Kuba, możesz zjechać na DK72 w kierunku Konia i Turku, potem w DK92 i na koniec DK25 albo pojechać A2 do następnego zjazdu i odbić od razu na DK25 na Konin.
* piątek, 7 lipca: - 21:00 - koncert: Jeremiah Kane - We are the Ronin - 22:00 - grill
* sobota, 8 lipca: - 12:00 - deadline dla prac zgłaszanych do konkursów - 12:01 - wykład: Techniki realizacji obrazów na 8 bitowych komputerach Atari - Rocky/MadTeam - 13:00 - wykład: Polskie cartridge dla c64 - analiza i dumpowanie - Raf/C64lover - 16:00 - grill - 18:00 - koncert: Gregfeel - SID Time Machine - 21:00 - compos - 00:00? - koniec głosowania (lub godzinę po zakończeniu konkursów - w zależności co nastąpi później)
Przypominamy, że do dyspozycji uczestników będzie darmowa kawa i herbata. Zabierzcie jednak ze sobą własne kubki, no chyba że chcecie wesprzeć zlot i kupić na miejscu te z poprzednich edycji (jeśli nie zamówiliście tegorocznego). Oczywiście pamiętamy o tym, aby o swój kubek odpowiednio się troszczyć: umyć, kiedy trzeba i nie zostawiać gdzie popadnie...
Ci, którzy przyjadą do nas po raz pierwszy zorientują się szybko, że Lost Party jest spotkaniem ludzi, których łączy wspólna pasja. Dlatego w skład party place wchodzą: taras i duży namiot, gdzie będzie mnóstwo miejsca na rozmowy do białego rana. Zabierzcie więc ze sobą wszystko to, czego potrzebujecie lub kupcie na miejscu. Bardzo blisko są: dwa markety, restauracje, piekarnia, 2 bankomaty, Żabka, a nieco dalej stacja benzynowa.
Auto będzie można zostawić z tyłu budynku Straży Pożarnej (wjazd od prawej stronie).
Jeśli chodzi o grill, to w myśl zasady, że organizator zaprasza, będą kiełbaski, chleb i dodatki w postaci musztardy, ketchupu i sosów. Na pewno nie będziecie głodni! Jeśli nie jesteście fanami kiełbasy między dwoma pajdami chleba, to zatroszćcie się o talerzyk we własnym zakresie.
Rodziców z dziećmi informujemy, że przy party place są huśtawki, a przy plaży jest mały plac zabaw. A właśnie! Zapowiada się słoneczna pogoda. Zabierzcie stroje kąpielowe - jezioro licheńskie zaprasza (jest po drugiej stronie ulicy od miejsca zlotu).
Gdybyście mieli jakiekolwiek pytania, organizatorzy zlotu są do Waszej dyspozycji. Do zobaczenia!
Wszystkie konkursy zakończone już o 23 wieczorem a stuff puszczony jeszcze tego samego dnia??? ;o Olaboga, to tak się jednak da?! ;) Wielkie gratulacje! :)
Ja również dziękuję za party, było zacnie! Kurde, tylko wiem, że było na party masę osób, które chciałem poznać osobiście i pogadać, a ich w ogóle nie spotkałem:-) Za dużo na raz:-) Pewnie się mijaliśmy gdzieś w przejściach obok siebie, jednak czasu mało było, party musiało by chyba trwać ze dwa tygodnie, to było by więcej czasu na myślenie kto jest kim i zapamiętanie wszystkich twarzy:-) Do zobaczenia następnym razem!
Ja również dziękuję.. było ok.. Widzę, że cała moja prezentacja została bardzo dobrze nagrana, wszystko pięknie widać.. Sam się z ciekawością posłuchałem :) ..polecam.
@Rocky: prezentacja była super, z chęcią poukładałem sobie w głowie te techniki wszystkie - niby rzeczy znajome każdemu kto programuje na Atari, ale diabeł tkwi w szczegółach i fajnie, że te szczegóły zdradziłeś, podkreśliłeś. Było super.
@Jacques Wich were the POKEY tunes ? I don't find one tune that is running on POKEY. Remember? POKEY is that chip in the Atari . 4 channels and cool possibilities ...
It's not "my problem" with stereo tunes. People see the cheating. Also. A single POKEY can do sounding tricks that were not possible, using two POKEYs. And, two POKEYs is still cheating, because they compensate tuning errors.
The point is: This is the 1st ATARI combo that doesn't contain even one tune that is playable on a real machine.
OMG, you have no powers to talk for the "people", demoscene loves "cheating" since 90's then and stereo POKEY tune won :D And it wasn't even Atari msx compo, but multi-platform, so was the whole party. Did I need to repeat it? EOT.
@Jacques No need for me to have "powers" ;) It's what other people see. And they see that stock Ataris weren't used. A stereo POKEY tune won ? OK. So an upgraded Atari is needed to do and to replay that. It's hard enough to tell people of RAM expansions, but to tell "hey the Atari is great" and then to use just expanded machines is like an oxymoron. You'd better do a step out of your infobox and get a breath of reality. If the Contest was about "upgraded" Machines... well But, in an Atari 8 Bit contest a stock machine isn't worth the hassle ? On the C64 they use stereo expansions. But they declare things. And they show "real" tunes for a real machine.
You don't need to repeat things. You'd better rethink....
everyone has their own perspective on this. For example, for me is using RMT extreme pokey cheating, because is not possible to create the same on real HW, only on PC with PC tracker, which pokey only emulate. Yes it is interesting, but it is not real atari pokey music . . . so, this is my perspective . . . stereo ? it is ok, because it is original HW in real atari. RMT is the reason why iam still using native music composer SDCMC, not PC Tracker which is compatible with pokey ;-)
So the same would apply to G2F pictures... Yet even in the era, 8-bit games were very often (at least partly) produced on Amiga/ST/PC. I see nothing wrong with that as long as result is Atari8-compatible :-) And 2x POKEY is simply twice as great as single, still pure Atari technology :-)
Emkay: you are complaining about dual pokey but do you even have real Atari and use it? I bet you only use emulators, since you barely ever attach xex files when you post a video
@gorgh I still have my 800XL that I bought in 1985. 256k compy shop expansion with "debugger". I stopped using it some years ago. Just to save the life of the machine. I also own an 130XE and some speedy 1050s ;) The fun was gone as some programs arrived that just played weird sounds on the Atari. The strange part is that ONLY people from outside the Atari scene take care of that. We now have very advanced projects for creating new stuff on the "real Atari". There is dxRMT and RMTe , and some side development in "Deflemask". You know why those projects won't work as they should ? People don't want to have music played on the real thing. The cause for me , not to release all of my working results is simple: Particular on Atariage , there were a lot of disruptive Trolls. Offering my work, could help them to stand on that "we knew it all" place, if you understand. You might see the parallels, as I was always proposing to use double scanline modes. They pi..ed an sh..d on my comments . And now have a look what a fine game "Trax" is. Things mostly weren't as they might look for you.
@as nice provocation. But in contests of those old machines the only real worthy part is: What was the stock machine of that time ... back then ... able to reach. You guys seem to miss that this "8 Bit War" has it's roots back in 1982. Commodore did a check on all available machines, did a shortcut and produced a dedicated machine to barely have better visuals and sound than the machines on the market. The offending part there was the low end CPU used , when the machine arrived. So only the possibilities on those old machines counted, if they have been possible on the real thing. If you want to show the possibilities on the Atari, you just have to use the Atari. The point on the Atari that allows more RAM is just the design and the Cartridge options from the beginning. The problem with POKEY is that the chip was misinterpreted by the designer himself. Till today , you use the misinterpretation and put it to 2 POKEYs. But the chip itself is still not fully developed. It's somehow similar to the PC. The Hardware upgrades allowed more possibilities. It needed a 32 Bit PC with 32 Bit color and what not ;) ... to have a CGA PC showing thousands of colors. The right development stalled, because people just bought better Hardware by the years. Today you could produce some A8 computer with 64 Bit processors, Gigs of RAM ... real sound... But this has nothing to do with 1979 or 1982...
This tune , replayed in dxRMT uses about 2 % of CPU time. So for GTIA Playback is still about 60 % of CPU time available, if the screen is turned on. If turned off, it's about 96 % CPU time to add some nice digi drums and basses... which allowed to have even more choices to program POKEY features...
solo/ng I didn't mean to offend anyone and I apologize, but I like the traditional pokey sounds from CMC, Future Composer, Black Magic Composer, Protracker . . . and nobody composes anything in them anymore :( The wide variety of sounds in each editor was beautiful.
But yes, you're right, times are different and I'm stuck in the past :)