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Vanilla 1.1.4 jest produktem Lussumo. Więcej informacji: Dokumentacja, Forum.
This circuit preserves the high impedance inputs and open collector output of the standard Atari interface. This high impedance input is what allows you to connect more than one peripheral to the SIO buss.Clarence:
NOTE: I was asked to clarify the LM3086 / 14C86 schematic. I did it freehand and as such, doesn't look all that great. Still you should understand the mods on it. I added a resister between +5 volts and pin 4 of the 14C89. There is no resister from +5 volts and the collector of the 2N3904 transistor as this is an open collector design. A pull up resister is not needed. Also, a 1 to 10 ohm resister can be used in place of the ferrite bead on the collector lead. Circuit ground goes to pin 4 of the SIO connector. You can also add the same ground to the circuit above. I designed these circuits to be mounted inside the computer on a small cricuit board. Same for the ProSys circuits. They were designed to be mounted inside the 810 / 1030 Disk Drive. But with a little modification, you should be able to use these circuits any way you please.Od 1 do 6 z 6