"Little Computer People" - Forum Atarum

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    • 1:
    • CommentTime6 Jul 2010 zmieniony
    I jeszcze jeden temat od kolegi QTZ:


    W (...) numerze CD-Action (05/2010) znalazł się artykuł o "grze" Little Computer People (...). Program ten powstał na niemal każdy 8-bitowy komputer, Amigę i duże Atari (?). Na C64 i CPC wygląda interesująco, również wersja ZX Spectrum (nieco inna grafika) wygląda bardzo dobrze.




    Jak się okazało istnieje również wersja na małe Atari (nie znalazłem jej na AOL), jednak nie pochodzi ona od Activision. Jest dużo skromniejsza graficznie, brakuje pieska, nasz ludek porozumiewa się z nami po niemiecku i zachowuje się nieco odmiennie niż w pozostałych wersjach... Podejrzewam, że jest to program napisany od zera w jednej z wersji Basic'a (bez problemu można wylistować program wczytujący poszczególne pliki gry), bazujący jedynie na ogólnych zasadach zabawy. 100% pewności nie ma - mogłoby się okazać, że wersja na Commodore jest wzorowana na tej z Atari ;))), ale z pewnością są to programy napisane niezależnie. Jak na amatorską to nawet całkiem fajnie jest zrobiona, tylko ludek czasem się rozdwaja... aha, brakuje również mini gierek - albo trzeba je wywołać komendami, których nie znam...


    LCP jest niewątpliwie tytułem wybitnym (tytuł sam w sobie zyskał nowe znaczenie ;)) - więc byłoby wspaniale gdyby ktoś przeniósł wersję z C64 (myślę, że najłatwiej z uwagi na bliźniaczy procesor) na Atari :) (podobnie jak IK+) zachowując jak największą zgodność z oryginałem :) - zachowanie ludka, piesek, grafika, wpisywanie komend na górze ekranu, mnogość postaci (patrz - różne wersje na C64). Można też wziąć pod uwagę wersje na inne komputery.

    A może Activision wydało swoją wersję na Atari 8-bit, tylko nie udało mi się nic o takiej wersji znaleźć?

    252 wersje na Commodore:

    ->link<- (info)

    ZX Spectrum i powyższe:

    W międzyczasie próbowałem uruchomić LCP ze Spectrum na emulatorze zXEmulator, na Atari, niestety program się zawiesza (scereeny w załączniku), co jak sądzę jest spowodowane tym, że LCP działa tylko na Spectrum 128, którego ten emulator nie obsługuje. (...)

    Przy okazji, super by było, gdyby autor PETari, spróbował zrobić emulator C64, myślę, że mógłby działać tak jak zXEmulator - bez kolorów i innych efektów, które trudno uzyskać w prosty sposób na Atari. Wykorzystanie dodatkowej pamięci Atari 130 jako pamięci emulowanego komputera to świetny pomysł :)

    Little Computer People - Research Project - zebrane pytania w skrócie :)

    1. Czy Activision wydało LCP na Atari?
    2. Czy ktoś podjąłby się przeportowania wersji z C64 na Atari? (jednej z 252, lub z wyborem postaci?)
    3. Do autorów zXEmulator'a: Czy powstanie nowa wersja zXEmulator'a, obsługująca pliki Spectrum 128? (Na takim działa LCP)
    4. Do autora PETari: Czy powstanie emulator C64 na Atari, który przynajmniej w podobnym stopniu jak zXEmulator pozwalałby uruchamiać programy z C64?
    5. Do autora LCP na Atari: Jaka jest historia LCP na Atari?

    Oryginalne LCP względem wersji na Atari:

    - lepsza grafika
    - więcej animacji
    - ludek korzysta z większej ilości dobrodziejstw domu i zachowuje się nieco inaczej
    - można mu przysyłać różne rzeczy
    - wiele wersji zawierających różne postacie
    - pies
    - mini gry (być może nie umiem ich uruchomić?)
    - podanie imienia opiekuna (gracza) i daty (dodatkowa grafika)
    - zegar wskazówkowy
    - język angielski (na Atari nasz ludek porozumiewa się z nami po niemiecku)
    - wpisywanie w górnej części ekranu
    - o czymś zapomniałem?

    Znalazłem jeszcze inną wersję (nawet dwie) LCP dla C64, tym razem jest to wersja kasetowa:

    Nie udało mi się jej uruchomić na emulatorze, ale działa na prawdziwym C64. Prawdopodobnie na niej wzorował się autor wersji dla Atari, gdyż są w niej podobne braki względem wersji dyskowej. Nie ma ekranu wpisywania danych - podajemy tylko godzinę - już na ekranie gry, brakuje mini gier. Nasz ludzik posiada jednak psa :)

    Tu screen'y z różnych wersji:
    Opis - w tym różnice pomiędzy wersją taśmową i dyskową:

    the A8 version of LCP is named "Little Computer Project" and was Public Domain (PD) right from the start. The game is not from Activision of course, but from a german programmer... (programmed in Atari Basic)...

    -Andreas Koch.
    • 3:
    • CommentTime7 Jul 2010
    What about "hacking" this game a bit and put there graphics from ie. C64? :)
    • 4: CommentAuthormicnow
    • CommentTime7 Jul 2010
    mam nadzieję, że nie złamie praw autorskich i nie zostanę potraktowany jak zwykły pirat, ale biorąc pod uwagę, że tego numeru cd-action nie ma już w sprzedaży:

    ->link<- - to jest link do tego artykułu
    • 5: CommentAuthors2325
    • CommentTime7 Jul 2010
    gdzieś już widziałem tego pana z szaleństwem na twarzy
    • 6: CommentAuthorQTZ
    • CommentTime31 Jul 2010
    LCP w wersji kasetowej C64 działa na
    Hoxs64 Commodore 64 Emulator: ->link<-
    (trzeba wyłączyć stację dysków)
    • 7:
    • CommentTime31 Jul 2010
    Zobienie emulatora c64 na a800 byłoby bardzo, bardzo trudne. Nie mówię niemożliwe, bo co w dzisiejszych czasach jest niemożliwe :)
    • 8: CommentAuthorQTZ
    • CommentTime1 Jan 2012 zmieniony
    Jak się okazało LCP na Atari to program w Turbo Basic'u, listing wygląda dziwnie ponieważ została w nim zamazana tablica nazw zmiennych (w trzech głównych plikach), którą w dość łatwy sposób można zrekonstruować. Problemem jest jedynie nadanie sensownych nazw zmiennym, co postaram się zrobić. Może znajdzie się ktoś chętny do przetłumaczenia tej wersji gry?

    Nie ma w niej mini-gier i jak się można było spodziewać nie jest to konwersja - program tylko nawiązuje do pierwowzoru.

    Przeglądając listing znalazłem komendy, na które reaguje nasz "Pipul" ;)

    Komendy do LCP na Atari:

    WAS ?

    Klawisz "Start" przerywa muzykę.

    Fajnie gdyby ktoś również zrobił konwersję z oryginału. Ważne żeby sam engine odpowiadający za logikę gry został przeniesiony bez zmian, co dla znającego sprzęt i assembler powinno być możliwe, zwłaszcza, że oryginał działa na "tym samym" procesorze. Wystarczy więc wyciąć odpowiednie fragmenty kodu i dopisać obsługę grafiki, a później i dźwięku :)
    Myślę, że postacie i animacje najlepiej zrobić software'owo w grafice 4 lub 2 kolorowej (przeniesiona z C64 lub Spectrum). Ew. tło można spróbować dodatkowo podkolorować duszkami, jednak tak aby przemieszczające się postacie nie zmieniały koloru w rożnych miejscach ekranu.

    Bez użycia duszków ekran mógłby wyglądać tak:

    Gdyby się ktoś podjął konwersji mielibyśmy dwie wersje tej gry na Atari :)

    Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!

    just found out, that the game is named "Computer Inhabitants" on the A8 and the author Joerg Forg once lived in Worms, a city that is just 30km away from me.

    Alas, it looks like the program only runs with DOS 2.5 (tried other DOS versions, but while loading the program jumped to Self Test)... and err, the version at aol is defective, it shows "Boot Error" on the screen (think that the DOS.SYS is defect) - so here is a functional version of this game...

    -Andreas Koch.
    • 10:
    • CommentTime1 Jan 2012 zmieniony
    and err, the version at aol is defective, it shows "Boot Error" on the screen (think that the DOS.SYS is defect) - so here is a functional version of this game...

    According to the "Duplicate Cleaner" both files are identical!
    Where can I get a copy of "Little Computer Project"?
    • 12: CommentAuthormuffy
    • CommentTime3 Jan 2012


    the program also knows some "bad" german words like e.g.
    - Arsch ("ass" - it responds with "you are the hole then")
    - Depp
    - Idiot
    - Du bist dumm (you are stupid - response: so are you)
    and a few more. Just boot TB XL from a different disk, load the main program and list it - and somewhere at the end of the program you can read all the instructions (or orders) that the little guy understands...

    @KAZ: Downloaded LCP from aol, fired it up with atari800win and it gave me endless boot errors, thats why I wrote the aol version seems to be defective...

    -Andreas Koch.
    • 14: CommentAuthorQTZ
    • CommentTime4 Jan 2012 zmieniony
    I have compared both versions for Atari - "Little Computer People" (now on AOL - identical as file included above by Andreas Koch) and "Computer Inhabitants" linked above (different one). Thank you both for pointing to this title and file. LCP version have partially translated and changed texts (AUTORUN.BAS AND AUTORUN.LST). Also DOS.SYS and AUTORUN.SYS (Turbo Basic with cleared open screen) are different. "Computer Inhabitants" look like original version. There is hidden text "HALLO IHR LOOSER IN DIE DISKETTE SCHAUEN WIE ???" (whatever this mean), in LCP version this text is removed, but in other part of atr image there is twice additional text: "Brought By: YAPMAN SOFTWAREHOLLAND. Write us at: POBOX 71 5080AB HILVARENBEEK, THE NETHERLANDS. FOR GOODSOFTWARE".

    Files on atr disk:

    DOS.SYS - some DOS

    TB without variable table (fixed versions included below):

    AUTORUN.BAS - loader part 1
    AUTORUN.LST - loader part 2
    HAUPT.PRG - main program (not translated anywhere)

    Normal TB files (songs and sounds with some German texts and movements):


    BILD2.HPT - home picture (mic format - raw)

    AUTORUN.SYS - Modified Turbo Basic

    Other files - Data

    Files included below have all three files mentioned above with reconstructed tables (guessed names), so this is possible to translate everything without worry about exact text size (text must not exceeded line size). For example to load "HAUPT.PRG" insert Turbo Basic disk in drive 1, and game disk in drive 2, then in TB type LOAD"D2:HAUPT.PRG" [Return] (of course), then you may list code and edit. Best way to save file is to save it on H: device. If someone will declare to translate this program I may separate texts to text file to easier editing and then put everything back to Basic.

    PS. All instructions listed above ;)

    one (or both) versions did have a "protection" in the listing - you could list the file, but most line numbers had only 5-10 characters per line, therefore a linenumber was much longer than the max. 3 lines. Hopefully with re-creating the variable name table this stupid protection is gone, otherwise one cannot change/translate anything in the program without getting an error message...

    Besides, the hidden text means something stupid like "Hello you losers, wanna look on the diskette, he ?" Its very nice to find a cracker info (Yapman Software)on a PD diskette, just found a version of Loaded Brain which is also PD and has a cracker info. And I always thought PD does not need any cracking nor any cracker info (here in Germany both LCP and LB were never sold commercially).

    The program "Clever & Smart" is also available with some cracker info, it even has some weird "protection", the disk is 130k, but the VTOC and DIR on side A count only a 90k disk and therefore show false free sectors. The program itself uses only ~700 sectors on side A (if you copy the files on another 130k disk or repair DIR+VTOC, the program does not work anymore). Maybe all these programs LCP, LB, C&S were planned for commercial release but had been hacked/cracked, copied/pirated before...?!?

    -Andreas Koch.

    P.S.: Will take a look at the program and see if I can do an english translation (or if I can translate at least the german words into english)...

    here is a first try of some word translations (note that the program uses slang and swear words which cannot be 100% correctly translated)...:

    SPIELE ORGEL play organ / play piano
    SETZ DICH sit down
    HALLO hello
    GEHE ZUR ORGEL go to the organ (goto organ) / go to the piano (goto piano)
    SPIELE CLAYDERMAN play Claydermann
    IDIOT idiot
    SPINNER nerd / freak / nutcase / screwball
    ARSCH ass
    DEPP idiot / dumb / dumb ass
    SPIELE EINE PLATTE play a record / play a vinyl record / play a CD
    SPIELE AXEL F play Axel F
    GEHE KLO go to the WC (goto WC)
    GEHE TOILETTE go to the toilet (goto toilet)
    SPIELE COMPUTER play computer
    MACH DIE TUER ZU close the door
    MACHE TUER ZU close door
    MACH TUER ZU close door
    GEHE BETT go bed
    GEHE ZU BETT go to bed
    GEHE INS BETT go into bed
    SCHREIBE BRIEF write letter
    GEHE SCHREIBMASCHINE go to the typewriter (goto typewriter)
    TRINK ETWAS drink something
    ESSE ETWAS eat something
    GEHE ESSEN go eating
    ISS ETWAS eat something !
    ISS eat !
    ESSE eat
    GEHE DUSCHEN take a shower
    GEHE BADEN take a bath
    MACHE GYMNASTIK do/make gymnastics
    GEHE TURNEN take gymnastics
    MACHE FEUER make a fire (make fire)
    WAS what
    WAS? what?
    WAS ? what ?
    MACHE PARTY make party
    GEBE PARTY give party
    VERANSTALTE PARTY celebrate party (make a party)
    VERANSTALTE EINE PARTY celebrate a party (give a party)


    1) the german "Arsch" (swear word) means "ass" and since the answer to „ass“ is: „and you are the hole then!“, we need to use „ass“ and not asshole (or we have to accept both words "ass" and "asshole")...

    2) in german you can use direct or in-direct calls, a direct call sounds like an order, e.g. „iss!/eat!“ where the indirect call sounds normal e.g. „esse/eat“...

    3) the german word „Idiot“ (swear word) means „idiot“ in english,
    „Depp“ (swear word) means something different, alas my dictionary also uses „idiot“ for „Depp“ (there are similar meanings, like „dumm“, „doof“ which mean „dumb“ in english or „Dummkopf“ which is „dumb ass“...)

    4) the german word „Spinner“ (slang, swear word) has different translations in english,
    a) „Computer-Spinner“ is a „nerd“ or sometimes a „freak“,
    b) others are named „nutcase“ in american english and „screwball“ in british english...

    5) the german word „Orgel“ means „organ“ in english, but afaik Richard Claydermann played piano (and piano sounds a lot more common in english)...

    6) „Spiele eine Platte“ means „play a record“, in the past this was equal to „play a vinyl record“, nowadays one would say „play a CD“ (or even „play a MP3“)...

    Last not least note, the LCP/CI program uses a lot of swear words and slang (not everything can be translated word by word into english)...

    -Andreas Koch.
    • 17:
    • CommentTime4 Jan 2012 zmieniony
    Great! Thanks Andreas, it would be nice to have English version of the game.

    PS. QTZ - czy podczas przebudowy gry dodasz swoja wersje obrazka? Jezeli dodalbys w programie dwa DLI to kazdy poziom domu moglby miec wlasne kolory...
    • 18: CommentAuthorPhilsan
    • CommentTime4 Jan 2012
    It would be nice to have more colors with DLIs.
    • 19:
    • CommentTime4 Jan 2012


    Bez użycia duszków ekran mógłby wyglądać tak:

    A moze daloby sie zamienic bitmape na tryb znakowy? Wtedy mozna by dodac jeszcze jeden kolor.


    It would be nice to have more colors with DLIs.

    Agree. Some simple example (2 registers changed twice):

    • 20: CommentAuthorQTZ
    • CommentTime5 Jan 2012 zmieniony
    Hello :) I think CI (LCP) wasn't planned for commercial release, this game is rather made for fun only. Author try to fill the gap on Atari where wasn't official LCP. Protection is probably just for professional look - hide Basic - disable break key, reset - cold start, auto run. Or/And to prevent curious people from looking at not quite good code ;) BTW. I trying to remove some useless variables, and optimize but there must be bug which prevent to free edit the code - sometimes after simple edition strange error appear (nest, line, other…) - in that case game usually hang after door opened… Anyway translation is possible. I think more variants is better. Changing the record player to mp3 is not good idea (we have it on screen and this is nice) beside we have also type writer here... Nice translation I'm waiting for more :)

    @Kaz Fajnie to wygląda - klimacik zwłaszcza w sypialni :), gdyby ktoś zakodował te kolory, aby działały w Turbo Basic'u (słyszałem, że jest to dość proste, ale nigdy jeszcze nie próbowałem) to można by było dodać to do tej gry, ale może lepiej dodać kolory do obecnej grafiki? (znacznie łatwiej i to nie jest konwersja tylko oddzielny program).
    • 21:
    • CommentTime5 Jan 2012
    Skoro w niekompilowanym "Kolony 2106" znalazlo sie miejsce na procedurke w asemblerze (autor: Larek), to i w "LCP" mala procedurka do zmiany DLI by sie mogla znalezc bez szkody dla glownego programu.
    • 22: CommentAuthorQTZ
    • CommentTime5 Jan 2012 zmieniony
    Miejsce jest. Procedura DLI zajmuje niewiele, ale trzeba ją napisać...

    Bluki stosuje tego typu podkolorowania, więc może mógłby pomóc?

    Bluki znajdziesz chwilkę? :)

    Kaz póki co spróbuj podkolorować / poprawić obecną grafikę (ma ona inne proporcje) - obrazek jest na dyskietce pod nazwą BILD2.HPT - wystarczy zmienić rozszerzenie na .mic i odczytać w g2f (na dole są obrazki animacji obiektów).

    I kolory są jakieś takie blade...
    • 23:
    • CommentTime5 Jan 2012
    po co pisać, jak G2F ją wygeneruje (procedurę, w sensie) :)
    starczy wyciąć, skompilowac i użyć...
    It would go amazing looking and playing if you invite Chris Paul Murray, the man behind Henry's House.
    It's all there, it could get an amazing A8 lots of colours.
    LCP it's just perfect for that.
    • 25: CommentAuthorPhilsan
    • CommentTime5 Jan 2012
    Thank you Chris.

    José, I agree with you that a better character would be nice.
    Not finished but a mix of Henry's House idea with the today's G2F possibilities to quickly build a colourful screen and free PMs to get the the guy and the animal freely moving around:
    • 27:
    • CommentTime6 Jan 2012


    Miejsce jest. Procedura DLI zajmuje niewiele, ale trzeba ją napisać...

    Mi nie chodzilo o miejsce tylko o nadrzednosc wobec programu w TB. W Kolony jest procedurka asm, ktora caly czas czuwa nad caloscia :)


    Not finished but a mix of Henry's House idea with the today's G2F possibilities to quickly build a colourful screen and free PMs to get the the guy and the animal freely moving around:

    Nice one! Can you publish g2f file too?
    • 28: CommentAuthorQTZ
    • CommentTime6 Jan 2012 zmieniony
    @Xeen a jest może tutorial - który fragment jest potrzebny i jak go użyć? (z kompilacją i przeniesieniem do zmiennej tekstowej sobie poradzę)

    @Kaz w tej chwili mam problem ze zlokalizowaniem przyczyny występowania błędu po edycji programu głównego, jak się okazuje nawet edycja tekstu może spowodować problem. Prawdopodobnie coś jest nie tak z użyciem pamięci...

    Generalnie program główny jest napisany dość niedbale i tylko część opcji działa - jak widać po grafice pierwotnie miał być bardziej rozbudowany...

    Oczywiście jak się uda zlokalizować przyczynę błędu to z wstawieniem kolorów w DLI nie powinno być problemu.
    Kaz here it is the possible A8:
    -> Done all in ANTIC4 multiple Charsets.
    -> PRIOR0
    DLIs. and PM2&PM3 for gfxs underlasy colouring.
    -> P0&P1 overlays for the guy and the animal.

    (P.s.- Kaz can you put this visible... can't see how you here turn the images visible. thanks.
    Just some small ammendments and then i'll post here the '.g2f' file...)
    • 30: CommentAuthorQTZ
    • CommentTime6 Jan 2012 zmieniony
    @José Pereira

    To make picture visible - copy link and add &t=img.png or #.png like jhusak say here ->link<- in post 43.

    here is your painting:

    Still don't get it

    (45colours&luminances on screen... great A8!...)
    • 32:
    • CommentTime6 Jan 2012
    @QTZ - a masz wersję g2f obrazka, zerknę w wolnej chwili jaka tam jest ta procka DLI.

    Generalnie - jak zapiszesz sobie obrazek do źródła to poszukaj DLI - powinno tm być parę etykiet DLI1 - DLIN, co oznacza, że trzeba pewnie ustawić kilka znaczników przerwań w DL i jest tak naprawdę kilka procedurek. Pierwsza procedurka czeka aż będzie "pewna", że jest na początku obrazka (sprawdza vcounta), ewentualnie robi zmiany i stawia adres następnej procedurki, które wywoła się przy następnym przerwaniu. i tak do N, które to ustawi adres drugiej (bo pierwsza sprawdza vcounta, a to jest zbędne przy następnym rysowaniu ekranu) poza zmianami. kopiujesz to, wpinasz gdzieś do pamięci (kompilujesz pod danym adresem i wczytujesz/dołączasz do programu), modyfikujesz DL o znaczniki przerwań i odpalasz przerwania w programie ustawiając w rejestrze adres DLI1 - załatwione.

    Jeżeli zmian jest mega dużo - to raczej g2f nie wypluje dużo procek DLI, bo się nie opłaca - nie ma to znaczenia tutaj chyba.

    kiepsko stoję z czasem, ale ewentualnie mogę postarać się jakoś pomóc jak dostanę G2F'a.
    • 33: CommentAuthorQTZ
    • CommentTime7 Jan 2012 zmieniony
    @José Pereira - copy link to your picture, not to your post

    Nice work, but how to get upstairs? :)

    @Xeen niestety jeszcze nie mam.
    • 34:
    • CommentTime7 Jan 2012
    Jose - very colorful, look nice! However LCP uses some sprites for people and you have to be sure you don't grab them for colors. I asked about G2F file to confirm you don't.
    • 35: CommentAuthorQTZ
    • CommentTime8 Jan 2012
    Poprawiłem trochę grafikę z edytowanej wersji - w załączniku wersja testowa (również nieznaczne poprawki w kodzie). Śmiecie na początku to grafika drzwi, która się nie mieści (oczywiście później to usunę).
    Kaz, I have PM0 for the guy and PM1 for the dog.
    (Blue blank space on top or Plae Green on Bottom can be used for Text...)
    The files and latest version of the LCP screen:
    • 37: CommentAuthorQTZ
    • CommentTime9 Jan 2012
    Poprawiłem nieużywane animacje (na razie na szybko - aby działały w teście) - są w pliku bild1.hpt (i bild2.hpt) - obydwa to pliki *.mic. Aby je zobaczyć naciskamy reset i uruchamiamy plik home.bas.

    Myślę, że przy podkolorowywaniu grafiki trzeba zwrócić uwagę na animacje - bo elementy mogą wychodzić ze standardowego obszaru.
    • 38: CommentAuthorQTZ
    • CommentTime13 Jan 2012 zmieniony
    New version of Computer Inhabitants with some changes and fixes

    - fixed home graphics and animations (4 colors)
    - animations now displayed using "okna.bin" - less memory usage, no strange behavior
    animations are saved as binary block (bild1.dat - instead of graphics at bottom part of bild2.hpt picture)
    to create new animation data - run "home.bas" - it will create data from "BILD1op.mic" and "BILD2cl.mic" on H:
    (you need to copy both mic files to your H: directory first!)
    state of all items is stored
    data block has two part "tab" and "ok" pointed by "adrtab" and "adrok" - first block determine each item memory location and size (also store it's state), second part are graphics stored Byte by Byte (exchanged with graphics on screen)
    - added debug commands "?", "+" and "-" followed by item number (currently there is 22 items counted from 0 to 21)
    "?" query the status
    "+" turn to "in use" state (1)
    "-" turn to default state (0)
    usage example: "+9" - means set WC door open, "-21" means close the manor door
    movements are not noticed by our friend - if he need to use item, he will just switch the item to correct state
    - now line size is limited to 37 characters - previously enter too many characters caused strange behavior including hang and crash
    - fixed German dictionary - missing command now work
    - animation when using typewriter and computer
    - missing letter is displayed
    - kitchen is accessible (was not due to wrong "if" construction)
    - 2 used bytes on page 6 (to avoid additional "if" when playing richard.2 song) moved to end of page 6 (3 last bytes - 2 with gap used) - this prevent crash when using "okna.bin"
    - other tweaks

    known bugs:
    - jumping or duplicated friend
    - screen saver is not disabled
    - missing features
    - more...

    - sometime page 6 is overwritten by listing - especially after "enter" from "H6:" - best way is to save to "D:" and reset to reload

    I have also found strange behavior of TB - "if-then line no" inside of "if" ... "endif" may cause "nest" error.
    This is very strange - changing name of variable may fix the error also adding "goto" after "then" fix that issue...

    @Jose your graphics look nice, so we have nice graphic, but still no one to create a game conversion.

    I worked on existing version, where I decided to tweak existing graphics only, since this game is different from original.

    To add more colors to this version of game I need dli routine for gr.15 (with text window).

    Maybe someone will help with this?

    @Andreas how translation going?
    If this help you I will extract all texts to text file.
    • 39:
    • CommentTime13 Jan 2012


    New version of Computer Inhabitants with some changes and fixes

    Brawo! Wygladalo jakbys zamilkl, a Ty po prostu poprawiales gre.

    Panowie, kto pomoze QTZ i napisze mu prosta procedurke do zmiany DLI w GR.15 do wykorzystania w Turbo Basicu?
    Hello again,

    today I finished my translation of the program "Computer Inhabitants" (using the latest version CI-in-edit-pic-test-7.7z uploaded above). Hopefully I did not make too many mistakes, translation errors or forgot to translate something - if so, just give me the name of the file (e.g. BRIEF.PRG) and the line-number with the text that still needs to be translated. You can also contact me via e-mail: andiko at web point de (where at = @ and point = .)

    Besides, I did not make a word-by-word translation, instead I looked at the meaning and tried to translate this. However, from time to time there was not enough space left (max. 3 lines with 38 chars in Atari Basic) and so I had to use alternative but similar words/meanings...

    Regarding the orders in the game, I almost always used two word commands like they are found in many text and graphic adventures, e.g. instead of "close the door" I used "close door" or instead of "go to the door" I used "goto door"...

    So here is the attachment of the translated game. I will write further notes in the next comment...

    -Andreas Koch.

    1) here are some changes I made to CI, besides translating the text:

    - changed the DOS from DOS 2.5 to DOS XLE (a DOS 2.5 clone by Reitershan, based on the source-code of DOS 2.5);
    DUP.SYS can be deleted, if disk-space is required for other things...

    - added a small title to TB XL (length now 146 sectors, original Init at $2100 removed, so that the TB XL title does not show up anymore; title-file has been done some years ago by Fandal for me)...

    - allowed both swear words "ASS" and "ASSHOLE" in the program...

    - renamed the name of the figure/funny guy in the main program from "JOERG" (author`s name) into "JACK" (because it sounds more like an english name and err, more like an Atarian name i.e. Jack Tramiel ;-); we can change this into any name we like however...

    - added "START, to abort song" to all sounds and songs, since this works in all songs...

    - left all filenames, except one, on the diskette (disk-directory) unchanged; the changed filename was an illegal DOS 2 filename "JOERG FO.RG" => changed to "JOERG"

    - corrected "Error 164" on the file "AXEL.F"...
    - copied all files over to a new, freshly formatted 130k disk, so that the disk files are not scattered around the whole disk (no more fragmentation of all diskfiles)...

    - Andreas Koch.
    • 42:
    • CommentTime15 Jan 2012
    Andreas, have you attached disk file? :)

    BTW: I converted title screen picture from C64, small improvments included. This is my contribution to QTZ's game refreshing project.

    QTZ - I hope you'll be able to attach this xex file to final version of the fixed game. I can add to title screen names of people involved.


    @KAK: the zip file "" above contains an ATR (disk-image). Why do you ask ?!? Should I have had attached the disk-files or simply the translated texts instead ?!? I have not only translated the main program, but also lots of sub-programs, e.g.

    - Haupt.PRG (main program)
    - Autorun.BAS
    - Autorun.LST
    - Essen.PRG
    - Brief.PRG
    - Klo.PRG
    - Sound 1-5 (five programs)
    - Richard 1-4 (four programs)

    and maybe some more programs. Most translations had to be done in Haupt.PRG and in Brief.PRG (translation of several letters); the other programs required mostly just 1-2 sentences to translate...


    2) Last not least I have also some ideas for enhancements or updates of the game program:

    - add some more swear words:

    e.g. "dumb ass" and "dumbass" (reply "If I am dumb, you are the ass.");

    e.g. „donkey“ (reply „I might be the donkey, but you are the Kong.“)

    e.g. „gay“ (often just a typo for „guy“; reply with „No, I am not, do you have a problem with that ?“)

    e.g. „stupid“ or „you are stupid“ or „stupid you“ (reply with „If you are stupid or having psychological problems, call ELIZA the psychotherapist!“)

    e.g. „fuck you“ or „fuck off“ (reply with „No thanks, I prefer Cindy Crawford and Anne Hathaway.“)

    One could ask around at atari-age and similar forums for common english/american swear words that are used daily and add a few of them into this game...

    - add some more actions:

    e.g. „wash hands“ (since there is a wash basin; reply could be „But I always wash my hands“ and/or the figure could move to the wash basin),

    e.g. „watch tv“ (either reply with „Nothing on tv today“ or move the figure to the tv and load an external program TV.PRG that shows some animated things, like a tv-speaker or simply a picture in Gr. 8/9/15 and then the figure replies with „Nothing on tv today“),

    e.g. „clean service“ (reply with „But I have a dishwasher“)

    e.g. „do hoovering“ (with a vacuum cleaner, the figure could reply with „ I do that when I want to.“)

    e.g. „have sex“ (reply with „But there is no one there I could have sex with. Or do you want to have sex with me ?“)

    e.g. „undress“ or „undress yourself“ or „strip“ (reply: „You have to play Strip Poker with me, then we will see who strips here.“)

    e.g. „go dancing“ or „go dance“ or „dance“ (reply with: „I can`t dance; I can`t talk, the only thing about me is the way I walk.“ as a reference to a Genesis song)

    e.g. „do the moonwalk“ or „do moonwalk“ or „moonwalk“ (reply with „I am not Michael Jackson !“)

    e.g. „get chicks“ or „call chicks“ (reply with „I play the guitar on MTV, money for nothing and the chicks for free. Alas, I don`t have a guitar, nor do I have chicks.“)

    e.g. „help“ or „help me“ (reply with „Help yourself or Eliza will do.“)

    e.g. „name“ or „your name“ (reply with „We don`t do name calling, do we ? How about guessing my name ? Do you know my name ?“)

    e.g. „go cellar“ or „goto cellar“ (reply with „I don`t have one, since all the corpses are lying there.“)

    e.g. „go attic“ or „goto attic“ or „go loft“ or „goto loft“ (reply with „No, there are ghosts, we have to call the Ghostbusters first.“)

    e.g. „play music“ or „make music“ (same action/reaction as „play record“ or „play piano“ - the figure moves and some external music is played e.g. by Depeche Mode)

    e.g. „fart“ or „go farting“ (reply with „And now you and me have to play in a stinky room.“)

    e.g. „call wellfare“ or „call wellfare department“ or „call wellfare office“ (reply with „Hey, I am not a child, nor a youth, I am an adult !“)

    e.g. „call girls“ or „phone girls“ or „invite girls“ (reply with „Why don`t you visit a girls camp ? I like to live alone.“)

    e.g. „leave home“ or „leave“ (reply with „My home is my castle, I will not leave it.“)

    e.g. „exit“ or „quit“ (reply with „To exit from here, search for another Alternate Reality or simply press Reset.“)

    e.g. „go car“ or „goto car“ (reply with „ I am living in a box, so I don`t need one.“)

    e.g. „commit suicide“ (reply with „Do you really want to hurt me ? Luckily, I have a survival instinct !“)

    e.g. „kill yourself“ or „kill“ (reply with „ I don`t have a license to kill !“)

    e.g „read docs“ (reply with „They are top secret - for your eyes only !“)

    e.g. „read note“ or „read post“ (reply with „from russia with love is written on it...“)

    e.g. „look mirror“ (reply with „I am staring at the man in the mirror, I ask if he could change his way...“)

    e.g. „look window“ or „look outside“ (reply with „I see the living daylights.“)

    e.g. „make popcorn“ or „eat popcorn“ (reply with „Yummy, yummy yummy.“ while maybe the song Popcorn by J.M. Jarre is playing)

    e.g. „open window“ or „close window“ (reply with „I don`t like Windows, I prefer CP/M or Linux.“)

    e.g. „read book“ (reply with „I only have the Neverending Story, but since I have an endless life, that one takes too long to read.“)

    e.g. „read magazine“ (reply with „Which magazine ? Playboy ? Penthouse ? Hustler ? You little pervert !“)

    e.g. „call bitches“ or „invite bitches“ (reply with „You like bitches, hmm - just like e.g. your wife.“)

    e.g. „do crocheting“ or „do knitting“ (reply with „I am not an older woman.“)

    e.g. „shave yourself“ or „shave beard“ or „shave moustache“ (reply with „And you, shave your balls ! I don`t need a shave.“)

    e.g. „measure dick“ or „measure penis“ (reply with „You pervert ! But I can at least see mine !“)

    e.g. „masturbate“ (reply with „You pervert ! And I thought you had a wife...“)

    e.g. „call sex“ or „sex call“ or „phone sex“ (reply with „This is not a sex-phone-number here. Get your bitches elsewhere !“)

    e.g. „play monopoly“ or „play game“ (reply with „You now owe me 4.000.000 Euro-Dollars and you lose.“)

    e.g. „go working“ or „goto work“ (reply with „I work at home, just like David Bowie, day in and day out.“)

    e.g. „go park“ or „goto park“ (suggestions for a reply are welcome...)

    e.g. „watch movie“ or „goto cinema“ (reply with „I am a pirate ! I have lots of pirated copies at home.“)

    e.g. „order catalog“ or „order internet“ or „order something“ (reply with „I am living in Middle-Earth/ Asgard / Hogwards / Fantasia / Lummerland / Takka-Tukka-Land / Hades/ Sesame Street / Toon-Town / inside a 6502, thats why the post never finds me.“)

    e.g. „play chess“ or „play checkers“ or „play go“ or „play backgammon“ or „play domino“ or „play solitaire“ (reply with „Do you want to play a game with me ? Playing alone is so boring.“)

    e.g.„first name“ or „christian name“ or „last name“ or „surname“ (reply with „My name is JACK. I have been sucked into this computer ! Play a game of Tron to help me out of here...“)

    e.g. „play Tron“ (=> loads a simple tron game, where one has to win against the computer 5 or 10 times; if successfull then a Gr. 9 picture is shown with a happy/laughing/smiling person and he is sending you greetings and congratulations for setting him free - and you win+end the game...)

    *** instead of JACK one could use any other name (e.g. the name of the main person in TRON, Kevin Flynn)...

    I know of course, that there is not enough room (not enough computer memory, not enough disk space) to include all these actions and swear words in the LCP/CI program, but maybe one can add a few of them. These are just suggestions. On the other hand, maybe one can code a new version in Action! or C or Forth or Assembler ?!? Or one can at least compile the TB XL version (into CTB), which will not be easy, since a lot of sounds do not sound good in CTB and some statements used in the main program (e.g. DSOUND) will not compile with the TB XL compiler, but maybe someone still finds a way...

    -Andreas Koch.
    • 44:
    • CommentTime16 Jan 2012 zmieniony
    Andreas, my mistake, I haven't noticed the attached file!
    • 45: CommentAuthorlhuven
    • CommentTime16 Jan 2012
    Nie zdawałem sobie sprawy, że tak niewinnie, żeby nie rzec dziecinnie wyglądająca gra posiada "adult content".
    • 46: CommentAuthorQTZ
    • CommentTime16 Jan 2012 zmieniony

    News in this version:
    - sound.5 (song) is now on play list (it ends unexpected)
    - unused Axel.F file (corrupted copy of AxelF) removed.
    - all music have own skip text
    - inkey$ part fixed and moved to one proc instead of 10 same command sequences
    - title in game have "ns" at the end instead of name of file where it is "nts". Is this another bug? (I've changed that)
    - other non spectacular changes like exchange values with variables (to decrease file size)
    - some proc's names are changed
    Andreas Koch
    Du bist dumm (you are stupid - response: so are you)
    There wasn't response for that sequence
    - I have added this to "idiot" answer

    There is no answer to "Joerg" too. I think this is just author stamp similar to file "Joerg Forg". Anyway I think our friend should answer something.

    Interesting stuff:
    - during play richard.1 - player may use joystick to slow down or speed up the music
    - there is protection against changing author name - I think this was the main reason for adding protection to listings
    Andreas Koch
    (...)tried other DOS versions, but while loading the program jumped to Self Test...
    This is probably caused by this simple protection (simple when we can see whole listing) - this may happened because in different DOS author name is located elsewhere in memory, so check doesn't catch the right place and exiting to self test


    @Andreas Koch your atr crash emulator, so I've moved files to old disk to test - Great Work! I will check if everything is translated and merge english version with v.9.

    "Joerg Forg" file occupied 1 sector, but it's empty(?) - this is some sort of territory pissing thing so I have leaved it. I saw you put there simple program... or is this edited contents?

    There is still space on this disk so we can add something, but adding so many queries (orders) with this engine cause game to slow down (each time loading all queries and answers and during play compare everything), also duplicated dictionary is waste of space (I must think of something else), beside all questions are like: "do something" answer: "go away" :)

    In game questions are most the same way - this is because we don't control our guy (even on software side) - he just move randomly, so we can't say him "please go somewhere"... I haven't analyzed this so deeply, but this look like he have some points, where he random where to go and if he is in place where he had something to do he doing that (play animation or sound), but when he do something else first (something which need loading another part) he "forgotten" what we asking for... (some things are stored).

    Another thing how we can get some space is concatenate PM animations into one file, also main image can be compressed.

    @Kaz - I think adding xex is not problem in TB, but I don't know what happened after picture is unloaded - maybe this need some changes in picture code to return to TB or to load TB after picture display?

    Second thing - title of this game is "Computer Inhabitants" - this is NOT conversion!

    Picture is very nice (look exactly like on C64).

    @Lhuven "adult contents" (but not so strong as above) as far as I know is only in Atari version which is unofficial variation of LCP.

    the many ideas above for enhancements of Computer Inhabitants (yes, Computer Inhabitants is written with "nts" at the end the other form was just a typo by the author) were only suggestions and examples. Do not include all of them, just some of them...

    The program has several points where our funny guy (the figure that "lives" in the house) asks us, if we know his name, alas it looks like nowhere in the program it was planned that we can successfully answer this (by guessing his correct name). Not only in the main-program we are asked to guess his name, also in the sub-program "Brief.PRG" (which contains various short letters), we are asked to guess his name. But as said before, even if we guess his name, this has no effect in the program.

    And err, the file "JOERG FO.RG" was really empty, I looked at it with a disk/sector-editor and found out it was empty, so I replaced it with a valid DOS 2 file named "JOERG" containig three simple/stupid Atari Basic lines ("Hello my name is..."), but since this file is never loaded from the main program it will also have no effect. Hopefully the main program (or any other program) does not check anymore for the presence of the original "JOERG FO.RG" file, if so remove this check...

    Last not least, I tested my translated version on the real Atari 800XL (PAL, 576k RAM) and it worked there. When testing it on the Atari 800 Win emulator I also got an "Error 138 timeout at line 70" which I cannot understand...?!? Afaik, the error happens in the program Autorun.BAS or Autorun.LST... hopefully you can fix this.

    Furthermore, I don`t like it very much, that our player/figure (the funny guy in the program) is created by some 30-40 files, each of them 1 sector short - could this be changed somehow (e.g. fewer files with more sectors)...?!? And you are right, above examples are only questions we could ask the guy - which will then give us stupid answers. It would be much nicer if the funny guy could do some more things (but I am not sure if there is enough computer memory or disk-space left)...

    Greetings, Andreas Koch.
    • 48:
    • CommentTime18 Jan 2012


    @Kaz - I think adding xex is not problem in TB, but I don't know what happened after picture is unloaded - maybe this need some changes in picture code to return to TB or to load TB after picture display?

    Mozesz uzyc programu Larka do scalania - najpierw zaladuje sie obrazek XEX, a potem wlasciwy program (TB). Nie trzeba wtedy nic dodawac do srodka TB, obrazek jest zewnetrznym programem.


    Second thing - title of this game is "Computer Inhabitants" - this is NOT conversion!

    Dobrze, to moze byc glowny tytul na srodku notatnika.


    Picture is very nice (look exactly like on C64).

    Nie calkiem tak samo. Na C-64 gumka jest koloru szarego, a u nas jak w wersji Apple II i PC-88. Do tego paredziesiat pikesli jest innych. Ogolnie to ten obrazek na C-64 jest slaby, szczegolnie to czerwone niewiadomo-co, ktore chyba mialo byc takim znacznikiem, jak w wersji ZX Spectrum, ale nie wyszlo.
    • 49: CommentAuthorQTZ
    • CommentTime20 Jan 2012 zmieniony

    @Andreas Koch all text displayed in game is translated. (I have found only "und" in autoexec.bas). I have changed in English version every "text !" to "text!" and "text ?" to "text?".
    There are still some remarks and variables names in German. Next time I will prepare files to further translation.
    You have added POKE 65,%0 at beginning - I don't know what this exactly do - as far I have found this is related to SOUND?
    Last message in brief.prg (now note.prg) was disabled - now I know why - there are no mini games to play... anyway I leaved this enabled. Also in this file ";" is displayed now as "," (in German version too - I hope this is not incorrect) that's because "," works in Basic as "data" separator.
    Other thing: "He" say he have C64, but he wrote in Atari Basic :)

    v.12 info:

    Two versions - German and English (I will try to keep both up to date until text is in original form)
    Moved to fresh disc (due to some unavailable/corrupted? sectors on original disk)

    File names are changed to English (for both versions):

    program files:
    AUTORUN.BAS (new credits - little different for German and English version)
    AUTORUN.LST => AUTORUN.NXT (now okna.bin stored inside)
    RICHARD.# (richard.1 - no more reload of okna.bin - just moved to temporary location, then moved back)
    SOUND.# => SONG.#
    BRIEF.PRG => NOTE.PRG ("SimCity" changed to "SimTown")
    HAUPT.PRG => MAIN.PRG (renumbered; duplicated remark in line 1670 /now/ removed)

    system files:
    DOS.SYS (dos 2.5 fresh file)
    AUTORUN.SYS => DUP.SYS (Andreas Koch Turbo Basic file with game title; file name changed due to crash on entering DOS)

    figure related files:
    HAAR# & KOPF# => HEAD10WH.DAT (10* hairs /2 empty/ and 10* head data - some heads are exactly the same)
    BRUSTA# & BRUSTB# => BODY10LR.DAT (body parts - 10* left and 10* right)

    home picture related files:
    BILD2.HPT => HOME.PIC (main picture - raw)
    BILD1.DAT => ITEMS.DAT (table and Byte by Byte binary format images for animated items)

    development files:
    HOME.BAS => HOME.SDK (tool to create home.pic & items.dat from files below)
    BILD2cl.mic => HomeShut.mic (source image of house with all items in "default" state; removed obsolete animation data)
    BILD1op.mic => HomeOpen.mic (source image with all items set to "in use" state)

    Joerg Forg (skipped)

    Now is above 200 sectors free without original dup.sys (replaced) and sdk files (home.sdk, homeshut.mic & homeopen.mic)

    Data size for heads and hairs increased to 8 Bytes per image (20*8B instead of 8*5B + 10*8B)
    Data size for each body side increased to 3*8 Bytes per image (20*24B instead of 20*17B or 20*18B in one case)
    I decided to increase file size to allow easy editing of those files - two sectors are wasted, but much more is released.

    homeshut.mic (old bild2cl.mic) & homeopen.mic (old bild1op.mic) copied to disk

    WARNING: now home.sdk read from H: and then from D: (if file not found on H:), but NOT updating .mic files on D: or H: (updating only game files). So this is not recommended to keep .mic files on D: and H: at same time!

    After edition of .mic files remember to run home.sdk (turbo basic file) - this will exchange images used in game.

    Note: also home.sdk may need editing.

    @Kaz Twój obrazek jest za dobry do obecnej wersji gry :) Zachowaj go (źródło g2f) w tej postaci na potrzeby konwersji - może ktoś się skusi :) Tutaj trzeba zmienić / uzupełnić tytuł... fajnie gdyby dało się wyświetlać tekst z "zewnątrz"... (oryginalnie na tym screenie wpisuje się czas i inne dane), ale żebyś się niepotrzebnie nie napracował (no chyba, że masz akurat wenę i nie będziesz zawiedziony, jeżeli nie użyję obrazka z przyczyn technicznych) proponuję, aby najpierw się uporać z problemem wstawiania obrazków do Turbo Basic'a, bo na razie tylko odczytanie obrazka przed TB się udało, ale z niedogodnościami (szczegóły poniżej), z poziomu TB (BRUN) nie, dołączenie pliku programem "Integrator 3.01" też nie - prawdopodobnie nowszy Graph2Font generuje pliki niezgodne z tym programem. Obrazek próbowałem dodać do samego Turbo Basic'a, bo pliki gry nie są skompilowane i dodanie do nich xex'a tym programem nie jest możliwe. Myślę, że trzeba ingerować w kod, czyli najlepiej gdyby mieć źródła obrazka i kogoś, kto wie, co trzeba zmienić / dopisać / usunąć :). Ja gdybym umiał zrobiłbym tak, aby obrazek doklejony do TB (lub uruchamiany przed nim jako autorun.sys) pokazywał się zamiast ekranu startowego TB i był widoczny do czasu wczytania TB i plików / danych gry (czyli do momentu, kiedy dostanie sygnał, że wszystko OK... gorzej gdy wystąpi błąd...) - wtedy, jeżeli minąłby określony czas to obrazek by znikał, ale nie wcześniej niż przed końcem wczytywania...
    Kolejna sprawa, że taki obrazek zabiera sporo miejsca... (ale póki co jak się wyrzuci obrazki źródłowe /.mic/ to jeszcze trochę miejsca będzie...)

    @Andreas Koch - maybe you know how to use Graph2Font generated file (xex) in TB program?
    The easiest way for add opening image is to copy image.xex as autorun.sys (you must press the key during load) when main program is saved as "dup.sys", but with this - TB crash after reset pressing... (example included).
    • 50:
    • CommentTime20 Jan 2012 zmieniony
    Mowisz i masz... wersje 4-kolorowa :). Do tego jeszcze obcieta do 32 bajtow szerokosci, zeby zajmowala jak najmniej miejsca. Mozesz ja spokojnie wlaczyc do TB, bo to format MIC. W razie potrzeby kompresji mozna skompresowac do formatu Koala i wtedy bedzie zajmowac 3 razy mniej.

    Przy okazji zmienilem ten pedzelko-olowek na olowek i dodalem wystajace druty do notatnika (u mnie zawsze wystaja we wszystkich notatnikach :).

    Acha, no i oczywiscie na notatniku mozna w TB pisac teksty, na przyklad kto zrobil gre, nazwe gracza, etc.