularniejszy system operacyjny, to jest coś takiego, jak cygnus. I jeśli tam jest bash, xxd i head (head można wywalić, jeśli wiadomo, że plik ma dobrą wysokość), to zadziała pod cygnusem.

      Jeśli chodzi o ntsc, to trzeba przetestować, wydaje mi się, że ntsc nie ma linii opóźniającej, więc nie powinno działać (przynajmniej tak dobrze, efekt podkolorowania będzie). Ale trzeba sprawdzić.
      • 18:
      • CommentTime3 May 2010 12:05 zmieniony
      @CharlieCaplin - only English as this can be treated as Esperanto.
      Also, google translates best to english and from english.

      "I know little German" :)


      What movie is the sentence above from?
      • 19:
      • CommentTime3 May 2010 12:05 zmieniony
      @kaz, czy te obrazki automagicznie się kopiują na w czasie późniejszym? (chodzi o te zamieszczane przez link, tam, gdzie patrzyłem są zaciągane z
      • 20: CommentAuthorxxl
      • CommentTime3 May 2010 12:05
      z "top secret" :p
      • 21:
      • CommentTime3 May 2010 14:05
      Za dokładnie ! :)
      • 22:
      • CommentTime3 May 2010 14:05
      Moze TeBe da sie namowic na obsluge tego trybu w AIS, wtedy wszystkie problemy (odczyt, konwersja, generowanie XEX, dzialanie na wingrozie) bylyby rozwiazane za jednym zamachem.

      set resolution to 80x96;

      It could be 96x119 max, I hope :)

      The thing is for people with "normal" oses

      I have a normal OS - GEM+TOS and it doesn't work... :P

      Max Raabe converted from google images

      Worth to see the original pic to compare:

      Jeśli chodzi o ntsc, to trzeba przetestować,

      Ze znanych mi osob Nosty ma taki comp, a takze zapewne Jose Pereira, bo u nich w Ameryce Lacinskiej tez rzadzil NTSC.

      @kaz, czy te obrazki automagicznie się kopiują na w czasie późniejszym?

      Niestety nie. Ale to bylaby fajna opcja.
      José Pereira -> Portugal -> Europa
      José Pereira -> Portugal -> Europa -> PAL
      • 25:
      • CommentTime4 May 2010 00:05
      Sorry Jose, I don't know why I thought you living in Latin America :).
      • 26: CommentAuthorPaladina
      • CommentTime4 May 2010 10:05
      Problem with PC Gif files, I use to Apacview 2.4, and pictures reduced to 80*96 and saved as GIF-87a via XnView (Pc program for pictures), then load to disk Image. When I will load Gif in Apac,I become error -"corrupt file(no null), pls HELP.
      @ Palladina:

      I would not downsize to 80x96 pixels on the PC. Use 320x200 or 160x100 pixels instead. This has the advantage that you can zoom in parts (details) of the picture in Apacview. If the picture is bigger than 80x100 pixels, as soon as it has loaded you can press OPTION to zoom in some part of it. Two cursors will then appear, press "W" and/or "H" to alter the width and/or height, optionally you can then use the joystick to move the cursors where you want them to be. Finally press the fire-button to re-load the GIF picture but now with your part (detail) zoomed in... (this zoom-feature also works in Jview).

      Whenever I got the error file corrupt (no null), either the file was corrupt and I had to copy it again to the A8 disk or it was a GIF-89a file and Apacview only reads GIF-87a files. Make sure you have tagged "x GIF-87a" in Xnview under Options, Read/Write files, Write (GIF). If this option is already set and copying the file to different A8 disks also does not work (and the error still occurs) try some other PC picture converter programs, e.g. Irfan View, GIMP, Slowview, etc. etc.

      Attached some sample GIF-87a files here...
      -Andreas Koch.
      @ KAZ:

      If we want to have 256-colour pics without flicker but with 80x119 pixels resolution, there is the Technicolour Dream format. But it uses two picture files, one with the extender .LUM and one with the extender .COL (each one 39 sectors in length). I would prefer to have a picture in 80x119 pixels as one file...

      On the other hand, why use 80x119 in 256 colours, if we can have 160x119 in 256 colours, known as TIP ?!? There already exists a PC converter program to convert PNG, JPG and others into TIP (and HIP), it is Tipconv by EPI. And on the A8 we have CPEGview by Raphael Espino to convert JPEG pics into TIP...

      -Andreas Koch.
      • 29:
      • CommentTime5 May 2010 11:05


      there is the Technicolour Dream format. But it uses two picture files, one with the extender .LUM and one with the extender .COL

      I didn't check it myself but it sounds that Technicolor Dream, Paint 256, APAC-2, Plama and other formats are using the same GR9+GR11 non-flicking format?

      Have you tried "Fail" graphics viewer to display some of these pictures (it is recognizing Apac-like and Plama modes)?



      On the other hand, why use 80x119 in 256 colours, if we can have 160x119 in 256 colours, known as TIP ?!?

      As you well know - TIP is flickering on TV/old monitors and it doesn't suit some people.
      • 30: CommentAuthorPaladina
      • CommentTime22 Jun 2010 18:06

      Can anybody help me to transfer PC pictures in this Apac or .256 picture,that I can load in Turbo Basic?

      Please help and make Walkhrought Step by Step with this pictures ANNE1.PNG.

      I think it help more programmer, for make better games
      • 31: CommentAuthorPaladina
      • CommentTime22 Jun 2010 18:06
      The picture in PNG
      try this:

      1) use a PC program like e.g. Irfanview or Xnview to convert the *.PNG into *.GIF (GIF87a) on the PC (you may also downsize to 320x200 pixels or downgrade to 256 colours there etc.)...

      2) transfer the GIF(87a) picture from the PC onto the Atari with e.g. SIO2PC, APE, Atari 810, AspeQT, Ataridsk, or some other program or method (whatever you like best to transfer a PC file to the A8)...

      3) a) on the Atari load e.g. APACVIEW (without Basic) and then insert the disk (tape, puncture-card/stripe, SD/CF-card, USB-stick, harddisk, CD/DVD/Blue-Ray, etc.) with the GIF file...

      b) Use "M" to set the mode to Apac (Gr. 9 +11; yellow-screen - Apacview starts in this mode), then use "L" to load the GIF file. Type in the filename of the GIF file and press Return to load it. If the GIF picture is bigger than 80x96 pixels Apacview will shrink the width and/or height by 2, 4 or 8. So better do not use/convert pictures that are bigger in size than 320x200 pixels.
      c) If you are lucky the result will look quite good and you can press START to return to the menu, there press "S" to save the picture as a 62-sector Apac (*.APC) file.

      But, maybe you only require a small part of the picture and/or the picture is much bigger than 80x96 pixels ?!? Well, you can therefore zoom in a part of the picture.
      d) Simply load the GIF file with "L" and as soon as the picture has been fully loaded/converted press OPTION.
      e) Now two cursors will appear (at the edges), press "W" and/or "H" to change the width and height of these cursors and use the joystick (up, down, left, right) to move the cursors where you want them to be...
      f) When you are satisfied, press the fire button and wait some time until the original GIF picture is re-loaded, but now your chosen part of the picture has been zoomed-in.
      g) Again, press START to return to the menu and there press "S" to save as 62-sector Apac file...

      If you know some other programs by magic Harry, err, Jeff Potter (e.g. Jview, Gifncode, Degasread, IFF/LBM View, etc.) you will notice that nearly all of them use a similar menu, where "M" sets the mode, START returns to the menu, OPTION (after a picture has loaded) starts zoom option, "L" loads a PC/ST/Amiga file, etc. Alas, not all programs support Gr,8, Gr. 9, Gr. 15 and Gr. 9+11 modes and most of all not all converters (e.g. Degasread and IFF/LBM View) do include a save-option...

      -Andreas Koch.
      And err,
      if you want to have the picture in Apac-2 / Paint 256 format instead of Apac format, you can use another converter, namely "the Colorizer" by Bill Kendrick. There are different versions of this program, a) a TB XL version (*.TUR, load it from TB XL), b) a CTB version (compiled, load it with the CTB-Runtime) and c) a self-executable ML-file (created with the CTB-linker, load it with binary load and Basic off under DOS, e.g. option "L" under DOS 2.0/2.5)...

      When the Colorizer has loaded, insert the disk with your Apac (*.APC) file and press Return to see a directory of this disk. If your Apac file uses the extender .APC, simply type in Filename.APC, press Return and it will be loaded and shown on the screen (if it uses a different extender e.g. *.PIC, then use forced mode: Filename.PIC /A, so it will display in Apac mode).

      Now you could use the joystick to draw on the screen press e.g. 0-9 and/or Shift 1-6 to choose the colour, press "D" for draw mode and then draw on the screen (you could use "F" to fill an area, but be extremely cautious and pre-set borders or the whole screen will fill with one colour). From time to time I use this option to remove unwanted coloured pixels... the option was originally there to colorize greyscale Gr. 9 screens...

      Next press Control-S to go to the save screen, here press "T" to set the format type (use Apac-2 which is the same as Paint 256 format) and "N" to set the filename under which you want to save the file, then press Control-S again to save the picture in Apac-2 format. Finally press Control-X twice (yes, 2x) to erase the picture from the screen and return to the starting menu (where you can start over)...

      It is kinda awkward having to convert Apac into Apac-2 / Paint 256 format again, especially since one can only convert one picture at a time (and not dozens or hundreds pictures automatically by simply setting source and destination format once and then convert all matching pictures e.g. source: *.APC, destination: *.AP2).

      But at the moment I do not know of any PC program that could convert directly into Apac-2 / Paint 256 format nor do I know a PC or A8 converter program that makes use of batch-file conversion for Gr. 9+11 format. (There is the program TIP Convert 1.x by Epi, it supports batchfile conversion but converts only to HIP and TIP; maybe the author could add some other graphic formats like Gr. 9+11 also...)

      Last not least you can use the TB XL program on the Paint 256 disk named "INIT256.LST" to load/save such Paint 256 pictures in your own program (for a picture slideshow use e.g. Multi-Mode-Fader)...

      Puh, sorry for this long novel, but someone requested for it... -Andreas Koch.
      Here is Anne,
      converted to GIF-87a format with XnView. You can use this GIF file with Apacview and convert it into Apac (*.APC) format as described above. Then you can use the Colorizer to convert it into Apac-2 (Paint 256) format...

      As of yet, I have no clue (and no programs) how to convert PC/ST/Amiga/MAC pictures into Technicolour Dream format (also Gr. 9+11 but with 80x119 pixels resolution). Maybe the original and commercial TD disk contains such programs, maybe one has to do it fully by hand (and or write own programs to do so)...

      -Andreas Koch.
      • 35:
      • CommentTime23 Jun 2010 08:06
      ...and converted to size 80x119 (with double horizontal aspect ratio)
      Of course
      I did not mean a GIF with 80x119 or 160x119 pixels in size...

      If you use this 160x119 GIF picture in Apacview (which has a standard of 80x96 pixels in Apac mode), it will shrink the width by 2 (result 80 pixels, thats full screen width) and also shrink the height by 2 (result 59 or 60 pixels - no full screen height)... -Andreas Koch.
      • 37: CommentAuthorPaladina
      • CommentTime23 Jun 2010 22:06
      Many Thanks to CharlieChaplin and other... I got it :D super... now transfer about 200 pictures for my games :D hard work.. but thanks you!
      • 38:
      • CommentTime26 Jun 2010 22:06
      Can you show some of them? What kind of game you're working on?

      Epi`s Tipconv 1.xx (a PC program) supports batchfile conversion, so one can convert 100 or 1000 (or more) pics in one go. I used this program quite often for TIP Animator. Alas, currently it only supports HIP and TIP - maybe someone can persuade the author to update it for:

      a) Gr. 9 (only greyscales, 62 sectors, no flicker, 80x192 pixels),
      b) Gr. 9+11 (Apac-2, Paint-256, etc., 62 sectors, no flicker, 80x96 pixels, PAL only),
      c) Gr. 9+11 (Pryzm, Digipaint, etc., length of 123 sectors, interlace / flicker, pseudo 80x192 pixels via interlace, PAL and NTSC),
      d) various RIP modes (Gr. 9+10, Gr. 10+10, Gr. 10+11 all modes in 160x200 pixels, 64 or 128 colours, some flicker, length of 129 sectors)...

      Then one could easily convert hundreds of PC pictures (GIF, JPG, PNG, etc.) into most of the newer A8 graphic formats... -Andreas Koch.
      • 40:
      • CommentTime6 Jan 2020 00:01
      CharlieChaplin - interesting idea. I wrote about it to Epi.

      Dzisiaj z Mono omawialiśmy ten temat. Grafika non-flickering w 256 kolorach mogłaby być ciekawym urozmaiceniem w wielu grach, np. jako ekran między poziomami.
      • 41:
      • CommentTime6 Jan 2020 14:01
      i dzisiaj można bez kłopotu odpalać skrypty basha w windzie 10, wystarczy zainstalować WSL (Windows subsystem for Linux)
      • 42:
      • CommentTime7 Jan 2020 00:01
      A przy okazji - pierwszy raz spotykam się z sytuacją, gdy przez composite video grafika wygląda lepiej niż przez wyjście RGB w VBXE. A tak właśnie porównałem sobie te obrazki w 256 kolorach na obu typach wyjść. Oczywiście w VBXE zależy to od załadowanej palety, ale mimo wszystko, jest lepiej z oryginalnego GTIA :)
      • 43: CommentAuthortebe
      • CommentTime7 Jan 2020 00:01
      aby działały "przerywane" linie potrzebny jest PAL blending, VBXE tego nie wspiera
      • 44: CommentAuthormono
      • CommentTime7 Jan 2020 04:01
      Wspiera, trzeba tylko załadować rdzeń GTIA.
      • 45:
      • CommentTime7 Jan 2020 23:01
      Zaraz, zaraz. Ale jakiś specyficzny rdzeń? Bo przecież normalnie już jest załadowany. Poza tym mi nawet nie chodziło o te czarne paski, bo one są u mnie ledwo widoczne przez composite, ale raczej o ustawioną paletę barw w VBXE (tak, wiem, że można je zmieniać). Normalnie kolory wyglądają lepiej na VBXE, a tu pierwszy raz zdarzyło mi się, że gorzej.
      • 46:
      • CommentTime13 Jan 2020 16:01 zmieniony
      CharlieChaplin - Epi answered me: this feature is doable!
      • 48:
      • CommentTime22 Jul 2020 15:07
      Ciekawe, czy Epi-emu coś się udało zrobić :)
      • 49:
      • CommentTime22 Jul 2020 19:07
      "jest lepiej z oryginalnego GTIA "
      ... i jest oryginalnie :D
      • 50: CommentAuthorpin
      • CommentTime22 Jul 2020 21:07


      (...) ale raczej o ustawioną paletę barw w VBXE (tak, wiem, że można je zmieniać). Normalnie kolory wyglądają lepiej na VBXE, a tu pierwszy raz zdarzyło mi się, że gorzej.

      ... przywołuję to, o czym pisał Mono. Rdzeń FX nie wspiera PAL BLENDING, rdzeń GTIA emu już tak. Zmień rdzeń i zobacz, to zmienisz zdanie ;)

      Do tego celu służą dwa programiki. Jeden to "oryginalny" FC, drugi to VBFC (Mono) dla Sparty X.