Czołem, tak się zastanawiałem czy macie może kolekcję muzyczek atarowskich w formacie XEX lub ATR, nie chodzi mi o pojedyncze utwory ale całe kolekcje, może ewentualnie jest sposób, aby przekonwertować hurtem SAP na XEX?
SAPemu by EPI (Adrian Matoga) plays .SAP files on Atari XL/XE with at least 128K RAM.
Personal (subjective) opinion: SAPemu does not play all SAP-files, maybe 50% of them, maybe more, at some point I simply became too lazy (or too frustrated) to test more files, since so many did not work with SAPemu. On the other hand, there are more than six thousand SAP files available... maybe converting them to XEX still isn't such a bad idea after all ?!? (But I don't have the time to listen to all of them anyways.)
SAPemu works fine under DOS 2.x and SDFS. In my collection I have SAPemu 0.3, but I see there is a newer version 0.4 at the Atari SAP Music Archive available for download (link by shanti77 above).